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The song for this chapter is I'm Not In Love - Kelsey Lu.

*TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains mature themes of rough sex that may be upsetting or triggering for some people. If these themes upset or trigger you then please don't read on and stay safe.* 


Escaping everything, even just for a short while, was something that I never thought would be possible. 

That may sound bizarre to some but the whole concept of escaping and running away was something that I didn't comprehend as a reality; only a fantasy that I dreamt about whilst yearning for a release. 

Being consumed by unfamiliar surroundings sent a comforting vibration through my entire being, which was a perplexing feeling within itself, that allowed me to center myself and just detach from everything that had caused me so much stress. Being in the unfamiliar space with Harry elevated that comfort to a higher level; having him there to encourage me to space out for a few days allowed me to just sink into myself, as well as to be present in the moments we were sharing. 

The photoshoot that we did together in his detached studio was something that was so ethereal and intimate in a non-sexual way. The gentleness combined with the surrealism was so captivating that I almost melted into myself as I fully allowed myself to let go of everything. Harry's eyes raked all over my frame in a manner that I correlated with an artist casting his eyes over his muse for the first time. I felt as if I was the most beautiful being he had ever cast his eyes on at that moment, the pastel elements of the shoot giving me an aura that was the most angelic thing in the entire universe. I couldn't comprehend that a feeling so tranquil, so peaceful, and so blissfully stunning, was my universe. 

If I could have frozen time at that specific moment, I would have. 

The rest of the night after the shoot passed in a hazy, dreamy, way. We spent time on the couch watching trashy reality television, much to Harry's dismay, and laughing at the ridiculousness that was coming from the screen. He had his arm around me, my head rested on his chest, as we laid in the tranquility of the moment. 

"How're you feeling, angel?" 

The question popped the tranquil bubble that had surrounded me, my fingers tracing across his hand as I kept my gaze on the television screen. 

"I feel as light as a feather. How do you feel?" I replied, tilting my head up to get a little glance at him. 

A small chuckle escaped his lips at my response before he leaned down and pressed a slight kiss to my forehead, which inevitably caused an eruption of butterflies in my stomach, and responded, "I too feel as light as a feather." 

A small laugh left my lips, my head resting back on his chest as I settled back down into my comfortable position. His arm draped down over my chest as he began to stroke rhythmic patterns across my exposed skin, my eyes fluttering closed as I sank deeper into a blissful state of nothingness. 

"I wish we could stay frozen like this forever." 

The words escaped my mouth in such a free manner that I almost jolted myself upwards in shock at the vulnerability that leaked out from me. I managed to contain myself and proceeded to keep my calm and collectiveness as I allowed Harry to digest what had just been thrown into existence. I knew that the words were just impulsive thoughts that had been circulating around my brain in the midst of something so tranquil and peaceful. 

They didn't mean anything. 

"What's stopping us?" 

Maybe they did mean something. 

"Life, Harry. Life's stopping us. I'd love to stay frozen in this little piece of heaven forever, no responsibilities, no more death, no more hurting, but I'm not programmed this way. I'll never have the perfect house with children and a husband who comes home from his normal job every day. I don't want that life, either. I want the danger. I want the pain. I want the thrill of the kill." 

His rhythmic patterns on my skin ceased as he took it all in. I sat up to distance myself from him, my arms wrapped around myself as I shifted to the other edge of the couch. The television was still humming away in the background, a welcomed noise as the uncomfortable silence swam around us. I was just about to stand up from the couch when Harry's next words froze me on the spot. 

"What makes you think that's what I want for you?" 

I turned around to face him, my breath hitching in my chest as I locked gazes with him. His eyes instantly bored into mine as he stayed seated on the couch in front of me, awaiting my response. I couldn't form a coherent sentence; it was as if all logical rationale and common sense were stripped away from me the minute he asked a harmless question. It was a question, though, that I couldn't quite articulate an answer for. He had never once implicated that the life he wanted for me was the one I listed; nothing he had said even remotely correlated to it. It was my own insecurities that had caused me to lash out with a defensive response that had nothing to do with what he'd said. 

"I don't think that's what you want for me, Harry. I truly don't. I just think that that's what I should be doing with my life and that's what people will want of me. Me mentioning that I live for the thrill of killing didn't even cause you to bat an eyelid because you're so accustomed to that way of living. I feel like my worth is based on what I make of my life and that everything else is irrelevant; it's all based on what you've achieved. What have I achieved, Harry? I have a family heritage that is founded in lies, deceit, malice, and hatred. I've killed people. I've lived my whole life not believing that I'm worthy of anything because I have success already handed to me. I'm not my own person, Harry. I'm a person that's been created to serve a purpose." 

Harry went silent. 

I turned around on my heels, deciding that it was best at that time to just leave the room, and made my way to the balcony area of the condo. I made my way over to the table and picked up my cigarettes that were there from earlier in the evening, pulling one out of the packet and placing it in between my lips before lighting it up. I inhaled some of the nicotine before sitting down on one of the chairs and exhaling it out. I allowed myself to sink into the release of the nicotine and closed my eyes as I took a deep inhalation of breath. Yet again I'd allowed myself to show vulnerability to Harry; not only that, I'd allowed myself to do it twice in the same day. There was something captivating about his ability to ask questions that he knew would dig deep into my soul and in turn cause a response that would leave me exposed. I knew the tactics he was using but I couldn't stop myself from succumbing to them. 

It was like I was in a trance when I was in his presence. 

As if he could sense I was thinking about him, I heard Harry's footsteps approaching me from the doors that led to the balcony. I opened my eyes, keeping them focused forwards, as I took another drag from the cigarette that was between my fingers. Harry sat directly in front of me on the table, blocking my scenic view as my eyes focused on him involuntarily. It was as if his irises were searching the deepest parts of my soul and searching for answers that he would never receive. He placed the palm of his hand on my left thigh, never altering his gaze from mine for even a second as he squeezed the flesh on my thigh gently. 

"I don't know what makes you possibly think that you haven't succeeded in this life, Celeste. Every single day that you live and breathe is a success. You know as well as I do that in this life surviving is a rarity. You feeling that your only purpose is to carry on what your father has created is a fabrication of the truth. You have the power to put a stop to it all; all of the deceit, all of the malice, all of the tragedy, all of the pain. You aren't your father, baby girl. You're you. You're everything that's beautiful. All of the pain, all of the hurt, all of the beautiful things that make you who you are. The bad things are just, if not more, beautiful than the good because they are what make you real. I don't want you to feel like you have to settle for anything more than what you want. If you want to have the house, the husband, and the children, then that's what I want for you. If you want to live every single day as if it's your last by causing the most carnage that you can, then that's what I want for you. I want you to live the life that you want to live, angel. Not the life that you feel like you're conditioned to live because that's not living. That's existing. I don't want you to just exist. I want you to feel it all. All the good and all of the bad. Whether that's spent with me being your partner in crime, or not, I still want you to live it." 

"What if I can't live the life I want to live? What if I spend every single day wishing that I'd done something differently? What if I end up filled with regret for things that I should have done differently? What then?" I replied, my eyes glossing over with tears as I took in everything that he had said to me. 

Harry shook his head in a sympathetic manner, flicking the cigarette that was between my fingers away as he interlocked our fingers together before responding, "Baby girl, there will always be things that you regret. Whether they're things that you regret not doing, or things that you wish you hadn't done. Every single human has regrets. You wouldn't be a human if you didn't. You need to push the regrets to the side and focus on the now, baby. You're doing yourself proud by not running away from what's been presented in front of you. You're an incredible portrayal of a strong and powerful woman, Celeste. Please, baby, give yourself the credit you deserve." 

A stream of tears started to spill down my face, my lips trembling as I began to quietly sob. The words touched me in a way that I couldn't even begin to articulate if I tried. Harry unlinked our fingers as he wiped the tears from my cheeks with the pads of his thumbs before he proceeded to wrap his arms around me in a tight embrace. I rested my head on his chest as I dampened his shirt with the flow of my tears, my arms wrapping around his torso as I did so. We stayed silent for several minutes as he allowed me to release everything that had been building up inside of me for God knows how long. I was grateful that he didn't press any further with our conversation and that he allowed me to pour out everything that I needed to without any judgment; at least judgment that he chose not to outwardly express. I pulled back eventually, my face slightly puffy from the crying that I'd carried out. Harry kept his arms loosely around my mid-section as he smiled a gentle smile when our eyes locked. 

"Are you okay, angel?" 

I nodded as I responded, "I'm okay. I'm sorry for that. It's unfair for you to have to deal with this." 

He hooked his head in response, his gaze never leaving mine as objected with, "I don't have to deal with this, Celeste. I choose to deal with this because I want you to understand how much power you have inside of you." 

I smiled a half-hearted smile in response as I nodded. I wiped my eyes with the backs of my hands before I reached forward and brushed some of the hair off of his forehead. "Thank you, Harry. I really do appreciate it." 

"I know you do, baby girl. Trust me, I know." 

We fell into a comfortable silence after our exchanges, my eyes drifting from his to the scenery behind him as I sank back down into the chair. Harry placed his hand back onto my thigh as he half turned so he was facing the scenery too. The Harry had come to the surface the second we stepped foot into his secluded condo was a different Harry to the one that had accompanied me when I decided it was time to go off the rails; this one was softer, wiser, and more self-aware. I was unsure why he kept that side of himself hidden but in reality, I knew the answers. Harry didn't allow himself to show his vulnerability, or his softer side when he was deep in the underbelly of the Los Angeles criminal world. If he did, he'd be labelled a push-over, when in truthfulness the dual side of him made him more of a man than the majority of the high ranking criminals I'd come into contact with.

 Despite my better judgments, I trusted him. 

I trusted him more than I'd ever trusted any other man in my life that came before him. 

I hated it. 

The reality of it all dawned on me at that moment on the balcony when I found myself transfixed on the rhythmic rising and falling of his chest as he allowed it all to float away in the breeze that drifted over us. If I could have captured that moment in a snapshot picture I would have done so just to have a reminder of what my heaven looks like; the combination of everything deadly mixed in with the purest and beautiful elements of etherealism formed our twisted reality. It was a reality that I couldn't comprehend was actually mine. 

How had I landed myself here? 

How had I allowed myself to succumb to everything I swore I never wanted? 

Everything that I swore I didn't need. 

Harry turned back around to face me from his position on the table, a look of complete serenity washing over his face as he locked his irises with mine. I returned the peaceful and tranquil expression as I leaned forward in my chair so I was level with his face, extending my hand to rest on his chest. He lifted his hand from my thigh to rest on my arm, his fingers gently stroking the skin as he parted his lips slightly to let out a shaky exhale. 

"Your touch is addictive." 

A small smirk etched onto my features once the words had escaped his parted lips, my fingers slowly dragging down his chest as I leaned further in so our lips were inches apart. 

"Let me give you your fix," I drawled out. 

Within seconds his lips attached to mine in a painstakingly slow kiss that almost sent me into an adrenaline rush as he pulled me onto his lap, my legs wrapping around his waist tightly. My fingers navigated their way to his messy locks, entangling themselves into the strands as I proceeded to tug on them whilst his tongue fought for dominance with my own. A low groan escaped his lips and ricocheted off my own as I pushed myself against his lower abdomen for any form of release I could get. The moment was a heated, desperate, and messy, exchange between two people who wanted to get as close to the other as humanely possible to fill a void that had been formed through years of settling for less. Harry sensed my desperation and met my lower half with the rising of his hips, causing my lower half to instantly dampen at the harsh friction. I took his lower lip between my teeth and tugged at it harshly, a slow smirk etching on my lips as he dug his nails into my back at the feeling. 

"You're such a fucking seductress, baby girl," he groaned out, his fingers slowly raking down my skin as I arched my back at the blissful feeling coursing through my veins. 

"Mm, it doesn't take much to have you under my spell," I moaned out, resting my forehead against his as I began to slowly grind my hips against his hardened length. 

A string of profanities escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, his forehead still against mine as he worked his hips in sync with mine. His fingers made their way down to my hips, grasping at the skin harshly as I practically moaned into his mouth. His eyes opened at the sound that escaped my lips, his eyes glazed over with pure lust as he dragged his lower lip across my own. My tongue swiped over my lip as I tugged harsher on his locks, bringing him closer to me than I knew possible. It was at that point that Harry lost any sense of self-control that he may have possessed, standing up from his position on the table as he ensured that my legs were still wrapped tightly around his waist. My arms wrapped around his neck as he began our descent over to the railings of the balcony. I knew at that second that Harry had no intention of moving our activities indoors by the way that he quickly positioned me on top of the railings, my legs still secured around his waist. He fit perfectly between my thighs, his grasp on my hips tighter than ever to ensure that I didn't fall. Our lips connected together in a heated, but more controlled, kiss. We held onto each other as if we were the last two people left on the earth as if we could disintegrate and fizzle away at any second. There was something deeply passionate, and different, to the intimate moments that we'd shared prior to this one. Our bodies moved in perfect sync and although we were still messy and heated, we were passionate. We were desperate to get closer to one another and to explore the other's body in a way that we hadn't before. 

It was harmonious. 

Harry was the first to pull away from the kiss by trailing his lips down my face and down my throat, ensuring to drag them over the sensitive areas of my neck that resulted in a soft array of moans escaping my lips. I couldn't help but shudder slightly at the feeling of desperation that was coursing through my being, causing a smirk to cast over Harry's expression as he stopped just above my breasts. 

"Someone's a little jittery today," he mumbled on my skin, his fingers pressing into the flesh of my hips in an attempt to steady me. 

"Do something, Harry," I pleaded, my hands moving to his shoulders as I positioned myself more effectively on the wooden railings of the balcony. 

"Now, now, angel. You're not going to get anything by speaking like that," he tutted in response, his lips grazing ever so slightly over my clothed nipple which caused me to tilt my head back in pleasure. 

A shaky exhale of desperation shuddered through my body as I dug my nails into his shoulders. I leveled my gaze with him, a shimmer of frustration translating through my glare as I hissed out, "Please." 

A sly chuckle escaped his lips, vibrating over my nipple as he proceeded to drag his lips further down my chest till he reached the hem of my panties where he stopped and gazed up at me through hooded lids. He traced his lips further down till he reached the center of my dampened core before he let out a deep exhale, the heat of his breath causing a static-like shock to run through my veins. He sensed the reaction I had, a sneaky look glossing over his eyes as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of my panties before he slowly pulled them down to expose my core. The harshness of the cool air casting over my now exposed core caused a low moan to leave my lips, involuntarily causing my eyes to roll back into my head as the suspense made me squirm in a desperate attempt to get closer to Harry's lips. 

"Would you look at you, hm? Such a needy girl," he drawled out, proceeding to discard my panties in a random corner of the balcony. 

His words were like drugs to my ears, each alluring sentence sending me further into a spiral of craving his touch. I knew that he was playing a game of edging me further and further into the deepest and darkest corners of my sinful desires. I was trying my absolute hardest to not give in to his temptations but my brain and my determination weren't working in a harmonious manner at that moment, which caused involuntary reactions to leak from my body in abundance. 

"You're the one on your knees right now, Harry. Either do what you're aching to do or stand up so I can take care of myself properly." 

The words left my lips in such a confident way that it almost shocked me considering the state I was currently in. I was fighting to keep my legs from trembling under his grasp so the fact that I managed to confidently, and coherently, form a sentence was amazing to me. It seemed to shock Harry as his gaze shot up and changed from playful to anger in the space of a few seconds. I got the reaction I wanted without having to beg and lower myself to his tempting methods as soon as he plunged forwards and attached his lips to my bundle of nerves without hesitation. The sudden surge of pleasure that I'd been craving ran through my body without a hint of warning, the pit of my stomach suddenly bursting with the pressure that I desired as I allowed a string of heavenly moans to leave my lips freely. Harry's tongue swiped over my core in such a slow and sensual manner, his eyes never leaving mine, that I almost came undone right there on the railings of the balcony. I bucked my hips up in a slow manner, ensuring that I met every swipe of his tongue as I allowed myself to succumb to the devil on my shoulder that was leading me further and further away from reality. I sensed Harry's smirk on my core as he nipped it harshly, my hips bucking up equally as harsh and fast, causing a little groan to vibrate over my center. 

"Fuck. Look at you. My pretty girl," Harry mumbled on my core, his nails dragging down the skin of my thighs as I rocked my hips further into him and spread my legs wider. 

The praise that was leaving his tainted lips was sending my body in a frenzy that I could no longer keep under control; without warning, I leaned forward and hooked his locks into my grasp before proceeding to pull his face further between my thighs. The deepest groan I had ever heard left his lips as I kept control of his head and movements by my grasp on him, rocking my hips harsher and faster onto his desperate tongue. His groans were met with a string of profanities and desperate moans leaving my lips as I allowed myself to sink further and further onto his soaked tongue. 

"Fuck, Harry. Right there." 

The words stunned his movements, causing him to pull away harshly and regain his control over me after I subconsciously sent him into a submissive state at his sacred altar. His shocked expression was soon taken over by his signature devilish smirk, his green irises piercing through my own with an icy spark. I couldn't decipher the look that was hidden behind his irises but I knew that whatever he had planned for me would leave me weak at the legs. 

As if reading my mind, Harry pushed my legs open with so much force that I almost hissed out at the pressure of his fingers digging into my skin. He stood up from his crouched position, littering an array of messy kisses across my jawline and down to my neck where he nipped lightly at the skin. A hiss escaped my dry lips as I dug my nails into his shoulders; the one thing that was keeping me from slipping backward off the balcony railings. I couldn't help the dirty chuckle that came out of my mouth as I felt his teeth nip at the side of my neck and his hands massage the insides of my parted thighs. I ran my fingers across the prominent bulge that was straining against the tight material of his jeans, earning a hiss on my skin as Harry drew away from his assault on me. 

"Don't play with me, angel," he whispered in my ear, the heat of his breath causing a shudder to run through my body as I grabbed his aching length with more force. 

"Who said I'm playing with you? Maybe I want to make you feel as good as you make me feel," I whispered back, tilting my head backward so I was at eye level with him as I observed every shimmer of pleasure glisten in his eyes. 

I was in adoration of the effect my words visibly had on him; his eyes had completely glazed over with a canvas worthy display of lust and desire. 

Harry's condo balcony would forever be imprinted in my mind as the place where we both explored the most sacredly unholy crevices of the others temple. 

I slipped down from my position on the balcony, the sharp feeling of my feet hitting the ground causing me to inwardly wince as I proceeded to drop down to my knees. Harry's fingers instantly wove themselves through the locks of my hair as I unbuckled his belt, my eyes never leaving his as I looked up at him. I quickly unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, the cold breeze hitting his hardened cock as soon as it sprung out of the restraints of his jeans and his boxers. I kept my gaze permanently fixed on his as I took his length between my two hands; my lips grazed across the veins, causing a string of low groans to leave Harry's lips as he kept his grip firmly on my hair. My tongue followed suit, working its way from the base of his cock right up to the tip before I wrapped my lips tightly around his already leaking tip. 

"Fuck, angel. Look at you," he groaned out, his head tilting back as he hissed at the feeling of my warm lips working their way up and down his hardened length. 

I hummed in response, the feeling undoubtedly causing a reaction in the pit of Harry's stomach as he began to guide my head up and down his cock. I opened my mouth wider to allow his length access to the back of my throat, my eyes beginning to water slightly as I took every inch of him into my mouth. The frenzy that coursed through Harry's body at that moment was solidified by the string of profanities that escaped his open lips, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as I began to pull away. 

"I want you to fuck me as if this is the last time we're ever going to fuck. Make it dirty. Make it sensual. Make it toxic. Make me yours." 

The words left my lips so quickly that I didn't have time to process what I'd actually said. Within seconds of them being spoken into existence, Harry had scooped me up in his arms and pinned me against the sliding doors that led from the balcony to the lounge. I felt the coldness of the glass press against my exposed body, my cheek resting against it as Harry held me up from behind with my leg cocked slightly up. I felt the heat of his body pressed against mine, his hands holding me tightly against the glass door whilst simultaneously exploring every inch of my skin. His lips pressed messily against my neck as he ran his right hand down my front at a painstakingly slow pace till it reached my core. He wedged one of his knees between my already open legs to keep us upright whilst his lips proceeded to drag slowly from my neck to my shoulder, where he peppered a string of messy, open-mouthed kisses. 

"You have no fucking idea how long I've waited for you to say those words to me, angel. You're mine. My fucking temptress. My angel. My succubus. My mixture of heaven and hell. My sugar. My spice," he drawled out into my ear in a hushed tone, his fingers sliding between my leaking folds as I bit my lip so hard I was sure it was leaking blood. 

"Take me to the depths of everything unholy," I responded, the words causing Harry to chuckle that haunting chuckle of his that made me almost climax on the spot. 

"As you wish, angel." 

As soon as the words were spoken I felt Harry's hand slide up my front again, leaving its place on my core, and wrap around my neck tightly. The coldness of his rings against my burning hot skin caused a sharp moan to leave my lips as I arched my back into his chest. Before I got a chance to process what was happening, the feeling of Harry's cock slamming into me causing my body to shoot forward and slam against the glass doors. The tight feeling in the pit of my stomach bubbled up as I adjusted to the intrusion, the sharp pain soon subsiding and filling me up with the feeling that I'd been desiring. Harry's hips began to rock into mine at a fast and harsh tempo, his grip on my neck tightening with each thrust. 

He was showing me no mercy. 

There was no need for knives this time around; the feeling of Harry fucking me so mercilessly, yet so intimately, was surpassing any feeling that a kink could deliver. The feeling of his hips slamming into mine, and mine pushing back onto his cock, in such a rhythmic and synchronised way was connecting us together like two puzzle pieces. Our bodies connected together perfectly and he was the one that I craved deep in my core. 

I rested my head back onto his chest, my mouth parted open as I moaned out his name whilst he slammed into me. He rested his parted lips on the side of my cheek as he groaned out along with me, the slamming of his hips never ceasing as he continued to work his way into me. He lifted his thumb off my neck and inserted into my mouth, my lips happily wrapping around it and sucking it like it was a lollipop with the sweetest of tastes. The sight of me completely succumbing to his every sinful desire was sending him into a hazy state of euphoria by the way his eyes locked with mine in such an adoring manner. This sex wasn't your conventional love-making session that most people talk about. 

It was our fucked up and filthy take on intimacy. 

Harry truly was fucking me as if it was the last time we would ever fuck because it might have been. 

His fingers were gripping onto my skin as if his life depended on it; as if I was going to disintegrate and disappear from his grasp at any moment. His paced thrusts never got gentler, his grasp on my throat never eased up, his body never stopped pressing against mine, because feeling me against him was the only confirmation that I was actually there. At that moment, every aligned with the two of us and we were both riding out the same lustful state of euphoria. 

The roughness, the messiness, and the desperation was transcending my soul into another dimension and causing me to have an out-of-body experience. My vision was clouded was a display of kaleidoscopic grandeur; the colors were a mixture of deep reds and black tones that were taking over my entire line of vision as Harry moaned a string of sinful sentences into my ear. 

"My dirty fucking girl. You like that don't you, baby? You like when I fuck you like the dirty girl you are." 

The words were causing my stomach to bubble right in the area that I needed it to the most; the pit of my stomach began to feel heavy with the pressure of my climax rising to the surface. I slammed my ass back and forth against Harry's rocking hips, causing his cock to hit areas that had yet to be reached. The moans were leaving my lips louder and louder with each thrust and Harry's grip on my neck began to tighten as his climax began to surface for him. His thrusts became more animalistic by the second, his groans beginning to muffle out mine as he rested his forehead against the back of my head. 

"Fuck, baby girl. Keep doing that." 

His words spurred me on to keep slamming my ass against his hips with each deep thrust, my hand resting against his on my neck as my back arched with the pleasure that was coursing through my veins. He moved his hand from my neck and placed his fingers on my cheeks as he forced my mouth to part open, my moans beginning to leave my mouth in a raspy manner. 

"I want to look into your pretty eyes as you cum for me, angel." 

Within seconds Harry had me flipped around with my legs around his waist, never pulling his length out of me for even a second, as he proceeded to drive his cock into my aching core with his hands under my ass cheeks to keep me upright. I threw my head back against the glass door as he drove deeper into me than I thought possible, my eyes locked with his as he observed every second of my climax unfold in front of him. As soon as I began to cum onto his cock, his thrusts became slower and deeper as he began to unravel in front of my very eyes. The thick coat of sweat glistened over every inch of his body as my sight became hazy and clouded by the feeling of absolute euphoria taking over my body. Our moans soon turned into pants as we stayed transfixed and captivated by the sight of the other in a state of blissful pleasure. My chest began to rise and fall as the feeling of my climax began to fade away, my fingers staying clasped tightly around Harry's lower arms as I held onto him for support. Harry was the first to move from our sinful position, pulling out of me slowly as he lowered me to the ground but never letting his grasp go of me. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against my chapped lips, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear as he rested his forehead against mine. 

"I truly love to despise you, Celeste Delgado." 

A small smile etched itself onto the corners of my lips as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close to my frame. 

"I love to despise you too, Harry Styles."

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