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After that night Silver kept me close to him. We were sat in the tavern, my hat low and Silver guarded me. The warmth radiated from his hand and touched my own flesh, I toyed with the pendant around my neck deep in thought when Billy made me jump as he slapped a hand onto my shoulder. 

"Where did you go last night?" he asked. 

"For some time to be alone," I replied. 

"Aw, are we too much for you sometimes Tom?" he inquired. 

"Yes," I nodded. Silver coughed a laugh. I kicked him under the table. "When are we leaving?" 

"A bit eager aren't we?" Flint chuckled. 

"Sh.....he's restless," Silver spoke up. 

"Are we his personal spokesperson?" Billy laughed. 

"No," Silver replied as I took a sip of rum. 

"He just enjoys cutting me off, don't you Silver?" I teased. He flashed me a be careful grin but nodded.

"That I do," he said through gritted teeth.

"You were saying," I said.

"Doesn't matter," he responds.

"Good, I think you've learn't you need to watch your tongue," I replied. Silver glared at me. Billy chuckled and left us alone, his men following him. Silver turned to me.

"I am sure sometimes the power goes to your head, he said and tapped my boot on the table.

"No, I am just trying to be tougher," she said,  "they don't need to know I am a woman or a mermaid."

"Indeed, but you can still be polite to those around you," he says.

"Yes, I am sorry," I say and lift his hand to my lips and gently kiss it. "Am I forgiven?" He runs a hand over his beard and thinks about it mocking me.

"Yes my love, you are forgiven for now," he chuckles and takes a sip of his rum.

"Is that your third one?" I ask.

"Why? You keeping track?" He responds.

"No, but I know how you get," I responded.

"And I know how you get," he says and takes my drink away from me.

"Hey! I wasn't finished!" I say. 

"You are now, I can't have you drinking and swimming in the sea," he reminds me. I huff, and get up to walk to the beach. It wasn't long until Silver joins me. I walk to the end of the beach hiding in the shadows of the night, when he reaches me most of my clothing was thrown onto the beach. My scales and true form on display, I waded into the waves the chill of the salt water on my limbs woke me out of my tipsy rum spell. Before long my tail reappeared and Silver was in the water with me. "I've missed seeing you in this form," he said resting a hand on my cheek and gently stroking my scaley cheek.

"Prefer it over me being dressed like a man?" I ask.

"Yes, very much so," he smiles and gently kisses my scaley cheek. "I yearn for the day you can show your true form and show the world your beauty. It's such a shame that you have to hide." He says pulling me toward him in the water and keeping me close.

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