Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Jimin was skipping from one foot to the other, trying to gather the courage to finally knock on the door. What was he even supposed to say? 'Hey... sorry that I kinda got lost in the ocean. It's a bit hard to find your way there. Anyways, I made it, so how have you been?' Yes, absolutely fantastic. He was totally going to say that.

Sighing he ran his hand through his hair, glancing around, searching for anything that would give him courage to just knock. Not like there would be anything lying around, but it was a great way to stall just a couple more seconds.

"Why is this so fucking hard?" Jimin mumbled to himself before closing his eyes, quickly lifting his hand and knocking three times just to get it over with. Otherwise he probably would have spent another hour out there.

He could here steps inside and hear Yoongi's voice talking to someone, his heart acting up in his chest. If it weren't for the self-control he had gathered just seconds before he probably would have run off that exact same second, but before he could doubt his life decisions any longer the door opened and Yoongi looked at him before his eyes widened.

And seconds later Jimin was engulfed in an almost suffocating hug, Yoongi basically clinging onto him. Instead of saying anything Jimin slowly lifted his arms, hugging Yoongi back and just those couple of seconds Jimin spent in Yoongi's tight embrace made Jimin feel ten times better. Why was he scared to come here in the first place? After all it was Yoongi who this was about.

Even if they were in a bit of a weird situation due to the almost kiss and the fact that Jimin had not come back for quite some time, Yoongi was still Yoongi.

When Yoongi finally let go the first thing he did was grab Jimin's head and tilt it around, observing it from many different angles.

"You're back..." He sounded relieved. So relieved and Jimin felt a bit of guilt stabbing him.

"Sorry... I was caught up... I would have told you if I had any possibilities."

"It's alright." Jimin did detect a slight bitter undertone but it was a normal reaction of Yoongi to be angry. After all they were friends and Jimin was gone for what... two... three months? It would have been weird if he wasn't annoyed.

"Can I make it up to you? I don't know... whatever you want, just ask for it?"

Yoongi hesitated and seemed to remember something. "Let's talk about that later. Namjoon is over right now. It's a bit sudden but I'd really like you to meet him."

Jimin nodded before surprising Yoongi by going for another hug, burying his face in the other's shoulder, humming contently. "I really missed you."

Yoongi's body seemed to lose some of his tenseness as he dropped his shoulders, running his hands through Jimin's hair. "Missed you too."

Burying his face deeper in the crook of Yoongi's neck Jimin smiled happily. "I love your smell. It makes me feel at home, you know."

There was no need to see Yoongi's face to know that there was bright blush covering his cheeks.

"Jimin..." They were interrupted by a third person clearing their throat and Jimin had to do his best not to pout as he had to let go of Yoongi, finally coming face to face with the one friend Yoongi had told him a lot about but never met in person.

"Hey, I'm Jimin." Jimin held out his hand for the tall male to shake. "You're Namjoon right? Yoongi talks a lot about you."

Namjoon smiled a bit awkward and took the outstretched hand. "Likewise. It's hard to get him to talk about anything else lately."

Judging by the way Yoongi was avoiding Jimin's eyes Jimin could tell that that was not a piece of information Yoongi had wanted him to know. A warm smile spread over his features. "Cute."

"Aaaanyways." Yoongi interrupted before Namjoon could expose him any further. "Are you hungry Jimin? Namjoon and I were just about to order some take out."

"That would be great." As soon as he got his answer, Yoongi nodded, grabbing the phone and fleeing the room. He hated being the center of attention when it came to this kind of stuff. Also... he still had to stomach the fact that Jimin just came back out of nowhere. He really had accepted that Jimin had just left him to some extent and now Jimin was back. It was hard to stop himself from clinging onto the boy with all his might just to stop him from suddenly disappearing again.

Also there was this deal he had made with himself that had seemed great back when Jimin wasn't there but now... he had no idea what to do anymore.

Being scared that Jimin wasn't going to come back he had promised himself that in case Jimin did come back he wouldn't hesitate any longer. There was no way he would risk losing Jimin again. He was going to ask him out for sure... once Namjoon was gone that was.


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