Twenty-Three. (Part 0.2)

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The song for this chapter is Being Evil Has A Price - Heavy Young Heathens.

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"Cora wants me to fucking do what?"

I was stood in a blissful daydream and buttoning up my black shirt, fantasizing about the many ways I was going to assassinate Antoni Delgado when André strolled in and shattered my reverie with a message from Cora.

I could sense the tension in his jawline as he stood behind me, locking our gazes in the reflection of the mirror as the words left his lips. André was never much of a talker, nor was he much of a person in the spotlight either, so him being sent as Cora's messenger was ultimately due to Niall and Zayn both collectively deciding to sit this one out.

The poor fucker wasn't even supposed to be here; Niall had demanded that he accompany us due to one of André's associates already having an invitation to the event. We'd decided to send a few other men to assist watching Celeste with Seth to ensure that nothing was to go south with André being gone.

"Cora wants you to accompany her to the luncheon as her date. She insists that it's the only way to ensure that you don't get caught out by Antoni. Don't shoot the fucking messenger though, mate," he confirmed, flickering his gaze to the floor as he anticipated my response.

I let out a low groan as I fixed my tailored black blazer over my shirt, my fingers working their way along the collar to fix any mishaps. I refrained from exploding in anger at André over Cora's request; there was some logic behind her sick mastermind plan, I couldn't argue with that. However, the concept of having Cora latched onto my arm throughout the entirety of the luncheon playing happy partners made my stomach churn.

There was no denying that Cora was an absolute sight to behold but she was no comparison to Celeste Delgado.

The woman who was caught up in the middle of all this fucking mess.

"Very well. Anything Cora Malik requests shall be granted."

The words left my lips in such a harsh and aggressive manner that André almost flinched as the venom seethed out. He cleared his throat and nodded once before turning on his heels to leave the room but my next words cut through the air, making him halt dead in his tracks.

"This associate of yours, André. Who is he? Give me a run down."

He turned back to face me, the pad of his thumb running across his lower lip as he placed his hands behind his back and locked our gazes once more.

"Matteo Aggostó. He's an elite amongst the Italian underground drug sector. Twenty-three. Best of his age for what he does. He's got ties with several of Antoni's closest associates, hence why he got an invite. He's agreed to navigate us around the luncheon and point out persons of interest."

I nodded as I took in the information that he was giving me, a small smile forming on the corners of my lips as I took several steps forward to close the distance between us. A hint of fear flickered through André's irises before I replied with my next statement.

"André. You are one of the best and most honest men that I have ever come across. You have always stood loyally with me in times when people have questioned and ridiculed me in this world. For that, I owe you in ways that I'll never be able to fully deliver. I've watched you grow over the years; grow into a man that is feared yet has the kindest and the most gentle soul I've ever come into contact with. Yet, you've held a part of you back. A part of you that I have known has been itching to come to the surface and be recognized. I know that Matteo is more than an associate to you, André. I know that you may not be ready to share with the rest of the world this part of you and that's okay. However, you know that there is nothing but love and acceptance when it comes to me, André. I would be the first to take the life of someone who ridiculed you for who you're attracted to, just as I would for any other person in my life who I care for. This conversation doesn't have to leave this room, nor does it ever have to be acknowledged again if that's what you wish, but please do not fear the thoughts of myself or others. You will be loved no differently."

There was a silence that filled the room for a few brief moments after I'd confided in André. He didn't look hurt, nor did he look upset or angry, his irises were cemented onto mine in a state of what I can only describe as a shock. It took him a few seconds to recollect his thoughts and bearings before he took a few strides forward and engulfed me in an embrace. I acted on reflex, my arms wrapping around him as we stayed stood in an embrace for a few moments. As quickly as it happened, André broke away and nodded once before exiting the room.

As stated previously, André was a man of few words and a man who despised being in the spotlight. The exchange that took place between us was one that I knew meant the world and more to him, however, growing up in the world that we've grown up in has desensitized people in ways such as expressing their sexual identity. The system that is drilled into us is a system that suppresses sexual fluidity and expression; men are to have a wife, several mistresses on the side, and be alpha males. It's a system that I've never agreed with because none of those characteristics define masculinity, nor do they make a man a man. André's suppression of his sexual identity was something that I had been aware of due to my own experiences with experimentation with people of the same sex; ensuring that André was aware that someone was on his side was my duty as his friend, as well as his business partner.

I glanced at myself in the mirror once André had left the room, adjusting parts of my suit to ensure that everything was perfect before entering the room with the boys and Cora.


Working with her that night was a task that I knew wasn't going to be easy but she was our best chance at figuring out who plotted the ambush on us in the lot. I did a mock sign of the cross in the mirror and said hopeless prayers to a faceless God before I turned on the heel of my dress shoes to make my way into the lounge area of the hotel suite we'd booked for the occasion. As soon as I stepped foot in the room, the conversation that was occurring between Niall, Zayn, André, and Cora stopped. My face remained as solid as stone as I plucked a cigarette from my box on the table and lit it between my lips, exhaling the smoke as I averted my attention to the group of them sat on the furniture in the lounge.

"Don't stop your conversing on my behalf. Please, keep talking and eliminating me from the discussion."

The group of them averted their gazes from me, remaining silent as they anxiously fidgeted under my stare. I took several more drags of my cigarette before I let out a sinister chuckle, dragging my forefinger across my jawline as I observed their mannerisms.

"Listen, Harry. You cannot be parading into this luncheon with all guns blazing. We need to be smart about this. We're going up against trained industry men with more power than we could ever possess. We can't put Celeste in more danger because of our scattered emotions," Zayn eventually spoke up, his gaze moving from the marble flooring to my figure stood next to the table.

I cocked my head to the side as I put out the cigarette in the ashtray, leaning against the table as I responded, "Is this what you've been conspiring about? My capability of carrying out this mission because of my emotions? When the fuck have my emotions ever fucked up an assignment before?"

Niall suddenly got the courage to speak up by chiming in with, "Your emotions have been a problem, Harry. You feel protective over Celeste, just like the rest of us, but you go to lengths that can be fatal and detrimental to all of us. Keep yourself in line."

"I'm aware of what happened, Niall. I was fucking there and I'm reconciling in my own way that doesn't concern any one of you in this room. Now, can we quit trying to therapize me and get on with the fucking mission?"

Cora stood up from her spot on the couch, adjusting her tight-fitting black dress as she focused her attention on me rather than the whole group. I was aware that Cora was going to get off on orchestrating this whole plan; it was a factor that I'd had to come to terms with.

"André has a business associate that has an invite to this luncheon, Matteo Aggostó, whom we're going to meet up with outside of the event. Harry and I are going to go in under the story that Harry and Matteo have been associates for years, and the rest of you are going to go in as Matteo's closest companions. You're all minor parts of Matteo's drug distributions; Zayn your story is that you run the warehouses where the drug distributions occur, Niall and André, you're the accountants that deal with the finances. It's simple enough, don't fuck it up."

The whole group nodded in unison as they took in Cora's plan; it was flawless, I couldn't deny it. Providing every person stuck to their assigned role it was foolproof and would allow us entry into the depths of the elite criminal underbelly. Zayn stood up and adjusted his navy blue blazer, turning his attention to Cora as his face remained as cold as mine had been when I first entered the room.

"Stay out of trouble. Don't get involved in things that don't concern you. Stay at Harry's side and smile. There are no earpieces. There are no escape routes. We're not going in there to cause a scene, we're going in there to get information."

Cora rolled her eyes at Zayn's demands and instructions but nodded in agreement before she strode her way over to my side. I remained emotionless as she took her position next to me, André standing up and nodding once to Zayn who nodded in response.

"The cars are outside. Harry and Cora, you're riding in a separate vehicle to ensure your cover doesn't get blown. Niall, André, and I are going to be riding in another vehicle. We'll get there first to meet up with Matteo outside and the two of you will arrive shortly after to meet us there."

I nodded and took Cora's arm in my own before beginning to leave the room with her. The boys followed closely behind as we made our way down the staircase to the foyer of the hotel, Cora's arm remaining linked with mine as we proceeded to our vehicle. I opened the door of the sleek black Mercedes that was parked alongside the road to allow Cora entry. Once she'd slid inside I followed suit and took a seat next to her in the back. I recognized the driver as one of Zayn's workers in the distribution warehouses; an honest but slow man who Zayn kept around for conveniences like this. We waited several minutes till it was ensured that the boys were ahead of us by a few minutes till we pulled away and began the journey to the Delgado property.

I couldn't suppress the feelings of anger and rage that were running through me at the thought of coming face-to-face with Celeste's alleged assassin; my hands were clasped in between my legs as I tried to regulate my breathing. I felt Cora's gaze on me from her position next to me in the back of the vehicle, her cat-like eyes penetrating through my every motion in a scrutinizing manner.

"You know, Harry. I don't particularly enjoy the feeling of having to work with you on anything, never mind a job surrounding the Delgado's, but I don't enjoy failing at anything. Your behavior best not fuck up this thing, or otherwise, I will take great pride in ensuring that you never work another job again."

Her words pierced through my ears like a blade to my neck, my entire body urging to release the built-up anger that had been manifesting there for a while. I knew that if I allowed my wrath to unfold onto Cora that Zayn would personally take it upon himself to strip me of my life on the spot, so I resorted to keeping my gaze fixed forwards and my breathing regulated.

"My behavior will be absolutely nothing to fear if we don't locate who ordered the hit, Cora. You may deem me a ticking time-bomb that's just dying to explode but I can personally ensure you that I'm a fucking good actor and manipulator. You stick to your role and I'll stick to mine. Who knows, we may become an unbeatable duo."

I observed Cora's eyes roll into the back of her skull at my words, causing a slow smirk to spread on my lips at how easy it was to press her buttons. She folded her arms across her chest as she swung her long leg over the other, her face reading pure resentment as we sped down the busy roads towards the Delgado luncheon. I could feel my blood begin to rise to the surface as we edged closer to our desired destination. Images and flashes of Celeste's body in Zayn's arms, once the bullet had been fired, caused my stomach to churn and flip as I tried to focus my attention on my surroundings. I tried to push the images to the back of my mind and out of my line of vision but I realized that these images were spurring me on to succeed and get justice for My Celeste.

I sat up straight in my seat, adjusting my blazer as we pulled up outside the Delgado estate. I glanced out of the tinted window to see Zayn, Niall, and André stood next to an eccentric-looking man dressed in a black and gold two-piece suit, his hair tied up in a bun at the nape of his neck and black heeled boots on his feet. I guessed the man to be Matteo, turning to face Cora as I nodded to her to get ready. I allowed her time to adjust her appearance before I pushed open the vehicle door and stepped outside, Cora following closely behind me before linking her arm with mine as I closed the door behind us. I fought the urge to unlink our arms and connect our palms; there was an air of professionalism and elitism with the people that were filing into the Delgado property, people who would never hold their significant others, or mistresses, hand. I kept my gaze flickering between the different personalities that were surrounding the property, taking in the different demeanors, mannerisms, and expressions of the men walking around.

I was profiling.

Within a few moments, Cora and I reached Matteo and the boys, pleasantries being exchanged between us as if we hadn't just been in acquaintance with each other minutes before.

"Ah, Harry! It's been a while, my friend. How are things with you and your lovely lady?"

Matteo was in character from the second we approached him; the words left his lips in a thick Italian accent, a smile plastered on his lips as he took my hand in his own and shook it, followed by him lifting Cora's hand up to his lips and placing a kiss on her skin.

"What a pleasure to see you again, Matteo! All is well, all is well. How have things been with yourself?"

He nodded in response, the smile never faltering as he took in the words I was speaking. He responded with a pleasant, "All is well. How about we discuss it more inside with a glass of champagne? I heard Antoni has pulled out all of the stops for this luncheon. It would be such a shame to not enjoy the finery."

I nodded in response, pulling Cora into my side more as we approached the security on the door, following closely behind Matteo and the boys. I kept my face neutral as we approached, allowing Matteo to work his magic invite to grant us entry into the event. Zayn, Niall, and André stayed spread out behind Matteo as they waited for the security to glance over the invite. I observed Matteo turn slightly to point to myself and Cora, a smile spreading across Cora's lips as the security glanced over. I delivered a subtle nod at the security guard before he lifted the red barrier and allowed us inside. I unlinked my arm from Cora's to place the palm of my hand on her lower back as I guided her upstairs. I watched her flash another dazzling smile at the security as we made our way into the Delgado property. We followed Matteo and the boys over to the bar, nodding to a few men and mistresses in passing whilst I kept my hand pressed firmly on Cora's back.

"See anyone you recognize?" I questioned under my breath, keeping my gaze flickering between the different people in passing.

"Nobody that I think is worth noting. A few are recognizable but I think Zayn's our best chance at proper profiling," Cora responded in a whispered tone, ensuring that she was keeping up her appearances to the observers.

She was a fucking good actress.

We quickly descended upon the group at the bar, gratefully accepting a flute of champagne from Matteo as we all congregated around the marble bar top.

"Anyone seen anything or anyone?" Niall asked quietly, keeping his gaze averting around the room in the same manner I had been.

"Nobody that I think's a person of interest. We need to split up and start conversing with people," Zayn responded, the rest of us nodding our heads in agreement.

"You boys will have to come with me to make sure we don't break your cover. Harry and Cora should be okay to go off on their own with Harry's built trust with Antoni. We'll meet outside in half an hour," Matteo chimed in, taking a long gulp of his champagne and placing the empty flute down before retrieving another.

I nodded once in response, returning my hand to its position on the base of Cora's back before steering us away from the marble bar and into the mix of elite criminals. Despite the majority of men here being businessmen by title, every single one of them was guaranteed to fall under the criminal categorization. No businessman in this world was completely honest and truthful in his work; they all had their secrets to hide and dirty laundry to air, they slithered around untraced and untracked with nothing but their signature markings to show for themselves. Navigating our way through this crowd of individuals was going to pose a difficult task without the knowledge of Matteo on our side.

I would have to get us to the core of the rotten apple.


"We're going to locate Antoni. There's no use in either of us trying to weave our way in elsewhere without the knowledge to back it up," I mumbled to Cora, nodding a few times to random men with their mistresses on their arms.

Cora kept her gaze forward and her smile on her lips as she whispered back, "That's great and all but how do you plan on gaining any source of information relating to Celeste?"

I glanced down at her out of the corner of my eye, a small smirk playing on the corners of my lips as I questioned, "Do you trust me, Cora?"

Her own charismatic smirk plastered her features as she locked her irises with mine before stating, "Not at fucking all."

A breathy chuckle left my lips as I navigated us to the corner of the room, bringing my champagne flute to my lips as I took a swig whilst analyzing the room. Cora placed her hand on my arm as her eyes darted across the room to scope it out, her cat-like features remaining composed and collected as her character of my mistress.

I caught sight of the boys and Matteo on the end of the room furthest from us; they were deep in conversation with what looked to be some business associates of Matteo. Zayn's gaze flickered over to Cora and me, a subtle shake of his head informed us that the men weren't a link to the ambush. There was a trace of frustration and nerves etched onto Zayn's features at the predicament that we'd found ourselves in; Zayn risked blowing his entire cover by being at the luncheon due to him possibly having ties with the men here with his weapon distributions and deals. I observed them turn on their heels and begin to navigate their way to another circle when Cora tapped my arm several times.


I glanced in the direction that she'd said and spotted the Devil himself make his rounds around a few of the socialite circles, a bourbon in his hand as usual. I adjusted my suit accordingly, nodding once to Cora who plastered her smile back on her face, before heading over to Antoni Delgado with one goal in mind.


"Mr. Delgado, sir. What a pleasure to see you here."

Antoni turned around from his conversation with a calm and contained look on his face at the sight of myself in front of him. Ensuring to remain as collected as possible, he allowed a slight smile to spread across his lips as he shook my hand firmly.

"Ah, Mr. Harry Styles. My trusted boy. How are you and this divine woman doing this afternoon? What is your name, darling?"

The words poured from his mouth in such sickly and fake politeness that it made my stomach sink and churn at the sound of it ringing through my ears. Cora allowed Antoni to kiss each of her cheeks before replying with a meek, "Cora Larrosí, sir. It's a pleasure to meet you."

I refrained from smirking visibly at Cora's deliverance of her fake name, as well as her timid response, as I watched Antoni and herself exchange pleasantries. I couldn't help relishing slightly at the fact that I knew Cora was trying her hardest to not assassinate him on the spot due to her hatred for his family and everything he stood for. Cora assembled her position back at my side with her hand on my arm as she took a swig from her champagne and kept her gaze on the two of us.

"What a charming young lady you've got yourself there, Mr. Styles. Whom did you accompany to my event this afternoon?" He questioned, shunning the people away who he was conversing with prior to us.

I placed my empty champagne flute on one of the passing waiters' trays before collecting another full glass and turning my attention back to Antoni, who I was well aware was scrutinizing my every movement.

"I've come on an extended invitation from my long-time associate, Matteo Aggostó. I hope it's not a problem, Mr. Delgado," I responded, ensuring that our gazes were locked as I delivered my cover story.

"Oh, it's not a problem at all, Mr. Styles. There is always space for one more at my table. Tell me, have you heard anything from my Celeste?"

I had to instantly refrain from closing our proximity and shooting a bullet directly through his skull at the mention of Celeste's name leaving his venomous lips. I knew that this was a game to him; a game of cat and mouse to see who'd bite and fumble first. I tilted my head to the side, ignoring the discreet pinching of my skin from Cora's fingertips, as I kept mine and Antoni's gazes locked.

"Nothing at all, sir. I've been to Haze several times since you appointed my position there but she failed to show. I assumed she took the news terribly that day and decided to take a hiatus in rebellion. Has she not been around recently?" I responded and questioned, dissecting every single mannerism and facial expression that Antoni made during my reply.

Antoni shook his head several times as he took a long swig from his bourbon, placing the empty glass on one of the side tables that were littering the room with expensive food as he stated, "Celeste is a complex character, Mr. Styles. She finds it incredibly difficult to take any form of authority or criticism. I assume that she's on one of her week-long disappearances to swallow all of her fantasy sorrows in the nightlife of Los Angeles. My gratitude for you staying loyal to your position, Mr. Styles."

"Of course, Mr. Delgado. I hope that Celeste finds her way home soon."

Antoni never faltered his gaze from mine as we exchanged our conversation; his expression never wavered, nor did it crack and show any sign of cracking in the finery. Just as he was about to open his mouth and start conversing once more, a waiter tapped him on the shoulder before standing upright with his hands behind his back.

"My apologies for interrupting your conversation sirs and madam, but there is a Mr. and Mrs. Lucrezzà waiting for you outside of your office."

Antoni nodded and faltered his gaze from the waiter to back to myself and Cora. He smiled once more and bowed his head to us before stating, "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to cut this conversation short, Mr. Styles and Miss. Larrosí. Please do enjoy the rest of the afternoon."

We both simply nodded in gratitude as we watched Antoni turn on his heels and make his way over to his office, collecting another glass of bourbon on his way. I turned myself and Cora away from the center of the room and navigated us to the far corner that we occupied earlier. Once there, I bowed my head slightly so Cora could hear my hushed tone.

"He knows something."

Cora nodded in response and took my champagne from my grasp, taking a long swig as she responded with, "I agree. I recognize the name Lucrezzà but can't pinpoint where I've heard it."

I turned my attention to Antoni's office, where he was stood with a man and a woman. I squinted my eyes slightly to try and get them to focus on the imperative figures that were accompanying him. I observed a man that resembled Antoni in ways of the body and builds; on his arm was a middle-aged woman with blonde short hair, a woman that I knew would not be his mistress but instead his wife. Cora's hushed voice broke me out of my profiling and caused me to glance down at her.

"We need to find Matteo and the boys, Matteo should have an idea of who the Lucrezzà's are. It might not be our answer but it could be a lead."

I nodded in agreement and placed my hand on the bottom of her back as I lead her outside of the property to the stairs where people were littered and chatting in hushed tones. I could feel the sickness rising from the pit of my stomach, accompanied by the creeping feeling of rage and anger at the ridiculous games that we were having to play. I knew that Antoni was a cold-hearted, clever man. I knew that he would be relishing in having the upper hand. I knew that I had to break that normality and challenge his power.

There's a place and a time, Harry.

Once we'd stepped into the cool afternoon air, I spotted Matteo, Zayn, Niall, and André stood at the bottom of the steps. Matteo's hand was discretely positioned on the bottom of André's back in a way that wouldn't be obvious to the observing eye. The group was deep in discussion as me and Cora descended the staircase to join them.

"Find anything?" Niall questioned, taking a swig from a bottle of beer as he leaned against the surrounding wall with a cigarette dangling between his fingers.

Cora kept herself close to me in order to keep our appearances up as she responded with, "Harry engaged in conversation with Antoni. Antoni questioned Harry on whether or not he'd come across Celeste recently as apparently she's gone missing and not returned home."

Zayn's head snapped up instantly at the information, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he rubbed the pad of his thumb across his lower lip. He took a sharp inhale of breath before asking, "He brought up Celeste himself?"

I nodded in response to Zayn before continuing from where Cora left off with, "He did. Our conversation was cut short by a waiter informing Antoni that there was a Mr. and Mrs. Lucrezzá waiting for him outside of his office. Cora said she's heard of the Lucrezzá's before but can't pin were from."

Matteo took a gulp from his champagne glass as he furrowed his eyebrows at the mention of the name. He tightened his jaw slightly before turning his attention to myself and Cora. His eyes reflected what I can only describe as disbelief with an undertone of confusion.

"That is impossible."


I observed Matteo shift uncomfortably in his spot next to André, his ringed fingers flexing slightly on the base of André's lower back as he averted his gaze from us to the floor beneath him.

"What do you mean impossible, Matteo?" Zayn asked, his posture shifting into a more defensive manner as he pressed the man for an explanation to his statement.

Matteo cleared his throat once he'd composed himself, his stance shifting so he was facing the entire group again as opposed to just myself and Cora. He swiped his finger across his jawline as he contemplated his next words.

"It's impossible because Mr. and Mrs. Lucrezzá were assassinated a few years ago. Speculation has theorized that Antoni himself ordered the hit. Those two people in there are using the Lucrezzá name as an alias to mask their true identity. For whatever reason, Antoni doesn't want people to know their reasoning for being here."

An eerie, cryptic feeling spread through the atmosphere as all of us stood there and took in the information that Matteo had told us. Cora's fingers flexed on my arm as I stood there in disbelief. André's eyes bored into Matteo's features as he allowed the new information to settle in his mind. I flexed my arm around the back of Cora's frame; I was in no desire to be close to her in any way, I just didn't think that my legs were going to continue to support me. A feeling of dread and confusion coursed through my veins as Cora kept her grip tightened on my arm in response to my weakened state.

Zayn was the first to break the silence by saying in a hoarse tone, "So whoever is in there is essentially undercover?"

Matteo just nodded in response, all previous expressions drained from his face as he remained silent. Zayn fell quiet once more as Cora stood upright next to me with a stone-cold expression on her face as she tilted her chin upwards to contain her composure. I locked gazes with Zayn whose expression read a look of defeat as we communicated the same sense of disbelief between each other.

We were in deeper than we ever could have contemplated in the warehouse, Antoni Delgado playing us like puppets on a piece of string as we ran around in circles collecting the scattered breadcrumbs that he left for us.

He was the master puppeteer and we were simply pieces of fabric on a string.

"I need a drink," I choked out, turning around on my heel and beginning to climb the stairs to the entrance of the property. I heard distant protests from Cora behind me but not the sound of her stiletto heels following behind me, which I was eternally grateful for. Besides the feelings of rage and anger coursing through me at the fact that I had to even attend this luncheon, I also had accompanying feelings of tiredness of having to keep up appearances with Cora to not blow up our cover. As I made my way up the stairs, I felt my legs weaken and begin to lightly tremble at the complexities of the situation that we'd found ourselves in. I knew that it was going to be a task to try and debunk the whole game that Antoni had been orchestrating from behind a mask of criminals who would do anything to remain on his good side. I hadn't, however, contemplated that the complexities would go this deep into deceit and malice with an unknown motive.

Once I'd arrived inside of the property, I picked up a bottle of beer from the table closest to me and proceeded to break the bottle cap off with my teeth before I took a long gulp. The feeling of the liquor down my throat made me almost moan out in bliss as I felt the weight from my shoulders begin to ease and lift. None of the group had bothered to follow me inside so I was able to focus my attention on Antoni and the unknown suspects that were still on the other side of the room deep in conversation. My eyes focused and fixed directly on the two suspects, my irises scanning across their frames and features as I tried to decipher any hidden information. My eyes did a double-over on the woman's features as I squinted them to try and get a better view. There was something off about her appearance that I couldn't quite decipher.

As if on cue, Cora's voice rang through my ears and confirmed my thoughts by saying, "She's wearing a wig."

As soon as the words rang through my ears my eyes fixated directly on the wig that was slightly pushed back and exposing a brown hairline that so discreet it wouldn't be noticeable to the naked eye. I tried to remove the image of the woman with blonde hair from my memory and picture her features with the brown hairline that was exposed to me. The facial features bored a striking resemblance to someone that I'd come into contact with prior to this interaction; not the same person I was looking at now but someone with a family resemblance.

This whole situation was far beyond anything that any of us had anticipated.

They say that blood is thicker than water but in the case of the Delgado's it couldn't be further from the truth; trust, honesty, and loyalty didn't mean a thing.

Deceit, malice, and power were the three traits that made the world turn for Antoni Delgado. Seeing the face of the real-life Devil stood sipping his most expensive and loved bourbon in the corner of the room, with a smug look etching into his features, made my blood boil and curdle.

There was something about the case that was forming around Antoni Delgado that demonstrated to me that it was based on a narrative that was written and set out by him. I had considering that Antoni was leading us down a trail that he wanted us to follow him down; just like the web of lies that he was spinning was purposeful to knock us off the correct trail.

It all clicked in place for me right there whilst I was observing him heading over to his office with a man and woman that I knew all too well.

I knew what happened the night of the ambush.

I knew who was to blame.

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