《Chapter Four》

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A/N I think this is the fastest I've ever gotten over 300 reads!! Thx!! This is basically gonna be one big series sorta kinda. I like writing about children so I was gonna do a few for DC, Marvel, and maybe one for Harry Potter. So I was thinking every five chapters the point of view could change and it's up to you guys to tell me what POV you guys want for the next chapter.

Maya's POV

  Mr.Flag doesn't like me anymore. He doesn't look at me and he doesn't smile anymore. He's like a black and white sticker. The lady that helped me with my clothes and hair said her name was Harley. She keeps calling me Peaches, maybe she doesn't know how to say Maya.

  "Behold the voice of god" Mr.Flag held up a blank tiny tv screen so everyone could see it. At first it was blank but then the scary lady came on the screen. I closed my eyes and turned my head hiding it in Harley's shoulder. Maybe she won't see me.

  I felt Harley's hand on my back rubbing it slowly, I guess it was to calm me down. I remember my real mommy used to do that whenever I saw her and my daddy fighting.


"You can't be serious Anthony! You were supposed to be home five hours ago! Maya has been asking where you were, She didn't go to sleep til eleven!" My mommy yelled at my daddy holding a bottle in her hand. The ice box was full of them, and everyday when daddy came home he would get one.

"I have a job to do Lauren! You know that thing that pays our bills and gives you a place to live" My daddy yelled back at her. I don't think they knew I was there, curled up behind the big chair in our living room. The one my daddy would sit in while I was in his lap and he read to me. "Now give me my bottle before I make you" the way he looked at her made me almost start to cry.

He looked so scary like he was going to hurt her again. He always had that look whenever mommy took his bottle away. Like it was his favorite toy.

"N-no you've had enough to drink tonight." My mommy stepped back away from him holding onto the bottle tightly. As she walked back my daddy walked closer to her.

Then I heard it, the really loud sound that always made mommy start crying.

Now she was on the floor, holding the side of her face. I screamed when I saw her making my daddy look at me. I looked up at him and ran off to my room quickly closing the door. I climbed into my bed and grabbed Ariel hiding under the covers.

It was quiet for a really long time but then my door opened. Maybe it was daddy coming to hit me too. He never had before but sometimes he looked at me like he did mommy before he hit her.

"M-maya... Baby girl..."


I opened my eyes and looked at her before moving the covers and hugging her. She pulled me into her lap and rubbed my back kissing my head. I started to cry make her shirt wet. It was already wet though, and it smelled really weird. It had turned a different color too.

"A-are chu k" I asked looking up at her. She smiled and nodded before looking down at her shirt. She sighed and looked back at me kissing my head. "Yes mommy is ok... it's just a little stain that's all..."

She laid down on my bed and held me close to her. Other times daddy would come in and lay down with us, but I don't think he wanted to that time.
   "Get some rest baby girl... everything is ok now..." She whispered rubbing my back more making me fall asleep.

End of flashback

"Peaches... Peaches!" Harley shouted looking down at me. When did she put me down?

Why did she put me down?

I frowned and reached up for her again. Instead of picking me up she grabbed one of my hands. "We're gonna go ride in a helicopter! You're gonna love it. Once puddin took me on a date in a helicopter and we fu-..." Harley stopped and looked at me before laughing softly, "...talked... we talked and had a very nice conversation.."

I looked up at her not understanding what she was saying. Harley shook her head and continued walking while she held my hand. "Don't worry Peaches you don't have to worry about things like that until you're 30 and married with a husband with a good job. Or someone who's really good at sacking banks. That's who you really want" She laughed and helped me into the..  the.. I don't remember. 

   I walked over to a seat and Harley sat down next to me. She put my seatbelt on me and then put on hers. "Tank you..." I said smiling. I looked around at the others in the.. thing and waved giggling softly.
   Two of them waved back at me but the other ones just looked away, maybe they don't like me either. I tried to wave at Mr.Flag again but he just looked away from me. I laid my head on Harley's shoulder and watched her look at her phone.

  Some lady got onto the thing with us, she had a really weird face. She had a long silver stick in her hand too, like she wanted to hurt somebody. Mr.Flag said she would, he said she would kill someone if they triedto hurt him but Harley said she was really nice.
  Is that was nice people do? That would make me a nice person because they said I killed my family. I smiled at Harley and waved at the girl, they said her name was Katana.

  Harley's phone beeped softly making me look down at it with her. There a picture of a clown with green hair. One of my doctors showed me a picture of one once, he said he wanted to see if I was afraid of it. It didn't look scary to me just really ugly.

Joker: I'm coming for you

   Harley pouted and started to type on it.

Harley: And Peaches too right!?!

Joker: Who?

Harley: The little girl puddin!!

Joker: ....

Harley: PUDDIN!!

Joker: fine fine...

  Harley squealed and looked down at me, "You get to come home with me" she whispered before looking at the man next to us. "Shh" she giggled at him and grabbed my hand.

  "Is he supposed to be green like that" a man asked looking at the crocodile. I turned and looked at him, I think he's supposed to be green. Aren't all crocodiles green? Suddenly he threw up all over the floor. It was so icky I had to hide my face, and Harley pinched her nose. "Oh party foul.." she groaned shaking her head.

  She unbuckled my seatbelt for me so I could look out the window, but held onto me so that I wouldn't fall. Maybe it was so the smell wouldn't hurt my nose. The sky was purple, it looked so pretty, like fireworks or something.
  "Wow..." I looked down at the ground and all the tall towers. I used to walk by them with my mommy whenever she would buy food and more bottles for my daddy.

  Suddenly the thing we were in started to shake and move around. There was this really loud nose on the outside and Harley made me put my seatbelt back on. She screamed as we started to shake more and held onto me tightly.

  Next thing I know everything's black and my hair feels wet.

  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Don't forget to vote for who's POV you want the next chapter to be in. It can even still be in Maya's POV if you want.
  I will start writing the next chapter when I have at least five votes for one person!!
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Do whatever ya want!!!!!!!!!!

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