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Damp waves of golden hair cascaded down the shoulders of the girl who stood at the foot on her motel bed, a ball of black fur laying on the pillow that messily sat on the top of the bed. Soft purrs echoed through the room, as her gaze switched between the two outfits; mainly torn between wearing a skirt and shorts.

She vaguely heard a sound of clicking, but brushed it off, as noises were nothing new during staying in a motel.

It wasn't until a stream of light beamed into the room, Mystic jumping up and sprinting across the room, hiding behind a curtain incase she would need to attack the intruder.

Gold wisps, that looked like they we're plucked straight from the sun, formed around the girls hand. A bottle of Maple Leaf Shampoo flung itself off of the bed and into the face of the first intruder that entered.

"Why the fuck are you in my room you creeps? Who knows how to pick a lock open nowadays anyway?" An alarmed voice yelled as her right hand clutched the towel closer to the middle of her chest, as if it would fall off of her body at any moment.

"I can smell the love in the air." Drawled a voice, seemingly coming from nowhere, as the black cat with blue eyes stared down the two men.

"Did that Fuzzy Flea Bag just talk?" The question had come from the second male who had entered the hotel room, both processing the use of magic and the talking cat who seemed to be staring into the mens souls.

"Yes I can talk you idiot." The cats eyes seemingly rolled on instinct at the mans stupidity.

"Back to my question, What the fuck are you doing in my room?" An annoyed voice spoke, her hand placing itself on her hip as she grew more frustrated with the pair who were standing there like idiots.

The pair seemingly snapped back into reality, one of the males eyes scanning over her form, a flirtatious smirk crawling it's way onto her lips "Well, hello there." A wink following after.

With a huffed laugh at the male, Lavinia drew her hand back and pushed the male out of her door, onto the floor of the motel walk way.

Mystics mouth had fallen open in shock, her laugh caught in her throat so is came out more of a choking noise.

"Ow, okay. Note to self: Never flirt with a witch." His voice was hoarse as all the air had been knocked from his lungs at the harsh landing.

A devilish grin curled at the cats lips at the males pain.

"Wait, if you're a witch, you can help us track down our father!" The more attractive male, in Lavinia's opinion anyway, stated. Ignoring his brother who looked to be having a staring contact with Mystic over his shoulder.

"You are correct, I could help you-" she began, being cut off by a weird whisper-yell of 'yes' from the one who had gotten thrown through the door.

"but I won't." The witch got to finish, scooping up a pair of shorts and her crop top.

"What, why?" Escaped the, seemingly older, brothers mouth.

"One, I have no idea who you are. Two, You literally broke into my motel room like a couple of creeps. Three, say I were to help you, what would I get from that experience?" The list wasn't very long, but it didn't need to be, they were still strangers that would have been enough for her to say no.

"Well, what do you want?" The one who picked the lock questioned the collage graduate.

"...IF I help you, and it's a very strong if, I would like to never be contacted by you two again. I left my home state to get away from all this supernatural junk, the last thing I need is for two idiotic hunters dragging me back into the life I've tried so hard to escape." came a quick answer, not even having to think about it.

"Chill, Witchy. Get the stick out of your ass."

"Dean! Don't piss off the witch!" The younger scolded, Mystic playing with the yarn ball; trying to act like she wasn't listening in on the conversation.

" well, Dean." Drawled a southern accent "Is that really how you want to talk to someone who is more than happy to shatter every bone in your body, and feed you to a pack of blood thirsty hellhounds?" The question made, who she now knows to be Dean, step back from the witch, like her poison filled glare would kill him.

"I'll help you find your father, but you need to get out so I can get dressed." Gold strings formed around their bodies and pulled them out of the door before it proceeded to slam closed in their faces.

"Are you sure this is a good idea m'lady?" The black cat jumped off the couch and went over to the blonde, who scratched under her chin making a purr escape the cats throat.

"Probably not, but it's to late to back down now." A sigh escaped the witch as she began getting dressed.

Little did she know, this was only the beginning...

PADDIE NOTE: What did you think of the prologue?☺️

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