《 Chapter Eight 》

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A/N I have not updated this in a while and I honestly thought everyone would lose interest. That... did not happen, so here you go, we're gonna try and see if we can keep up with this. Bare with me though I'm in college now trying to find a job.

Maya's POV

   Mr. Fireman picked me up off the ground and carried me behind all the others. I moved my finger on the drawings on his face when he smiled, I think because of me but I'm not sure.

   This place smells gross now, like someone tried to cook but was bad at it. Like the people who made the food at the place with all the mean people. No one could cook so the food was always bad. Sometimes it was so bad that they didn't give me any because the cook messed it up so much I couldn't eat it. On those days I didn't eat anything, just had water. I really wish they had fruit snacks but they said I wasn't allowed to make demands, whatever that means.

   Mr. Fireman stopped walking behind everyone while everyone else kept going. I looked at him and frowned pointing to where everyone else was. If we moved to slow they would leave us, or get mad at us. I looked back at Mr. Fireman and he looked at me really sad. I think it was because the other guy was mean to him. I know what he felt like, sometimes the guys with the big sticks would be mean to me for no reason, when I was just sitting there not doing anything.


"You're telling me this kid is a weapon of mass destruction"

A man I've never seen before said looking down at me, he looked like my daddy did sometimes when he went out with my mommy. He looked angry at me. Everyone always looked angry at me. The mean lady was next to him. Being mean. Her eyes were the most angry and I did nothing to her! Why was she always angry at me? Everytime she is angry at me. 

She looked down at me and smiled. But it was still an angry smile, not a nice smile like the one's mommy and daddy would give me. Not nice like Ariel's smile. Ariel was always smiling at me, even when she was angry after I'd accidentally dropped her sometimes. Even when the mean guys took her away sometimes she would come back and still be smiling. I think she's even smiling right now.

"Come on Maya, show the nice man what you know how to do, what you practiced" she said to me softly, still trying to have a nice smile. I didn't believe her though. We looked at each other for a long time before her smile went away and she was angry again. She nodded her head to the guys with the sticks and they start to walk over to me. I move away from them and look around for Ariel. Ariel always made me not scared whenever the guys with sticks were around. 

"Waller you are terrifying this child. This is wrong" the man said more words but I couldn't see him anymore, there were a lot of people. 

The guys with the sticks pointed them to me.

That wasn't good.


A loud noise that was even louder than me hurt my ears making me cover them while my eyes started crying. I didn't like the loud noise. I think I told the guys that but they forgot. I forgot sometimes too so that ok. 

The man was on the floor and his eyes were crying too. I don't think he liked the loud noises either. He covered his ears too before paint started to fall out of his nose like when the sticks hit me. 

The guys with the sticks were still looking at me and the mean lady was looking at the man on the floor. I think she was talking but I couldn't hear her anymore, and then my head hurt and the lights turned off leaving me in the dark.

End of flashback

Mr. Fireman said some words but I don't know if they were real because I couldn't understand them. He started walking again before anyone would start yelling at us for being too slow. 

One of the guys kicked the wall and made a whole that was a circle. 

I think.

Whenever the teacher came to talk to me she showed me the circle and I think it was that one but sometimes I thought the circle was the oval. But not the square because the square has sides and the circle doesn't have any sides. I knew that!

   We walked up really really really long stairs and Mr. Fireman carried my all the way up. He didn't have to but I think he wanted to because he holded onto me tight. I don't like stairs that much, I always get tired whenever I have to walk on a lot of them. 

We kept walking up and up and up and I turned around and Harley wasn't there anymore. I had to find her quickly but Mr. Fireman wouldn't let me go. I pull on his shirt and point behind us. He moved closer to the falling part and I see Harley still on the stairs with the guy who was mean to Mr. Fireman before. I think she wanted to hurt him. Was he mean to her too? Why did he like to be mean to people? He wasn't mean to me yet but he was mean to my new friends. And that wasn't nice. 

Mr. Fireman points to them, "They're alright lil homie." I look at him with a frown.

I was not a tiny house.

He just smiles at me, a small, nice smile. "They'll meet us up, I promise." He keeps walking, leaving Harley and the mean guy far away. I look at them as we keep walking, all the way until we go into a room and the door closes. 

I ask Mr. Fireman to put me down so I can see if Harley is ok but he just looks at me sad. I think he was sad that I was gonna leave him like Mr. Flag left me but I was gonna come back I just needed to make sure that Harley was ok first. I smile at him to make him feel better like when Ariel smiles at me and Mr. Fireman smiled back before letting me down. 

I ran to open the door to see if Harley was ok but the mean guy opened the door before I could get there. Harley comes in behind him so I run to her and hug her leg. I was too small to reach the top. 

"Aww hey Peaches, m'okay, just needed to slow down for a second that's all" she gave me a nice smile before she got to my height so that I could give her a better hug. I liked Harley's hugs, they were nice. Mr. Fireman's hugs were nice too. "Alright Peaches let's go" she says before standing back up tall so we weren't the same anymore. 

"Wait here, please, don't wanna give this dude a heart attack ok" Mr. Flag said holding his hand out so we couldn't keep going. I guess he didn't like any of us now.

"Aww he's embarrassed of us" Harley said looking down at me. I looked up at her and shrugged. I didn't know what that word meant but I guess it means that he didn't like us. But I already knew that because he didn't wanna talk to me or hold my hand anymore. 

I sit down next to Harley's leg while we wait for Mr. Flag to come back. We have to wait for a long time. The mean guy walks to the door that Mr. Flag went in but Mr. Flag told us that we had to wait so that the guy didn't attack his heart. 


The mean guy stops and looks at me while I standed up and went over to him a little bit. He was mean but I didn't want him to get into trouble. Being in trouble hurt a lot. 

"You tan't go in dere... Mr. Fwag... he say to wait" I tell him softly, not wanting to hurt his ears. 

The mean guy just smiles at me before he goes in the door. No one listens to me ever. Not Harley, not the mean guy. No one. Well I'm not gonna listen to them either. 

"Aw come here Peaches."

I frown and walk over to Harley, letting her give me another hug. I needed a hug. 

Later the mean guy walks back into the room and Mr. Flag comes back to. Harley stands up and grabs her stick again before she stops. "No... way.."

I look over to Mr. Flag and by him is the mean lady. I hold onto Harley's leg and stay behind her. Harley wouldn't let the mean lady hurt me. She walks closer to the mean lady with everyone else, so she must not be scared of her. Harley wasn't scared of anything. 

"Let's go home" Mr. Flag said looking at everyone. 


I didn't want to go home. I liked it hear with Harley and Mr. Fireman and the mean guy and the weird guy and the turtle guy and the mask lady. No one liked me at home. Home was always dark and scary and everybody was always angry at me for no reason. I didn't like home.

"I'm not goin back to prison" Harley says looking down at me, "How bout you Peaches?"

I shake my head. I was not going back to prison either.

Wait what's prison?

A/N. It's been forever I know but I have been a little inspired so here you go. It's a bit of a longer one so I hope you guys enjoy. As this is published I've already started writing the next two chapters so hopefully I don't hit a writers block and you all should have them by at least spring break. Love you guys!



Do whatever the hell ya want!!

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