Siren DarkOcean's Origin

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I looked at the knife in my hand as I walked into the room my mother was in, her attention all focused on the TV in front of her.

I had my face covered in slowly bleeding cuts from those claw nails of her's. But my arms and waist were covered in self inflicted cuts, as I had an insanity filled grin spread across my face.

I stood behind the chair she sat in where she watched on her favorite Soap Operas Grey's Attatamy. Never understood how she could like it.

As my grin grew I quickly clamped my hand over her mouth as I held the knifes blade to her throat.

She immediately began to thrash, which lead her to fall out of her chair to the floor. Which I quickly pinned the oversized woman to the floor as I held the tip of the knife to her throat, my mouth clamped tighty over her mouth to keep her from screaming for help.

"Awe Stacey, Stacey, Stacey Bachelor." I began in a sickly sweet voice. "You think I WOULDN'T snap to kill you after years of abuse you put me through?" I asked her. I just laughed insanely at that. "How pathetic." I growled.

"But you know one thing." I said as I pushed the tip of the blade into her throat making a small trickle of blood spill. "Karma's a bitch and she keeps receipts." I grinned again as I raised the knife into the air.

"You wanted a show?" I asked her. "Well here's your show to hell!" I screamed as I plunged the knife into her skull between her eyes, life immediately leaving them as I then began to carve various marks into her neck.

I cackled loudly as I got off her corpse as I had her blood staining me. I made my way to the bedrooms and stood in front of my little brother's door, he's more of a spoiled brat who should rot in hell thinking he rules the world.

"Oh Kristian~" I sung in a sickly sweet voice tone. "Do you wanna play a game with me baby bro?" I asked him as I leaned against the frame to the closed door.

"NO!" He yelled from being into his game, could easily tell it was Mario.

I chuckled deeply at that. "Wrong answer shit head." I grinned as I kicked open the door, gaining his attention to my blood stained form.

I swiftly tackled him to the floor as my adrenaline from my sanity snap was in control of my strength making almost unhumanly strong.

I held his throat to where he was choking for air as I raised the knife into the air. "You wanted a show?" I asked him. "HERE'S YOUR SHOW TO HELL BITCH!" I cackled as I plunged the knifes blade into his skull through his eye then began to stab violently into his skull.

I let out a sigh as I stood up but noticed a sent I knew all to well.

I looked behind me seeing my dad in the doorway, staring at me in horror, his phone in hand with I could assume is the police.

"I'm sorry daddy." I said as I began to advance to him. With unhuman speed and strength again I tackled and held the six foot tall man to the floor as I had my hand clamped over his mouth.

"I'm sorry daddy, but I can't have any living witnesses..." I said as hot tears spilled from my dull and almost lifeless hazel eyes that dropped against his skin.

"You wanted a show?" I asked as I raised the knife into the air. "Well here's your show to your happy place in heaven father!" I yelled as I plunged the knife into his throat before rapidly stabbing his skull.

I chocked a sob at having to kill him but I couldn't have a living witness.

I noticed his gold cross necklace around his neck, I ripped it off his lifeless body and held it against my forehead.

"Dear God or any Celestial God out there, please make sure he goes to heaven and has the most perfect afterlife up there for me. He deserves it." I cried as I held the cross necklace pendant in my face.

I sighed shakily as I slipped it on, quickly grabbing some photos, my uncle, my grandfather, me and my dad's hunting trip, my older brother and his girlfriend and one of my nieces and nephews together.

I quickly stuffed them into my bra as I rushed out, quickly running through the front to go into the woods from the field. The knife was tucked into my belt loop to keep it out of my way.

Quickly passing the power lines I stopped as I was in a small clearing I never seen before.

I sighed as I looked at my blood caked hands. I grinned at the sight. I cackled as I felt a presence I knew for five or six years now.

I heard footsteps of many people. Cops.

"There's nothing to loose when your lonely and friendless." I sung as I held my hands in front of me as they were ablaze from my elbows to my fingertips.

"So my only interest, is showing this princess," I continued as I grinned to where any humans face would ache. But not me.

"That I am the queen and my reign will be, ENDLESS!" I yelled as I threw the fire to the ground. A large and tall ring of fire surrounding me making the cops fly back two feet.

"I want what I deserve!" I sung as my body began to shift. My figure now seemed perfectly curvy and skinny and my chest bigger, I felt horns come out from the top of my skull, a long tail shift out from my shorts and swish across the forest ground behind me and a large pair of wings on my back of a white angle wing with gold details on the feathers and a demon like bat wing with holes in it.

"I wanna rule the world!" I sung as my left arm from my elbow to my fingertips shift into a large claw.

"Step back and watch them learn," I sung as a large mallot formed from nowhere appeared next to my right hand.

"It's finally my turn!" I sung as I grabbed the mallot in my right hand and turned to face the cops as my shifting was complete and the fire was now only as tall as freshly cut grass.

"If they want a villian for a queen." I stood tall as I stared down the cops as tentidrils came from my back.

"I'm gonna be one they never seen." I watched as they pulled their guns out to shoot me. I only smirked.

"I'LL SHOW THEM WHAT IT MEANS!" At that verse vines quickly sprouted from the ground and restrained the cops.

Any stray bullets I deflected them to some cops with a swing of my mallot.

"Now that I am there," My tentidrils went to a few cops necks and wrapped around them.

"I will be the ruler of the dark and the bad." I grinned at their fear filled faces.

"'Cause the devil's on my shoulder where the angels used to be and he's calling me," I held my claw hand to my chest as I sung.

"The Queen of Mean~" At that a few cops who didn't have tentidrils around their necks heads exploded from the vocal shift to make their head emplode, any K-9 Units they brought with them ran away in fear.

"The Queen of Mean~" I continued as the cops with my tentidrils around their necks had their heads ripped off by the same tentidrils.

I walked closer to a lone cop as I flexed my claws.

"I want what I DESERVE!" I quickly plunged the claw into his chest and ripped out his heart, letting the vines disappear as he now dead body fell to the forest floor.

I looked at the blood oozing heart in my hand, my cannibal side wanting to devour it, so I did.

I took a large bite of the heart and hummed in delight as I began to devour the vital organ quickly. Enjoying every bite of the heart and the drops of blood that made me for once feel full and sated.

I sighed in relief upon finishing the heart and saw a shadow taller than mine. "Hello father." I greeted him as I turned and looked up at my faceless past life father.

He just remained silent at what his eldest daughter had done, one people thought would never kill anyone or anything.

"Surprised huh? Understandable since the one child of yours does something you never thought they would do." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Yes Siren, but your sanity had snapped you had a will to survive and stay alive finally, which I am glad for that part you wish to stay alive." He said as he patted my head between the two demon horns almost reminiscent of a Dubwool from Pokémons two large horns.

"Meh," I shrugged at him for that. "Still suicidal but it's whatever." I told him shifting my weight a bit since I felt uneven of my balance with these large wings.

He held his hand out to me. "Let's go home, I can already tell the others will be happy to have you home." He said, a small smile reached my face at that.

My real home where no one hurts me for not wanting me and always wants me no matter what and accepts me for who I am.

"I'm sure Reala and my kids will be the most over everyone." I said as I shifted my claw back to my human hand and took it in his.

He held my hand as he walked me to a portal to our world.

My home




Siren DarkOcean/Jillian Parham
Stacey Bachelor
Kristian Parham
Kevin Parham
42 Random Officers
Slender Man


IK the part of having Queen of Mean being sung while killing was a bit cringe but eh
Deal with it

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