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*The song for this chapter is Chase Atlantic - Paranoid.*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter includes violence and mentions drugs. Please do not read if these themes trigger you & stay safe!*


Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm floating.

Floating up to the highest point in the universe, my soul leaving my body and transcending way beyond the known ability that the human consciousness can allow.

I could feel the softness of the clouds as I levitated beyond the realm of planet Earth.

I could feel my body rise above the insignificance of humans.

My body felt as light as a feather; my brain was truly filled with nothingness.

In those moments I truly felt free. Free from all of the burdens and troubles of my human life. To be able to disconnect from my body and mind in such a way was truly the only moment of peace I ever felt.

Then I landed back on the earth and my safe reverie shattered around me like shards of broken glass.

"Miss Delgado? Your Papa requests you in his office."

I opened my eyes and looked at Ludmilla standing in my doorway from the serenity of my bed. I groaned audibly from under my covers, stretching my body out as I slid my way out of the protection of my bed.

"Very well. Thank-you, Ludmilla," I acknowledged as she nodded her head and closed my door behind her.

My feet hit the cold flooring of my bedroom, causing a little shiver to run through my body before I padded my way over to my mirror. I grimaced at the reflection that greeted me; my hair was in a messy bun on top of my head, my eyes had dark circles underneath them and my body was covered in a black tank top and black pajama shorts. I couldn't bear the sight of myself a second longer so I quickly turned away and grabbed my black silk robe off the back of my bedroom door. Shrugging it onto my shoulders, I exited my bedroom and began the dreaded descent to Papa's home office. I let out a sigh as I rubbed the side of my temples in mental preparation for what was to come. Ludmilla came up beside me with a steaming hot cup of coffee before I reached the large doors of Papa's office, to which I gratefully accepted with a sad attempt of a smile.

"Would you like me to draw you a bath for when the meeting is over, Miss Delgado?" Ludmilla asked, smoothing out her work clothes as she stood and waited for my response.

I shook my head as I smiled at her gently, "That won't be necessary Ludmilla, thank-you. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and catch up on your gardening? The bushes are looking beautiful."

A wide smile broke out across her face as she responded with a happy, "Thank-you, Miss Delgado. Have a wonderful remainder of your day."

I returned the pleasantries before pushing open Papa's office door and stopping dead in my tracks.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

Harry turned around to face me from his position in one of the chairs at Papa's desk, running his eyes up and down my body quickly causing me to wrap my robe tighter around my body at the vulnerability.

"Celeste. Manners. Sit down," Papa ordered, pointing to the spare chair next to Harry's as he got up to pour himself and Harry another bourbon from his liquor table.

"Once again, why the fuck is he here?" I practically yelled, my words laced with pure fury as I indicated my hand towards Harry's frame.

My Papa pinched the bridge of his nose briefly before collecting the two bourbon glasses and making his way back over to his desk as he replied with a calm, "We have things to discuss."

"Must I be present for this discussion? I'm really not in the conversational mood," I seethed, wrapping both of my hands around my mug of coffee as I stayed close to the door for a quick escape.

"Celeste Andrea Delgado, sit yourself down. I will not ask again," Papa responded in a firm tone, indicating to me that this was a lost battle on my behalf.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way over to the chair next to Harry's, sitting myself down on it and crossing one of my legs over the other as I kept my glaring gaze on Papa. I could sense Harry stiffen slightly in his seat as he cleared his throat before taking a sip of his bourbon. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife; nobody was saying anything or making an attempt to make the first initiation into the conversation. Papa leaned forward in his chair, crossing both of his arms as he kept his steady gaze on the two of us opposite him.

"Celeste. Some decisions have been made and put into full effect after the events that took place in Haze. Your input will not sway my mind, nor will it affect the decisions I've made," Papa spoke, his gaze never leaving mine as he delivered his statement.

"If my input will not sway your mind or decisions then what is the use of me being present? This evidently isn't a democratic situation, so why not just be a dictator as usual?" I replied coldly, taking a sip of my coffee before placing it on the table in front of me.

Papa didn't even flinch at my response, he just took a sip of his bourbon and cleared his throat before continuing with, "Given the lack of competence that your security has displayed in the recent events, I think it best to remove them completely. The men will be replaced with some of my own men; men capable of providing protection regardless of the threat level."

I let out a cold chuckle, shaking my head as I leaned forward to retrieve my coffee from the table to take a long gulp. I kept my gaze fixed directly on Papa's, my irises scorching his with pure hatred as I drawled out, "Do go on. I can't wait to hear what else you've got up your fucking sleeve."

Papa leaned back into his chair, opening up his cigarette tin to retrieve a cigarette and perching it in the side of his mouth. He proceeded to light it and exhale the smoke, the harsh smell of the cigarette filling up his office. He averted his gaze back to mine, looking as if he was planning his next words very carefully in order to do minimal damage. I grew impatient at his lack of conversation, extending my palm out to Harry knowing that he would have instantly understood my request. As if on cue, he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his cigarettes placing one in my palm along with a lighter. I never broke Papa's gaze as I placed it between my lips, lighting it up and taking a long drag followed with an exhale. Papa hated it when I smoked in front of him, he didn't think it 'lady-like'.

Whatever the fuck that means.

"Filthy habit for a woman," Papa scolded, hypocrisy lacing his words as he took another inhalation of his own cigarette.

"Are you going to continue telling me your new dictatorship regime, or are we done here?" I shot at him, leaning forward and flicking the ash onto the perfectly polished table.

Papa's eyes instantly narrowed, pushing the ashtray further into the middle of the table as he replied with, "Myself and Mr. Styles have been in conversation today regarding the future of Haze, but most importantly about your safety as the owner. Mr. Styles made a very important observation in our conversation about your loyalty and your love of owning the club. Keeping that in mind, I have decided that you will remain the owner of Haze, but Mr. Styles will be appointed as the clubs decision-maker and director. Any future decisions regarding security matters or damage control are to go directly to Mr. Styles, then he will pass them on to me."

I felt the blood in my body boil during the deliverance of his speech. My thoughts became a hazy blur as I felt my breathing begin to quicken, my hands shaking with utter rage as I stood up and yelled, "Are you fucking kidding me, right now? You don't even fucking know him yet you're making him the director and decision-maker of my fucking club?"

"This is non-negotiable, Celeste. You need guidance and above all, protection. Mr. Styles did an excellent job of getting you out of the club safely. Having him there would ensure your safety," Papa replied, taking another sip of his drink and putting out his cigarette.

"Over my dead fucking body," I seethed bitterly, not even being able to look in the direction of Harry sat next to me.

"It would have been over your dead body had I not been there to get you out, Celeste."

I snapped my head in his direction instantly, anger raging in my eyes as I locked our gazes together. He was sat there with an aura of smugness surrounding him, his gaze meeting with mine as I rubbed the pad of my thumb over my bottom lip. A demented chuckle left my throat as I walked next to his chair, his gaze following me as I stopped dead in my tracks. The almost fizzled-out cigarette was still in between my fingers as I leaned down slightly so I was eye-level with him. A sinister, sick smile plastered my face as I never broke eye contact with him, pressing the end of the cigarette into his hand causing a pained hiss to leave his lips as I made sure to twist it till it was completely out.

"Celeste Delgado!"

Papa's voice bellowed through the office as Harry stayed immobile in his seat, rubbing his injured hand as Papa jumped up out of his chair in rage. I cocked my head in Papa's direction, standing up from my previous position over Harry's frame.

"What possessed you to do such a thing?" Papa questioned in an angry tone, ringing the bell for assistance.

"He asked for it."

I turned on my heels and instantly made my way out of the office, slamming the large doors behind me in pure rage as I stormed my way back to my bedroom. When in the familiar room, I let out a frustrated scream before running my hands down my face in exasperation. My blood was still running as hot as fire through my body, my hands shaking in pure adrenaline as I paced around my room. No matter how many times I attempted to regulate my breathing, they were futile attempts. I could feel myself begin to get light-headed and hazy with the anger that was coursing through my veins and consuming every inch of my rationality. I staggered my way into the bathroom, stopping when I came face to face with the mirror above my sink. I stared at my own reflection for what seemed like hours, taking in every inch of the image that was presented in front of me.

I hated what I saw.

I loathed it.

I heard banging on my bedroom door from my position in the bathroom, accompanied by angry yelling from Papa. I ignored it, slumping down against the cold wall as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

How could I go from floating beyond the realm of Planet Earth to being at rock bottom?

I must have sat on that cold bathroom floor for over an hour, my head resting in my knees as I contemplated my next move. I eventually managed to drag myself up off the floor, resting against the sink as I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on my face a couple of times. Patting my face dry on the hand towel, I let out a steady exhale and made my way back into my bedroom. I located my phone under the duvets and instantly dialed Lana's number; she'd been at her own house since our Papa's returned home and truthfully, I'd missed her.

She picked up with a quick, "CeCe! How are you doing, baby?"

I smiled upon hearing her voice ringing through my ear as I replied, "Molly? Sinners?"

"See you in ten, baby."

I guess we're doing molly in Sinners.

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