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The chase was something that had always excited me. 

The pursuit sent exhilarating shivers down my spine; my knuckles flexed in anticipation as I edged closer and closer to the unsuspecting victim. 

My feet picked up a pace that wasn't quite a run, it was a briskly paced stride that was quickly catching up to the walk of the person on the receiving end of this pursuit. 

I became acutely aware of the rings that were clinging to my fingers; I flexed them out of habit as I felt a sadistic smirk spread across my features. 

I was getting closer. 

The dark alleyway was dimly lit under the watchful eye of the moon, allowing me to linger slightly back and stay hidden in the shadows. My victim was completely oblivious to my pursuit, chattering away belligerently on the phone. 


I had a mission; one that I could not fail. The stakes were high with this pursuit, my whole future depended on this succeeding. I couldn't face defeat or failure. I've never been defeated, and I wasn't starting with this scum.

Feeling the detrimental situation I'd found myself in creeping up on me, I sped up my pace even more. My black leather shoes hit off the pavement at such a speed that I knew I was going to be clocked soon. I fumbled into my jacket pocket, quickly finding the black ski mask I needed and pulling it over my features. 

Flexing my knuckles one last time, I reached forward and lunged for my victim, slapping my hand over their mouth to mute any pathetic protests. They fumbled around under my weighted grasp as I pushed them forward against the wall, their cheek pressing against the harsh bricks. 

Failed, fumbled words echoed against my palm. 

Helpless prayers to God. 

"Oh, no. Praying to God isn't going to help you now."

Oh my god!! The prequel!! I'm so so so excited to get into this story!! 

Follow me on tiktok for visual updates: wxtermelonsugaar

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro