08 | Damsel

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No one seemed to care that Iliana'd left her cabin. In fact, Sophos even offered her a shy smile when she reached the lower deck. She returned it, and he instantly spun around to focus on the rigging in his hands. Somewhat amused, she focused her attention on the others. Heron stood in the crow's nest, his eyes focused on the open sea. Abarron and Lykos were at the bow, discussing something she couldn't hear while they snacked on apples.

Not wanting to deal with him this early in the morning, Iliana turned her back to Lykos and started towards the stern. Like the night before, she scaled the ladder, only this time she didn't stop at the top rung. A light breeze played with her hair as she approached the back railing. Brilliantly blue, the open ocean stretched out for miles behind the ship. There was something calming in the rolling waves that drove Iliana to drop her arms, then her head, atop the railing.

For several minutes she simply stood like that. Her mind churned with the multitude of unanswered questions that dominated her thoughts. At the moment, the strongest inquiry was how long it took for a siren to fully transform. The legends said that sirens could breathe underwater. Did that mean they formed gills? Iliana pulled one hand from beneath her head so she could rub the side of her neck. None of the sirens she'd met had scaled necks. So, that was a no.

Still, if she could guarantee that she could breathe underwater...

She was so distracted by her thoughts that it took her a full minute to comprehend the sudden glimpse of blue, green, and blond swimming just below the ocean's surface. The second it registered, Iliana snapped her head up and gaped.


She hesitated, then spun around to check that no one was within hearing distance. If she was right, and that was him, she needed to make sure nothing would interrupt this moment. Unlike when she'd been eavesdropping, there wasn't a single soul on the ladder, nor had anyone joined her on the upper deck. Satisfied, she returned to the railing and stared. How had he found her? Did it even matter? He was here. She wasn't alone.

"Callias, is that you?"

Stupid. It isn't like he can answer you while keeping up with the ship. Once again, she turned her attention to her surroundings. There were a few supply crates littered around just as there had been on the lower deck. She hesitated--the idea was a bit ridiculous--before moving over to the closest box and quickly working the knots that secured the crate in place.

When finished, she moved onto the next, and repeated until she was satisfied she had enough rope. Tying them all together, she returned to the back railing and looped the rope around the top. She made sure not to release the end of it, however, instead keeping it securely gripped in her fist. She then tossed the other end into the water. She would have tied it to the railing, but if someone came up it would take that much longer to be rid of the rope.

Seeming to understand what she was thinking, Callias grasped his end and disappeared into the ocean's depths for a moment. Then, he reappeared, the rope secured around his waist. The second he'd rolled onto his back, allowing the rope to tug him along the top of the waters, Iliana offered him a blinding grin.

"It is you!"

He rolled his eyes. Within the same moment, however, he was studying her. Suddenly, Iliana felt self conscious. She was changing and, unlike Lykos and the crew, Callias hadn't been around to see it unfolding. Whatever his thoughts on the matter, he focused his gaze on her face after only a few seconds.

"Melitta is bringing others," he stated.

"Are they here?" Iliana asked, hope fluttering to life. Was this it? If she leapt over the railing right now would she be alright?

Callias shook his head, killing her budding thoughts. "No. She's around..." He furrowed his brow. "A day behind, I believe."

From the way he acted, she had to wonder; did he have a way of knowing exactly where Melitta was? Her excitement returned, and Iliana scrambled to haul herself onto the railing. She settled with her feet hanging over the edge, eyes focused on Callias in the waters below.

"Then I'll jump," she declared. "With your help, we should be able to join them, right? We could--"

Callias shook his head. "It's too dangerous."

"Swimming is dangerous?" Iliana demanded.

He nodded, a frown taking over his expression. "For... certain reasons, these waters are calling to all the nightmares of the sea. They avoid me, as I am of Umae. They're aware that in typical circumstances, I would win. You, however..."

"They'd attack," Iliana finished.

"Most likely. And my presence wouldn't matter to them under those circumstances."

His words felt like a stone in the pit of her stomach. Even Callias couldn't protect her if they were surrounded; and Iliana couldn't exactly defend herself in the open ocean without a weapon. She supposed she could try and get the dagger back. Lykos hadn't seemed to care either way about her having a weapon. At the same time, the two of them alone against the ocean made for terrible odds. If she got him killed because she recklessly ignored his words...

Iliana sighed. "I understand."

The matter had cast her mind into further disarray, however. The idea that the nightmares were gathering under circumstances he'd avoided mentioning had her wondering. What was it that had caught their attention? This had happened on the island as well. Rhode'd said that the creatures were unusually agitated and that they had to be careful. What was the common factor between here and there?

Iliana herself? Impossible. She'd never attracted them before, she doubted that'd changed just because she'd gotten herself stranded. If they'd changed their behavior upon her arrival--questionable, given she had no idea if they had--only other common factor was...

"Is Kain with Melitta?"

Callias' frown deepened. "I believe so."

Nightmare sightings hadn't been uncommon aboard the Airlea. The entire crew had been trained how to hunt them using the harpoons stowed away below deck. But that was insane, wasn't it? To think that Kain was the cause? If that was the case, wouldn't they have been attacked more often? She shook her head, casting away the strange thoughts. What had driven her to that idea in the first place? Iliana chewed on her lip, attempting to recall any real evidence besides coincidence. There wasn't any--but her instincts told her she was onto something.

Yet another mystery for her to think on. She focused her attention on Callias. "So, do we have a pl--"

"You talking to someone up there, lass?"

She released the rope. With a bit of encouragement on her end, it unraveled and fell into the ocean. Instantly, it and Callias disappeared into the depths. Dammit.

"I'm alone, and I'd prefer it stay that way," she replied irritably.


Iliana rolled her eyes skyward when she realized he'd taken her words as an invitation to join her. She shouldn't have expected anything different. They had only known each other for almost three days, but she had quickly come to realize Lykos seemed to take pleasure in pissing others off. Either that, or he just liked being yelled at. One made him an asshole, the other a masochist. She was betting on the first. She could hear him approaching her from behind, and she purposely made no attempt to turn about on the railing.

"Thinking of leaving us?" Lykos questioned.

The teasing edge to his tone said it was a joke, but she had to wonder if it really was. Still, she stuck to her guns and refused to look at him. He hadn't been invited, therefore he was being ignored.

"Do me a favor," he continued. "If you're going to jump, be it now or later, do it back here."

Assuming he'd continue without prompting, Iliana clung to her stubborn silence. However, several minutes passed without a word on his end. He joined her at the railing, but said nothing. Eventually, she couldn't take it. Her curiosity reigned as she turned and offered him a quizzical raise of her brow.


That wolfish grin of his appeared. "I have a feeling the shirt you're wearing is the type to turn see-through when wet. I'd love to see what shows, but also to keep every bit of it our little secret."

Heat flooded her cheeks. For a second she opened and shut her mouth, unable to put together anything more than a few sputtered expletives in response to his brazen words. Lykos instantly lit up with laughter.

"It's just a thought, lass. No worries. I won't peek until you invite me."

She shot him an indignant glower. Then, pointedly focused her gaze on the shifting sea. There was no point in dignifying him with a response. In fact, she knew that was what he wanted. So, she instead turned her thoughts towards the pros and cons of simply leaping into the ocean. Getting attacked by a nightmare might be worth it if I can escape him.

Of course, Lykos was too much of an ass to leave it there.

"You know..."

He trailed off and she reluctantly turned her eyes to him once again. And, for a moment, she was captivated. He'd settled one of his elbows on the railing, cheek in palm, with his other arm hanging over the edge. None of that held her attention, however. No, that was drawn in by how his eyes seemed to bore into her, intense curiosity burning behind them. She'd never really noticed before, but there was something special about his eyes. Perhaps that was because she'd never stood this close to him without attempting to inflict some form of bodily harm.

His eyes weren't strange in a mystical way, like how Callias's seemed to reflect the sea. Rather, they were captivating in a completely human manner. The rising sun seemed to reflect off his irises in just the right way-- showing the hidden flecks of blue in the steel color.

"It's jus' an idea I got, but... you've never been courted before, have ya, lass?"

At first, she could only stare at him, dumbfounded. Of all the things that could have been going through that irritating brain of his...

"What the hell?" Iliana demanded.

Lykos just laughed. "Like I said, it's jus' a feelin' I get, is all."

She narrowed her eyes, debating her options. "I'd hardly call what you're doing courting."

Option number one, she could be reckless and jump overboard. A bit dramatic, but really the most appealing of her options. It'd cause Callias trouble, but at least she'd finally be free of this irritating man.

Second, she could punch him. Again, it was a rather dramatic reaction. Still, Lykos was being an ass. She had a feeling, however, he'd just dodge and laugh it off. So, she'd get no real satisfaction.

"It is when the lass is a wild thing like yourself," he teased.

That left her with only one viable course of action. Iliana turned so she was straddling the railing, flipped him off, then slid back onto the deck. She'd just have to give up waiting around for another chance to talk to Callias if it meant dealing with Lykos' theatrics. He, of course, started laughing even harder. It was as if this all was just one big joke that only he knew the punchline to.

"C'mon, lass. It's a compliment."

"Quit calling me lass," she snapped.

"Not like I have anything else to call you," he pointed out. "Iliana is pretty and all, but it seems like the name of a proper lady, and you don't act proper. So, what's that leave me with? I could call you woman, I guess, but that seems a bit rude. I think Eumelia'd get pissed. So, lass it is. Unless, you're upset about it being so casual? You wanting me to switch to pet names?"

"Fuck off."

"Spitfire's still an option, I guess."

Iliana scoffed. Once again choosing not to dignify his words with a response, she started towards the ladder. Lykos, the ass he was, followed behind her.

"That one's a compliment, too."

"I think you've got a screwed up idea of what that word means," Iliana retorted.

"Nah, I know it just fine. You're the one that's a tad messed up, lass."

"And I suppose that's a compliment, too."

"It is."

She stopped, dead, before spinning around to glower at him. The sudden action left barely any space between them-- unless one counted the good foot difference in their heights. Ignoring the stupid grin on his face, Iliana shoved a finger into his chest.

"If you don't shut the hell up, I swear..."

"You swear what, lass?" Lykos challenged, grabbing the hand. "If it's a threat you're going for, you'd do good to remember how much fun you had the last time you tried to kill me."

Seconds from screaming in frustration, Iliana slammed her foot down atop of his. A flood of satisfaction surged through her when he gave just the faintest wince. Then, fled when he started laughing once again. At least he'd released his hold on her hand.

That confirmed it, she decided. Lykos was a damn masochist. Either that, or his head had a bucket of screws loose. Otherwise, how could he get so much enjoyment out of her attacking him?

"You're a bit lacking in the strength department," Lykos mused, not backing down an inch. Rather, he made a show of running his eyes from her toes to her head. "I bet you've got a good arm, though. You'd be better off punching me if you want to do any damage."

"You're insane."

He shrugged. "Nah, insane would be not giving a pretty lady a better idea of how to defend herself."

"Blind as well."

This time, he frowned. There seemed to be an out-of-place seriousness to the studious look he shot her. "You don't believe me."

"Of course I don't." She scoffed. "I'm not blind."

Lykos furrowed his brow. For a moment, he said nothing. Then, he shook his head and grabbed ahold of her upper arm.


"Let go!"

Ignoring her protests, he tugged her along to the ladder. "Go down, I'll be right behind you."

"No," she refused, stubbornly jerking her arm away.

He sighed, for once looking less than amused by her theatrics. Of course, that only made her more determined not to move.

"Go, or I'll throw you over my shoulder and take you down myself."

She scowled. "You wouldn't dare."

A mischievous smirk tugged at his lips. He rose a brow, all amusement returning to his gaze.

"That sounds like a challenge."

"Take it however you please," Iliana retorted. "You can't make me go down." She paused, her own smirk forming. "Perhaps if you said pretty please, I'd consider it."

"Nah. I'll just do it my way."

Throughout this entire exchange, she hadn't backed away from him. Even shifting an inch felt like she'd be losing some silent game. Unfortunately, this gave him the upperhand. Before she could register what was happening, he'd bent down and looped his arm around her waist. She instantly set about protesting--kicking, hitting, shouting--but he ignored it all as he straightened up. And, just like that, she was over his shoulder.

Lykos, the ass he was, patted her waist with his hand. "No worries, I won't touch anything. Well, not unless you ask me to."

"Like I ever would!"

Like the last time they'd been in such a situation, he seemed to have no trouble with her struggling. In fact, it only seemed to further his amusement as he took the few steps needed to reach the ladder, then turned and used his free hand to traverse it in mere seconds. If anything, this only added to her irritation. What was it about this man that made her completely helpless? Before she'd been stranded with the sirens, Iliana'd never been the damsel in distress type of girl. In fact, she'd been the opposite. When she had a problem, she solved it herself.

So how was it that no matter what she did, Lykos always had the upper hand?

She needed to one up him. Just once, she wanted to unsettle the giant mercenary and see him be the one searching for what to say.

But how?

Turning his game on its head wouldn't do her any good. She doubted he was unfamiliar with romantic advances. He'd probably laugh her off, just as he'd done every other time she'd attempted to retaliate. Just wait, she urged herself. He won't be laughing when you escape. It felt like a hollow victory--as she wouldn't be escaping alone--but it would have to do. Iliana had no other ideas.

She was whisked out of her thoughts the moment he tugged open a door only a few feet to the left of the ladder. She instantly twisted about in his grip, determined to find somewhere to bite--as it seemed to be her only option of inflicting pain.

"What the actual fuck?" she demanded. "You're bringing me to your room?"

At least, that was her guess. If his ship was like the others she'd been aboard, then the room beneath the stern would be his. Artemios had used it as an office, but she doubted Lykos needed such a thing.

Just as the last word had left her mouth, he dumped her on the floor. She let out a series of harsh swears. Within seconds, she'd scrambled back to her feet, ready for a fight. Lykos simply rolled his eyes and walked further inside. A quick glance at her surroundings made Iliana decide she'd been right. The room was rather bare--unsurprising, as Lykos didn't strike her as the materialistic sort--containing only a bed, a trunk, a large dresser, and a series of weapons carefully displayed on the walls. She had to wonder how those fared in harsh weather, did he have to pick them up every time the ship hit a storm?

His target seemed to be the trunk. The second he'd reached it, Lykos swung the lid up and began digging through his clothing. She'd taken a step back, fully intending to leave his room, when he let out a satisfied grunt and tugged something loose from the bottom. Iliana paused as she realized he'd been looking for a small, hand-held mirror much like the one she'd discovered in her own cabin.

"Here." He offered her the mirror.

She hesitated, eyeing the object as if it might bite her. Until that moment, she hadn't realized that he was intending to prove himself right. An unreasonable fear perched in her heart. If she looked at her reflection, what would she see?

Would she see the girl she'd always been?

Would she see the girl who'd grown up in her sister's shadow? The one who knew her place as the lesser of the Katrakis girls? The one who'd been told that she'd be lucky to land a man of status, so she should take what she could get? Who'd been locked away in a dark basement any time she'd murmured the thought that maybe, just maybe, it didn't matter that her face wasn't the type most men wanted? That girl who'd thought that perhaps she could just stay with Mara, and take care of whatever little ones came along from her sister's marriage?

Would she see the dreamer that'd finally had enough, and had gathered her courage, then left it all behind? The one who'd thought that everything would be okay if only she left that house? What of the girl who'd somehow, miraculously found a new family, then lost it right before she could fully claim it as her own?

Would she see someone who'd been willing to give up everything, her very being, to protect one of the few people in the world that had seen her?

Or would she see a stranger?

Iliana took the mirror. 

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