26 | The Votanna

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She was nowhere.

No matter how many people Kain questioned, how many streets he and Melitta walked, they found nothing. If it wasn't for Melitta's insistence that she'd know if Callias left--as she was certain that whatever was blocking her had to be unique to Nokos--he might've thought the kidnappers and Iliana had left the city.

"There's always the Unseen Hand," Dalphie said over breakfast. "Or other, similar routes. Why should we assume that whomever did it is working in honest, easily visible ways? The crime rings exist for a reason."

Kain buttered his bread while turning the words over in careful thought. She wasn't wrong to point out their mistake in avoiding the darker aspect of Nokos. He hadn't been selective in who he questioned, but he had gone out of his way to avoid dangerous situations. That part of him that'd gone running into an alley to protect Mara refused to let Melitta walk into such a place at his side. What if he couldn't protect her?

"Crime rings?" Melitta questioned.

Amusement crept over Dalphie's features. "I sometimes forget how innocent you are, despite everything."

Melitta reddened as Dalphie drew herself up in her seat, then reached across the table for the handful of grapes left on the platter they'd been selecting from. Kain had been surprised when, upon sitting down, a server had asked them if they wanted a fruit tray for breakfast. The inn was nice, but he hadn't expected fresh fruit to be their go to breakfast for travelers. Whatever reason for the rich taste, it made Dalphie's explanation that much easier as she settled three grapes in front of Melitta.

"As you've no doubt realized, Eol's status as crime-free, and... prosperous is only on the surface level," Dalphie explained. "Beneath all the bureaucracy, there are three powers that control this country, and none of them are noble. At least, not in theory.

"The first would be the most popular. The Unseen Hand is known throughout all of Tarmae. After all, the idea of fighting against the corrupt, taking the laws into the public hands, and rebelling against the current monarchies is murmured world-wide. Eol just happens to be their base of operations, most likely because the crown guard is so corrupt that a single, whispered word and a gold coin can hide murder. The wolves have eliminated figures for even less than that, and are loved for it. "

Dalphie tapped a purple grape as she spoke, no doubt indicating that the piece of fruit was to represent the Hand.

"They were spoken of even in Reotak," Melitta offered, her eyes glued to Dalphie's fingers. "I heard stories... and had hope."

Dalphie smiled. "That's their superpower."

Her hand moved to a light green grape.

"The second would be Acis and his Spiders."

"Are they all animal based?" Rhode asked, curiosity coloring her expression. "Wolves, Spiders..."

"No," Dalphie replied, amused. "Acis is just... competitive. The Spiders are a mixture of assassins, thugs, and mercenaries. A strange grouping, to be certain. They deal in death, but refuse deals that handle slavery, drugs, and the like. As a result, Acis views the Hand as his direct competition--given that they're also criminals with morals."

He nearly snorted. Criminals and morals didn't quite line up in his mind. Dalphie shot him a smile full of amusement, as if she could read his thoughts, and found them hilarious.

"Don't be so quick to judge," she chided. "Not everyone chooses the darker paths because they've an interest in blood and chaos. Sometimes, it's a necessity, or even noble desire. Governments create laws, and sometimes, going outside the law is the most moral thing to do."

Kain felt heat fill his cheeks and he nodded. She wasn't wrong--the evidence was all around them. If Eol was thriving, if their laws were perfect, there'd be no need for Nokos, and how many normal citizens lived within the city boundaries.

"And the third?" Melitta questioned.

"The Votanna," Dalphie supplied. "They rarely refuse a job, no matter the source. Their members aren't as highly trained as the Spiders, or as varied in race or background as the Wolves, but they're just as dangerous. Perhaps because they've no guiding code. The phrase 'there is honor amongst thieves,' is lost on them. Hence their name translating in Letian as the darkness."

Silence fell as Kain considered their options. With the three groups in direct competition with one another, especially the Wolves and Spiders, he had a feeling that going to the wrong ring could cut him off from another. Artemios had taught him that eyes were always watching--and no doubt the moment he stepped one direction, the others would know.

"You've the morning to think on it," Dalphie said, interrupting his thoughts. "It'd be best to wait till later in the afternoon before taking any action. Their leaders are more likely to be awake and willing to listen. Dark deeds are better done after dusk, making those who commit them more likely to be irritable at daybreak."

She had a fair point.

Kain nodded his agreement and the discussion fell to more pleasant topics as they finished their meal. His eyes wandered the room as the sirens began leading a conversation on traveling dresses and how impractical the more expensive styles were. If he were being honest, he was looking for Mara. Since the confrontation nights ago, he'd seen nothing of her, or Kyril. A quiet word to the owner earlier in the morning had revealed that their room was still paid through the current day, but that the couple themselves had been scarce.

Still, he studied the other patrons. A mix of travelers and locals filled the busy room. Some were dressed in fine material, denoting them as people who could afford the expensive room fee, and others looked as if they'd come from the port or market for a bite to eat before beginning their day. Their clothing was more threadbare, less... showy.

Among them all, however, was an unusual sight that caught his eye. A young boy, no older than five at the most, sat three tables away. With the exclusion of the small faerie sitting on the table, he was alone.

The boy himself held a rather unusual appearance, what with his crimson hair, pale skin, and amber eyes. The hair was what had distracted Kain initially--even in Eol, the shade was unusual in humans--but the boy's eyes and the faerie were what kept it.

Where had Kain seen that iris color before? The question tugged at his memory, but the answer escaped him. Not surprising given the early hour, but still, it bothered him.

Giving up on the matter, he turned his attention to the faerie. Like before, with the owner, he found it difficult to judge their gender. Perhaps that was typical of their race? Whatever reason for it, their short, blue hair and matching eyes told him the faerie was most likely of the water, where the inn owner was fire. An unusual duo, but not unheard of given faeries tendencies to live in groups, and their nearness to the ocean.

He couldn't hear the words they spoke, the inn had a pleasant, ongoing buzz of conversation that made hearing so far away difficult, but from the demeanor of the child, and the smiling faerie, he guessed it to be cheerful. His attention drifted away, returning to the inn's other inhabitants, when the front door opened and motion drew his eyes back to the table.

The boy scrambled from his seat, a beaming smile aimed at the woman hurrying towards them. "Mama!"

The woman, no doubt the 'Mama' in question if her eye-catching red hair was anything to go by, hurried from the door to the table, offering the faerie a greeting far quieter than the shout of the child. The faerie waved their hand dismissively, and the woman took the child's hand, then started for the door. Something about the innocent exchange rubbed Kain wrong, and he nudged Melitta.

"Do you see them?"

The conversation stalled, as Melitta followed his gaze to the woman and child as they started for the door. Surprise flickered across the mermaid's face, before she furrowed her brow.

"A witch doctor, and... something else," she said. "I can't pinpoint the boy, just that he's not human, and of similar kind to the witch."

Dalphie murmured something Kain couldn't understand, the words sounding rough, and foreign, and he glanced in her direction to see her watching the family's departure as well. Her entire body had tensed, eyes trained on the duo with emotion that would've been impossible to decipher. He opened his mouth to question it, but at that same moment her gaze snapped to his, and she offered a smile bright enough to stall his thoughts in their place.

"Let's follow them."

"Foll--wait, what?"

Dalphie jumped up from her seat, rubbing her hands on the skirt of her traveling dress. The strange, improper action drew a few glances their way, but it did little to discourage her as she took off across the inn. Kain exchanged a look of confusion with Melitta as Rhode jumped to her feet and took off after the other siren.

"We're going, I guess...?" Melitta observed.

"Not really a choice at this point," Kain agreed.

He dug out a few extra coins as an apology for taking off, and settled them on the table before joining Melitta to chase the others. They caught up with Dalphie just outside the door. Her gaze was settled on the mother and child, watching as they chatted and made their way up the street.

"Why are we--"

"Shush," Dalphie muttered, then hooked her arm in his and dragged him forward. "Talk about something."

How was he supposed to be quiet, and talk at the same time? Baffled, Kain searched his mind for a topic that wouldn't have her hushing him again. Rhode shot him a sympathetic expression, before focusing her gaze on Dalphie.

"Did you hear what they were saying back there about the war? Rumor says that Prince Del confronted Reotak infiltrators, then disappeared."

Surprise flooded Kain at her choice of conversation, followed quickly by fear. Del had disappeared?

"Which side of the border was he on?" Kain questioned.

"Reotakian, I believe," Rhode said. "Chased them across the mountain pass, then just... disappeared. People are saying he's been captured."

"More likely, he's hiding out and waiting for a good chance to cross back," Dalphie murmured, gaze still abnormally focused on the mother and child. "It'd be the smart choice."

"Either way, the word among the people is that the castle's been rather hush-hush about what they're planning to do about it. With the exclusion of the king, and the high priestess, Del was the only one of the main blood-line left."

No. Not quite.

Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed as Rhode switched to other tavern rumors. Her voice kept a steady conversation as they began to near the edge of town, The family they were trailing--reason, still unknown--slowed down, the mother growing distracted by something the boy said. Then, much to Kain's dismay, she glanced over her shoulder directly at their group.

Then, of all possible reactions, she smiled.

Confused, Kain watched as she focused her gaze on her path once again. The path drew more populated the closer they grew to the town border, but the woman seemed to mind little as she wove through the throng of people.

Melitta tripped.

Kain caught her arm, and might've asked if she was okay, but her wide-eyed, far-away expression had him studying the crowd more closely. Could Melitta have--


Her whispered word was enough for him. He released her, and rocked onto his toes to try and peer over the small line of people leading towards the town walls. He could just make out the dark, metal helmets of the city guards standing watch at the gateway. Why they bothered, he wasn't certain. Everyone knew the guards were easily bribed to look the other-way, a gold coin and you could tell the most obvious lie in the world about your reason for entering Eol, and get through nevertheless.

For whatever reason they bothered with the check, the foot-traffic through the gate was slow. It gave him a moment to scan the people ahead of them, and for his heart to commit a full-stop at the sight of a familiar head of platinum blond hair. Callias. Something within him unraveled at the realization that the merman was okay--that he hadn't been offering Melitta false hope. Kain's next breath came to him with an ease that said just how tense their lack of connection had left him.

If Callias is there, leaving the city... Kain strained his eyes, scanning the sight for Iliana. Frustration flashed through him as he spotted no one with her particular, sharp features and boyish bob. Of course it couldn't be that easy. Iliana standing out--

Gods, he was a fates damned idiot.

"She's a siren."

Dalphie and Rhode had plunged into the line, ignoring protests from irate travelers, leaving only Melitta to shoot him a confused expression. She'd recovered from her stumble, and looked three seconds from dashing off herself. "Iliana?"

"Yes, Iliana. She's a siren. Rhode and Dalphie have said as much. And, sirens are beautiful, enchanting even. We're looking for the wrong person. Iliana the human, not Iliana the siren."

"Bleeding fates," Melitta cursed.

Callias, though, had been following her. They would have to settle with connecting with him, then using him to reach her, Kain decided. Just as he'd taken a step to dart forward, though, an unexpected tap on his shoulder gave him pause. He turned, then frowned at the sight of an unfamiliar woman met his eyes. She wore loose, white sleeves and black trousers, an unusual sight, but not as strange in Nokos as it might've been in other cities of Eol.

"Excuse me, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me."

"I--" Kain began.

"You see, I'm looking for someone," she continued, ignoring his protest. "Description, small, dark, and with a rather notable gray cap." The woman paused, her eyes focusing on Kain's hat as a chill brushed his spine. Someone was looking for him? "That sound familiar?"

"Who are you?" Melitta asked.

The woman offered a thin smile, and her hand. "An interested third party, you might say. Alithia. It's Kain, correct?"

That chill turned to ice, but even as his mind spun theories for why she might have his name his attention waned. They were so close. Getting distracted at a time like this...

"It's a pleasure, but," Kain glanced back, his eyes searching the line. "I've something I need--"

"You see, funny that," the woman interrupted. "This is exactly why we need to talk. You're looking for her, correct?"

His attention snapped to Alithia with those words. "You know where she is?"

Her smile grew. "Of course. The Votanna always know where their charges are."

The Votanna? Is that who took her? His right hand fell casually to his side, putting it inches from the hilt of his blade as he reached with his left to take her proffered greeting. Alithia's eyes followed the action, but she said nothing. If anything, she only looked further amused.

"Where, then?"

"Hm, not far," she replied. "But first..."

Pain. It radiated through his entire body before her movement fully registered before his eyes.

In an action too sudden, and strong, for him to have anticipated, she'd tugged him forward, lifting his wrist to her lips, and lightly brushed his skin with her own. The world shuddered, and flickered, Kain's legs giving out beneath him.


"Kyril sends his regards." 

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