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The song for this chapter is Cigarettes & Alcohol - Santino Le Saint.

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It had been two weeks since I woke up in the hospital and everything was slowly beginning to majorly aggravate me to the brink of insanity.

I'd been staying at Harry's apartment since I discharged myself, much to his and Zayn's disapproval, and I'd been confined between the walls with strict instructions to stay put. Everyone had been working tirelessly to try and figure out what the best next move would be but none of them had allowed me to offer my help, or to go into the field with them to locate sources of information or clues.

It was driving me fucking crazy to not be out there doing what I do best.

My protests hadn't been silent by any means; there had been many heated confrontations between myself, Harry, and Zayn, that had more often than not resulted in me smashing something in Harry's apartment. They were concrete in their decision of keeping me isolated from any further attempted assassinations at the hands of currently unconfirmed assassins. Cora tried to rally against them with me, insisting that the quickest way for me to heal was to train myself better.

They threatened to disband her from the group if she sided on the side of the rebel, which only pushed her to threaten to cut off both of their dicks if they insulted her integrity with such a foolish threat again.

Cora and I had formed a strong friendship over the weeks that I spent sprawled out on Harry's couch, chain-smoking the cigarettes that she brought me every day when she came to visit. Zayn had tried to persuade me to ease up on the smoking whilst I was healing as it could have potentially slowed the process down. I didn't even bother to shoot him a snide remark as I proceeded to light up cigarette after cigarette out of pure pettiness alone. Cora never allowed them to take control over my movements whilst I was in the prison of Harry's apartment; she brought me my cigarettes, my vodka, fresh beauty, and skincare supplies, as well as a whole new wardrobe that she'd purchased for me out of money given to her from Harry. It was comforting to have the presence of another strong woman around me when I'd previously only had the men surrounding me. I kept my guard up around Cora for a few days after I woke up out of paranoia that she may have had an ulterior motive with me, however, I soon came to the realization that there was no need for her to do everything that she was.

She was just like me.

A woman navigating her way in a world ran by men.

We were both sat on the couch in Harry's apartment, as we had been every day since I discharged myself from the hospital, smoking cigarettes and watching some terrible reality television when Harry walked in with Zayn. I flickered my gaze up towards them, taking in their disheveled appearance and tired eyes.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," I muttered out, averting my gaze back to the television and discarding some ash from my cigarette.

"Are you watching reality television?" Harry questioned, confusion lacing his words as he ignored my remark.

I took a deep inhalation of my cigarette before responding with a snide, "What does it look like I'm doing, Harry?"

"You hate watching television," he stated, causing me to instantly roll my eyes out of frustration.

"I also hate having my own free will and movement stripped away from me."

"We're not going through this again, Celeste. We'd rather have you alive than force you into a position where you're essentially fucking bait," Harry shot back at me, striding towards the television and switching it off.

"Hey, you fucking prick! I was watching that," Cora yelled out, throwing her cigarette into the ashtray as her glare pierced Harry's own irises.

"Cora. Out. Now," Zayn chimed in from his position near the entry of Harry's apartment, his own glare piercing his reluctant sisters.

Cora instantly stood up from the couch, a look of absolute disgust lacing her features before she leaned down and kissed my head as a farewell gesture. Her long, slender legs marched past Harry and towards her brother at the doorway. The two of them exited without saying another word, leaving myself and Harry to our stare-off. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink in weeks, which he hadn't. He'd given up his bed for me to use whilst I 'healed' so he'd taken up the couch, despite my protests that I was fine on the couch. He had dark circles under his eyes and his features just weren't as alive as they usually were. I knew it wasn't just down to his poor sleeping habits; he was stressed about the whole situation that we'd found ourselves in. We had theories and guesses but none of them were concrete and definite. In reality, they were struggling to get any further in their queries because they wouldn't allow me to offer my services, which were essential.

They were all experiencing self-inflicted blows to the chest.

"You do know that I'm not doing this to you out of spite, don't you?"

Harry's voice pierced me out of my thoughts and caused me to snap my head up in his direction. I put my cigarette out in the ashtray before setting it on the table, never breaking my gaze from his as I settled back down into the crevice of the couch.

"I don't know at this point, Harry. I could have been out there doing something useful a week ago, maybe longer, but between yourself and Zayn you're doing a great job at ensuring I never leave this apartment again."

I observed him run his fingers through his hair, his gaze flickering towards the floor as he took a deep inhalation of breath to fill his lungs up with the oxygen they had been deprived of whilst he waited for me to speak. He let out a deep exhale before locking gazes with mine from the other side of the room, the fingers on his left hand playing with the rings on his right hand in what I can only describe as a nervous habit.

"Celeste. Do you realize that I almost lost you? Can you comprehend that as I sat at the side of your hospital bed when you finally woke up, I came close to thanking a false God that you hadn't yet left me? There are many things in the world that I can't explain. Things that if I tried to decipher them I would be on my knees in search of answers. Those feelings that I felt when I saw the bullet pierce you are one of those things that I will never be able to explain, no matter how long I spend on my knees searching for answers. I will never ever apologize to you for how merciless I've been these last few weeks by keeping you safe and protected here whilst you recover. If any apology, or mercy, is what you're looking for from me then it's not granted. I'd rather you despise me for a few weeks than to feel the pain of not knowing whether you're going to wake up again."

The words pierced me just like the bullet to my chest; the ache spread directly from my chest to the pit of my stomach as I took in every single word that left Harry's lips. The words were sincere, honest, yet damned at the same time. The concept of my demise leaving someone so hopeless and in so much pain was a concept that I couldn't comprehend. The thought of someone caring me for so deeply, forced or by choice, was something that didn't register in my brain. Yet, to see Harry pouring out his feelings to me in such a raw and unedited manner was making my heartache. I cleared my throat before standing up from the couch, slowly making my way over to him. Our gazes never faltered as I made my way to him, the nerves still present in the nervous habit I'd just deciphered. I stopped in front of him, my hand resting gently on his lower arm as I kept our gazes locked. His eyes softened instantly at my touch, his lips parting as if to say something which I slowly shook my head in decline at.

"I do understand why you've done what you've done, so please don't think that I don't, but I'm stronger than you and Zayn think. I've survived all on my own before the two of you made your way into my life, which is something that I don't regret either. I don't seek an apology, nor do I seek mercy, but I do seek the same understanding that I'm giving you right now. An understanding Harry, that we are a team. It's not your responsibility to ensure that I survive, nor is it your responsibility to keep me safe. There are always going to be people out there that plan and wish for my demise. Fuck, one of them could potentially be my own Papa. You can't give yourself the additional stress of trying to keep my impulsive ass safe. I throw myself into what I do because there is nothing else that I'm good at. I'm always going to be involved in this fucked up criminal world that we've found ourselves in. I don't seek a protector in you, nor do I seek one in Zayn. I seek a team. I ask for equality. I need an equal. Not a superior. Please, understand that I will do what I can in combat to defend you but it's my responsibility to keep me alive. Just as it's your responsibility to keep yourself alive. We can't carry the guilt of blaming ourselves for the potential demise of the other."

He listened to every single word that left my lips with so much patience, his hands taking mine in his grasp as I finished my speech. He kept his gaze locked with mine as he stroked his thumb over the base of my hand, his eyes searching mine for some sort of clue that wasn't there. I could tell that he was doing his best at understanding my request but I also knew that he was traditional in the sense of his belief that the man should always protect the woman. I didn't expect much out of our conversation as I kept these thoughts at the back of my brain, a steady exhale leaving my lips as I waited for him to respond.

"I understand your stance on being on an equal playing field with your team, Celeste. Don't ever think that I'm trying to undermine your ability, nor your talent, with what we're doing. I know you can handle yourself; I've seen you do it plenty of times and you're better than myself, or Zayn, in that department. Your safety though is my responsibility. Just like it's Zayn's, Cora's, Niall's, André's, Seth's, and now Matteo's. You're at the forefront of something that is bigger than all of us, something that by some fucked up, twisted, fate has put you right in the bullseye. You are my equal, Celeste. You are my team. We can't be a team if you're not here to be my other half."

The shock I felt at his response was coursing through me at a million miles per hour. I felt my hands involuntarily shake in between his grasp; my gaze faltered for a brief second to the ground before he released one of his hands to tilt my chin up with his fore-finger. My chest began to rise and fall at a slightly quicker pace as we connected gazes once more. He removed his finger from under my chin to the side of my face, running his finger across the skin as he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

"We're in this together, Celeste. Till one of us takes the descent into hell."

I couldn't form words; my voice box felt as if it had disintegrated into absolutely nothing in my throat. I nodded in response, my hand tightening and grasping his as I held onto Harry for support. The number of emotions that had been released and revealed during our conversation was too much for me to be able to comprehend. Harry didn't need me to speak; he knew that I received and understood everything he had said. I would have never have said it aloud, even if my voice had allowed me to, but he was right.

We couldn't be equals, nor a team if one of us was to die.

Harry let go of my hands and embraced me in his arms, both of them locking tightly around my back as I allowed myself to be engulfed with the comforting feeling that I wasn't aware I'd been craving. My head rested on his chest, the rhythmic pattern of his chest rising and falling with his breathing causing me to slowly begin to relax for the first time in weeks. His fingers traced soothing patterns across my back as we stood in silence reveling in the comfort that we were both giving each other. I allowed my thoughts to drift away from the tension and stress that I'd been holding onto, the next words leaking from my lips so freely that I shocked myself.

"I'd love to just escape for a while. To leave everything behind and focus on me."

Harry's patterns on my back stopped instantly, his arms tightening around me more securely as he rested his head on top of mine. I sensed his breathing increase slightly as he held me in his arms.

"We can go anywhere you want, angel."

I snapped my head up instantly, stepping back slightly so I could lock gazes with Harry. The words took me by surprise as I didn't expect anything to come from my meaningless string of words that I blurted out in my momentary bliss. His irises locked with mine as he observed my features that were displaying a combination of shock and confusion.

"Are you serious, Harry?"

He nodded in response, his arms still loosely wrapped around my frame as we commenced our typical stare-off. There wasn't a slither of deceit or lies on his features; he was being genuine and I detest to admit that it made my heart flutter.

"You have my word, Celeste. If you get in the car with me there will be no mentioning of work, or our mission, until we return. It'll be you and me until you tell me otherwise."

The words rang around my ears as I tried to comprehend how quickly the conversation went from one hundred to one thousand. My eyes darted from Harry's held gaze to the ground as my heart began to thump mercilessly against my chest. I took several steps back out of his grasp, my feet carrying me backward to the couch as I let out shaky exhales. I could feel myself yearning to distance myself from him; my head and my heart were at battle with each other and my head was winning.

"I don't know Harry. I really don't know."

I watched Harry's eyes display signs of sheer confusion as he watched me descend away from him as my wall began to build itself back up. He ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation as he flickered his gaze from me to the floor, then back to me. The backs of my legs hit the couch before I dropped myself down on it and placed my head in my hands. My head was thumping with my own insecurities and the complications that I was creating out of my own complexities. I heard Harry's footsteps get closer to my position on the couch; his hands suddenly held my arms gently as he spoke his next words softly.

"Celeste. I'm not here to psyche you out or make you feel uncomfortable. If I've made you feel that way then I do apologize because that was never ever my intention. I'm being serious about us going away somewhere for a couple of days or even a night. The world isn't going to come to a halt and end because we take some time off. Zayn is more than capable of holding things down here. You deserve a break. We can come back whenever you want, I'm not going to hold you hostage. You can leave of your own free will."

I lifted my head out of my hands once he'd finished his speech, my eyes locking with his as he traced his fingers soothingly against the skin on my arms. I nodded slowly, going against what my head was directing me to do.

There was something different about his irises when they connected with mine.

They weren't reading in a manner that was hiding hidden meanings that yearned for me to decipher; they were searching mine in a way that made my legs buckle and stomach somersault as I felt my breath stop in my chest.

It was as if at that moment, there was nobody else in this fucked up world other than us; the two most fucked up people in it.

I knew that whatever story he and I were destined to share wouldn't be your traditional Romeo and Juliet.

I didn't want it to be a fabricated facade for people to envy when we both fell six feet under one day.

We were Harry and Celeste.

That's all we needed to be.

"Thank you."

The words left my lips in a barely audible whisper, my gaze staying connected with his as I exhaled the words of gratitude against my own will. His expression changed to a quizzical and confused reading as he took in the simple, yet so complex, word that left my lips.

"What are you thanking me for?" He questioned softly, his fingers never ceasing their rhythmic patterns against my skin.

"For listening to me. For valuing me enough to dig deeper into me than anybody has ever bothered to, whilst simultaneously being a pain in my ass. I'm grateful you're my team."

Harr's face softened at the words that left my lips, his fingers extending to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. He nodded in response; he didn't need to say any form of understanding words at that moment. The silence that fell around us was more comforting than any sentence he could have spoken. I was the first to break the silence, connecting our gazes as a small smile spread on my lips.

"I'm going to go pack. Do you want me to pack anything for you?"

He stood up from his crouched position in front of me, running his fingers through his disheveled locks as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. He shook his head in response, focusing his attention on his phone.

"It's okay, angel. I have some bags packed in the car. Go get what you need, I'm going to call Zayn to tell him we're going on a vacation."

I stood up from the couch, managing a small nod before making my descent into Harry's bedroom. I went into the walk-in closet he had on the far side of the room; the place where all of my new clothes had found their new home. There was a brown leather Louis Vuitton suitcase in one of the many cabinets of the closet, a perfect size for our short vacation. I began to collect all of the necessary items that I'd need for our nights away; I ventured out of the closet and into the en-suite bathroom that was attached to the side of Harry's bedroom. I placed enough skincare, toiletries, and make-up to last the short stay wherever we were going.

My thoughts were surprisingly calm considering the detachment I'd displayed earlier. I was allowing myself to just sink into the situation I'd found myself in; the barriers were still there but they were pushed to the back of my mind as I ensured everything I needed was crammed into the suitcase. I took a quick once over of my appearance in the full-length closet mirror; my black jeans and Harry's oversized white sweater a suitable outfit for our journey. I fixed my hair quickly before heaving the suitcase from the cabinet, dragging it back into the lounge where Harry was sat at the breakfast bar with a cigarette dangling between his fingers. He glanced up in my direction with a small smile etched onto his lips, flicking some of the ash from his cigarette into the ashtray.

"Everything's been arranged with Zayn. Do you have what you need?"

I nodded in response, leaving my suitcase in the middle of the room before making my way over to the table to collect my cigarettes, cell phone, and bank card, placing them into a small clutch bag that was on the center of the coffee table whilst replying, "I do. Are you sure everything's handled? I don't want to leave if shit's about to go down."

A small chuckle left Harry's lips as he slid off the barstool, discarding his cigarette into the ashtray before he made his way over to me. He grabbed my clutch out of my grasp, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as he responded with a quiet, "Relax, Celeste. I wouldn't impulsively flee if we were in immediate danger. Trust me."

'Trust me.'

I did.

I cleared my throat, my heart beginning to rapidly beat in my chest as I walked back over to my suitcase, placing my hand on the top of it to signal that I was ready to go. I knew that if I hesitated further into the last-minute plan that had somehow come to light it wouldn't happen. The plan itself wasn't what was making my brain go into overdrive or my heart rate to increase at such an alarming speed that I had to do a double-take that I wasn't about to pass out; it was how much could have crawled out of the depths of my heart and spill onto Harry's being. There was an element of the unknown that was psyching me out of my rational way of thinking and lurching me into the arms of a man who a few weeks prior made my skin crawl and my paranoia tick.

Now, it was the arms of a man who was my team.

Harry took my signal that I was ready and grabbed a few items off the breakfast bar, proceeding to shove them into his pocket as he set up the security system of his apartment. I dragged my suitcase to the apartment door, turning off the main lights as I made the short journey, and waited for Harry outside. I took the few seconds of aloneness to let out a large inhale and exhale, closing my eyes slightly as I centered myself into my own body. I knew that my indecisiveness would subside as soon as the distractions would begin and the night played out. The humidity of the apartment complex was making me crave the feeling of the cold Los Angeles breeze against my skin and blowing through my hair.

As if he could hear my every thought, Harry emerged from the apartment a few seconds later. He had my clutch in his right hand as he proceeded to lock the door with his left, placing the keys into his jacket pocket before turning his attention fully to me.

"Ready to go, angel?"

I nodded once and began my descent to the elevator, dragging my suitcase behind me as Harry followed closely behind. I pressed the button on the elevator, releasing the suitcase briefly as we waited for it to reach our floor. Harry placed his hand on the bottom of my back, causing me to lean into his touch automatically out of comfort. The elevator dinged once it had reached our floor; I went to grab my suitcase but was met with Harry dragging it behind him into the elevator. I rolled my eyes at the gesture, following behind him to the inside of the elevator.

"I'm capable of carrying my own luggage, Harry."

"Tell me when I said you weren't, Celeste."

"You didn't give an indication that you were taking control of my luggage, Harry."

"Shut the fuck up, Celeste."

"Make me, Harry."

Within seconds Harry had me pinned up against the cold metal of the inside of the elevator, his hands wrapped around my waist as he harshly pressed his lips against my own. Our lips moved in a messy manner, our tongues hungrily fighting for dominance as I bucked my hips up against Harry's out of sheer desperation. A low groan emitted from his lips, causing him to pull away and wrap one of his hands around my throat as his darkened irises penetrated my own with looks of pure lust.

"Don't play with me right now, angel. It won't work out in your favor."

The words left his swollen lips in a low husky tone, his fingers still tight around my throat as my head pressed against the wall of the elevator. Our gazes were locked; his eyes glossed over to disguise the desperation he was feeling surrounding his desire to feel our bodies pressed together and to taste my lips. A small smirk etched onto my lips as I allowed his words to whirl around my brain, as well as the feeling of his fingers wrapped around my throat.

"Oh, Harry. We both know I'm no angel."

Before he got a chance to respond to my words, the elevator doors opened and the dinging noise ricocheted off the walls. I pushed myself out of his grasp and began my descent out of the elevator and through the main doors of the apartment complex, leaving Harry to collect himself and follow behind me. I heard the sound of the suitcase being dragged across the floor, causing a smirk to play on the corners of my lips as I exited the main gate and made my way to Harry's vehicle. I didn't take one glance back at him as I opened the passenger door and slid inside. I left the door purposefully open as he placed my suitcase into the trunk of the car, playing mind games with him to annoy him.

I wanted to see how far I could push his buttons.

When Harry emerged from behind the vehicle, a stern look was written all over his perfectly chiseled features as he approached my passenger side. He threw my clutch onto my lap before he slammed the door shut, beginning his angry stride over to the drivers' side of the vehicle. I chuckled lowly, settling down into my seat and closing my eyes. The sound of Harry climbing into the car, and angrily slamming the door behind him, didn't cause me to so much as blink. I knew that Harry was seething at our exchange in the elevator, so the notion of my behavior when reaching the vehicle would have sent him over the edge.


My predictions were confirmed as soon as I heard Harry turn the key in the ignition and begin to rev the engine. I smirked and opened my eyes, turning my face to the side so I could take in his current state.

"Is there a problem, baby?" I questioned, a hint of innocence lacing itself around my words as Harry snapped his head in my direction.

He flexed his hands on the steering wheel; the veins in his hands becoming exceptionally prominent as he responded with a hostile, "Problem? Not at all. If I were you though, I'd double check your seat belt. Just in case."

I rolled my eyes at his response, settling back into my seat as Harry sped away from the front of his apartment complex at an unnecessary speed. The speed he was reaching was suitable for a police chase.

Not a relaxing few nights away.

As soon as we merged onto the highway, I rolled my passenger window down to allow myself to feel the breeze against my skin. I sat up slightly to allow myself to rest my chin on my arms on the window. A small smile spread on my lips as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to take in the freedom that I was feeling. Traces of relaxation began to trickle through my bloodstream as all of my worries, anxieties, and paranoia, began to float away in the ripples of the breeze. Harry's hand gently rested on my thigh; a gesture that I hardly felt in my tranquil state.

"It's just you and me, angel."

Harry's words faded out in my mind as I began to completely allow myself to sink into the feeling of pure tranquility. My eyes began to slowly close as I drifted off into a blissful state of sleep.


"Celeste. Wake up, angel."

The words caused me to stir slightly, a numb feeling tingling through my arms as I lifted my head up from the window of the car. I turned around to see Harry sitting in the driver's side of the car, a small smile etched onto his lips as he watched me sleepily try to come to my senses. I fumbled around to try and locate my clutch, picking it up from its position between my thighs. I rubbed my eyes several times before turning my attention back to Harry and nodding once.

"I'm awake."

A small laugh left Harry's throat as he opened his door and climbed out of the vehicle, prompting me to do the same. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I stretched out my limbs and made my way to the trunk of the vehicle where Harry was pulling out my suitcase. I glanced around to try and scope out the area, my brows furrowing in confusion at the unrecognizable surroundings.

"Where are we?" I questioned, my eyes continuing to dart around to try and locate a clue of where we were.

Harry placed my suitcase on the ground and closed the trunk, his gaze flickering from the vehicle to me as he replied with a cryptic, "Sometimes ignorance is bliss, angel."

My eyebrows stayed furrowed as my eyes locked on a high white wall, and a luxurious-looking golden gate, that was concealing whatever was behind it. Harry began to drag my suitcase in the location of the gate, stopping briefly to look into a security system camera that I assumed was scanning his eyes. The gate slowly slid open, confirming my assumption, revealing what appeared to be a condo. The architecture was so incredibly grandeur, yet sleek, that it almost didn't appear to be real. There were acres of garden space that were filled with the most beautiful looking flowers and greenery, as well as the tallest palm trees I had ever laid my eyes on. My feet carried me further into the safe haven that Harry had brought me to, allowing me to get a slight glimpse of a pool and hot tub that was hidden behind the condo further into the garden.

For the first time in my life, I was fully speechless.

"Do you like it?"

I managed to tear my eyes away from the surreal surroundings that were in my vision, averting my gaze up to Harry who was looking down at me with a look of pure bliss.

"It's perfect, Harry."

Harry extended one of his hands out to me, which I instantly accepted, and began to lead me up the stairs of the condo to the front entrance. He stopped when we reached the wooden door, letting go of my suitcase but keeping a grasp on my hand as he pushed open the door to reveal the interior of the property.

A loud gasp left my lips as soon as the interior was revealed to me; the pure beauty of the property stopped me dead in my tracks. Harry dragged my luggage into the hallway of the condo, pulling me gently along with him as my eyes darted around in an attempt to take in every inch of the interior. The walls were white, a mirror image of the walls in Harry's apartment, with an array of paintings covering the walls in brown wooden frames. Every possible flower was painted and mounted into an array of frames that lined the walls; it was as if the painter had made it their mission to capture every single flower they could and replicate it with such intricate detail that it was as if the actual flower itself was inside the frame. Further into the condo was a multitude of sculptures that were scattered around in no particular order; sculptures of the female body, of surreal shapes and figures that didn't make any logical sense. The furniture was sleek and black, again like Harry's apartment, but the antique ornaments that lined the fireplace, cabinets, and tables, gave the area a flare of individualism.

The whole interior was a modernist's dream.

I turned around to see Harry stood there watching me with a look of what I can only describe as peace, his eyes locking with mine as he made his way over to me. He wrapped his arms lightly around my waist as he kept our gazes connected.

"I brought you here because this is my little portion of heaven; everything here brings me so much bliss and I hope it does for you too. Art is subjective to the viewer."

My eyes instantly softened at his words, my arms wrapping gently around his neck as I responded with a quiet, "You remembered what I said the night at your apartment?"

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?"

His eyes showed signs of confusion and curiosity at my question, causing my stomach to flip at the concept of someone actually taking an interest in me. Instead of voicing my thoughts, I shook my head and smiled once again as I replied, "So, what do you want to do first?"

Harry cocked his head to the side as if he had been anticipating this question, before taking my hand in his once more and leading me to a room that was attached to the far side of the lounge. He didn't speak as he led me there, the anticipation and curiosity coursing through my veins as he pushed the door open to reveal a plain white room with no furniture. The only items that occupied the space were a single ring-light and some stickers that were stuck on one of the walls; stickers that ranged from flowers, birds, and other little insects. I looked up at Harry in a confused state, his eyes displaying a look of gentleness as he squeezed my hand slightly.

"I want to capture my slice of heaven."



She was so blissfully unaware of her beauty that the images were even more perfect than I envisioned when I organized this vacation.

There she was, sat against the wall with her white underwear on and her slogan cropped tee that read 'Feminist'.

The specks of pink, blue, orange, green, and yellow, formed an almost pastel halo around her figure that emitted a slight silhouette on the wall behind her. She looked so peaceful, a sharp contrast to her usual high-rate persona when she was in the streets of downtown Los Angeles. To capture the rare occasion that she was actually aligned with herself was a moment that I knew I could never let slip.

I knew that everything was going to explode soon, our tranquil reverie would be shattered as we would be forced to confront things that just didn't even seem plausible when we were in the walls of my condo.

I knew that this side of her would be gone forever.

I needed her to revel in the feelings of safety, of bliss, of ecstasy.

Her hair discarded down her back as she posed in such an elegant manner that it almost didn't seem like a pose at all.

It was as if it was her natural state of being.

I snapped the pictures with such precision and caution; ensuring that not one speck of her beauty would go unnoticed.

A small smile spread across her features, causing my heart to stop abruptly in my chest and my breath to hitch in my throat. I was so locked in the trance of Celeste Delgado that I didn't even hesitate when the words left my lips.

"Forever my angel, forever your devil."

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