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*The song for this chapter is Still Don't Know My Name - Labrinth.*


I knew I was fucked the minute I sat myself down in the booth opposite the man that had made my thoughts do sinful things since the minute I laid eyes on him. 

Swirling my straw around my usual double vodka and lemonade, I kept my gaze fixed on his as he flexed his muscular arms along the back of the booth; his eyes were fixated on mine with a mischievous look etched on his features. 

"You invited me for a drink yet you're being the most silent I've ever seen you," I pointed out, leaning back in my booth as I dug into my blazer pocket to retrieve my cigarettes and lighter. 

He let out a breathy chuckle as he picked up his whiskey glass, taking a sip from it before placing it back on the table. He took his lower lip between his teeth as he watched me light up my cigarette. 

"You're an absolute sight to behold, darling. Sometimes it's best to just say nothing and let the energy speak," he replied, taking another sip of his drink as he kept his gaze on me. 

I scoffed as I took another inhale of my cigarette, flicking the ash into the ashtray as I let my gaze drift down from his eyes to his chest before moving them back up to his eyes. 

"You're right. I am a sight to behold, but I don't sit down and just have drinks with random clientele so you best make this worth my time," I point out to him, leaning back on my elbows with my cigarette dangling between my fingers. 

He cocked his head to the side as a deep laugh left his lips, clicking his tongue before leaning forward and plucking my cigarette from between my fingers. He proceeded to take a drag of it as he leaned back into the booth, a look I can only describe as intrigued plastering his features. 

"Why don't we start with you telling me your name?" He suggested, working his lips around the filter of my cigarette. 

"That's not worth my time," I replied, picking up my double vodka from the table and taking a sip of it through my straw. 

"You expect us to carry a conversation without knowing each other's names?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

I shrug my shoulders as I began twirling the straw around in my glass, "We've gone this long without knowing each other's names. The clocks ticking and you're wasting my time." 

"You have me on a time limit?" 

"You're wasting my time." 

He raised his eyebrow in a perplexed manner, flicking the remainder of the cigarette into the ashtray before putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward so he was closer to me. 

"You've been running circles round my mind, angel," he mumbled quietly to me, his gaze never leaving mine as he spoke his words. 

"I tend to have that effect on people. Is that all?" I replied boredly, taking another sip of my drink as I move my gaze to the liquor I was swirling round my glass. 

He chuckled lowly, running his thumb across his lower lip as he shook his head. 

"That's not even a fraction of what I have to say, but the rest isn't necessary. You haven't been playing in my mind for that reason, angel. I came here to cut a deal with you," he stated boldly, leaning back into the booth with a more serious expression on his face. 

I tilted my head to the side in a confused manner, placing my drink on the table as I remained composed and collected in my seat. 

"You came here to butter me up to 'cut a deal?'" I questioned him, adjusting my suit on my body as I leaned forward folding my arms on the table. 

He took a long swig of his whiskey before placing the empty glass on the table and responding, "You have full management of this place, correct?" 

I felt the defensiveness creep up from the pit of my stomach and rise up to my chest; I couldn't allow my guard to even slightly dip in front of this man so I composed myself instantly, flicking my hair over my shoulder as I level with him. 

"Management and ownership. What makes you ask?" I calmly respond to him, taking another sip of my drink as I wait for his response. 

He raised his eyebrow as he leaned forward on his elbows so he was level with me again, "Ownership? How old are you, angel?" 

"A lady never tells her age, plus it's irrelevant. Your time is ticking," I responded, a fake hint of politeness lacing my words as I tap my nails on side of my glass. 

"How long have you owned Haze?" He asked, curiosity taking over his godly features.

"Long enough." 

A low chuckle left his lips as he leaned back into the booth, retrieving a cigarette from his packet and placing it between his lips, "You're making this incredibly difficult for me, angel." 

"What am I making difficult?" I asked, watching him take my lighter off the table to light up his cigarette. 

"I'm not here to cut up a deal. I'm trying to figure you out," he responded to my surprise, what I assumed was truthfully. 

I couldn't stop the small smirk creep up on my lips, knowing that I hadn't given him anything that wouldn't be obvious to the naked eye. All I told him was that I own and manage Haze, a piece of information that I assumed was fucking obvious. Then again, the people in this club knew my Papa; this man in front of me was an anonymaly to the usual clientele we got. Then again, I didn't know shit about him either; he could have been one of the biggest stockbrokers on Wall Street for all I knew. 

"What would make you think that I would give away anything to you, whether we ended up 'cutting a deal' or not?" I ask, genuinely intrigued as to what his thought process was during this conversation. 

He shrugged, exhaling a long breath of smoke before responding, "I thought the guard might have dropped if you knew you were in a business conversation." 

I couldn't help the genuine laugh that left my cherry lips at the conclusion that left his lips in that moment. 

How fucking dumb could one man be? 

"So let me get this straight," I began, leaning forward so I was half leaned on the table, "You thought that you could waltz your way into my club, lure me for a drink and then proceed to pretend that you planned to cut a business deal with me so you could find out things about me? You genuinely, with your whole heart, believed that I would lower my guard for a business conversation? Also, you believed that I would have a business conversation with some random man who I hadn't had vetted and checked in a booth in my club? Come on, now." 

The man sat there with a genuinely amused expression on his face, which made my blood boil. 

There was nothing I hated more than being mocked and ridiculed. 

"So, how do you suggest that I get to know you?" He asked, stubbing the smoked cigarette out in the ashtray whilst he lubricated his lips with his tongue. 

I glare at him under my heavy lashes, not bothering to even act professional in front of him anymore. 

Fuck professionalism. 

This shit was getting real. 

"What makes you think I'd entertain the thought of getting to know you?" I shot at him, gripping the booth underneath me as a way to relieve any form of outburst that was seconds away from occurring. 

I was a ticking time bomb. 

I could feel it. 

"You're still sat here, baby girl. You wouldn't be if some part of me didn't intrigue you," he responded sweetly, his demeanour showcasing that he knew he was getting under my skin. 

"I'm still sat here because I want to know what your fucking problem is. You met me for a brief ten minutes last night in that grotty, dingy dive and turn up at my fucking club the next night? How did you even know I work here?" I practically yell at him, digging my nails into the material of the booth. 

He raised his eyebrow at my statement, a chuckle leaving his lips as he shook his head at my outburst. "Oh, baby girl. You really don't have a clue do you?" 

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion as I stare at him from my spot opposite him in the booth; I was genuinely at a loss for words. 

What the fuck did he mean? 

"Ah, Mr. Harry Styles. I trust my Celeste has made you feel welcome." 

I snap my head to the side instantly, recognising that voice anywhere. 


The man that I now knew as Harry Styles kept his gaze fixed on me with a look of pure success as I stayed still in my position in the booth. 

What the fuck was going on here? 

Why wasn't I in the loop? 

Harry stood up from his seat in the booth, adjusting his suit as he shook Papa's hand in a firm manner, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Delgado. Celeste has been an absolute divine hostess." 

I bite my tongue so hard I could taste blood in my mouth, standing up from my seat and grabbing both of our glasses off the table. 

"Evening, Papa. So glad you decided to grace me with your presence a day early. It wouldn't have killed you to update the itinery," I seethed at my Papa, turning on my heel so I was face to face with him. 

Papa looked at me with a look that I knew all too well; he wasn't happy with my outburst but I didn't care. How could he do something like this without telling me to expect clientele like Mr. Styles? 

"Now, now, Celeste. Let's save this for later, yes? How about you go and get Mr. Styles and I some drinks? We'll be in my office," he responded, a fake lacing of politeness in his words. 

I scoff and move my gaze to Harry, reaching into his jacket pocket and retrieving the lighter that I saw him pocket as he stood up from the booth to greet Papa. I noticed his features change to a soft smirk as I slipped the lighter out, brushing his thumb across his lower lip. 

"Very well, Papa. Have an excellent night, Mr Styles," I respond, my gaze flicking from Papa to Harry as I turn away on my heels and begin my descent back down to the main floor, hearing Harry's voice echo lowly behind me. 

"Have a wonderful night, Miss. Delgado."


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