Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


3 years ago

Jimin was watching fishing boats enter and leave the area, waiting for someone who'd be stupid enough to spend too much time on deck alone.

He'd been feeling the urge to hunt for days at this point. His fingers itching to pull someone in. It wasn't even that he was hungry. Often enough he didn't even bother to eat his pray.

Instead it was fun. The emotions people showed when they were fighting for air, trying to get out of his deadly grip. The realization and in the end acceptance. At this point Jimin despised humans. Too much had happened in the past. He still had that scar on his arm to prove to him that humans were disgusting creatures.

Which was why it was so much fun. They thought they were so big, but didn't realize how weak and fragile they actually were. They could drown, their wounds took weeks if not months to heal and they were defenseless. At least to his kind.

Jimin had been spending a lot of time around this area lately. It was a great place for hunting both for food and the likes of humans. Sadly, hardly anyone swam out far enough on their own for Jimin to do something. Theoretically having more than one person there wasn't anything that could cause him problems but he didn't want to risk people finding out about his kind again and hunting them.

Not that they could but avoiding their nets was a pain in the ass.

Jimin's train of thought was interrupted by loud laughing and giggling and a loud splashing sound. Not far from where he was floating in the cold water. Curious he followed the noises and found a small cliff-like edge. A place people who were stupid enough to risk being smashed against the rocks by waves would jump off every once in a while.

A group of teenagers were cheering each other on, laughing whenever one of them made the dangerous jump. Natural selection.

He watched for a bit, amused at how stupid they were. The waves weren't even that weak that day. There was a good chance one of them would end up washed up against the sharp stones.

One of the guys jumped a lot farther than most of them, landing in the water just a couple of meters from where Jimin was watching them. There was no noise when Jimin dove down into the dark, cold water.

The guy, whose legs were burning a bit from the momentum of hitting the water, came up to get some air. He could hear his friends cheering loudly from where they were standing on the cliff, watching him.

He was just about to wave at them when he felt something cold brush against his leg. Swearing he kicked out, but hit nothing.

"What are you doing?" Some girl yelled from above, since he wasn't moving from the spot he was floating.

"I think a fish just brushed my leg. Super creepy!" There was laughter from above and the guy started moving back towards the land, when suddenly a hand grabbed his leg and, not even giving him the chance to scream, pulled him under water.

The second he was couple of meters under water Jimin wrapped his long tail around his body, his sharp scales tearing his skin. The cuts weren't deep enough to kill a person, but each of them made warm blood spill out of them, coloring the water around them a crimson red.

The boy was struggling, trying to scream, but instead water just filled his lungs.

Jimin let go of his pray, swimming around him, teasingly brushing against him, small thorns on his tail leaving new cuts on his skin.

He struggled to get back to the surface. When he had almost made it, his hand almost breaking the surface, Jimin pulled him back down. He didn't want the others to know what was happening.

By the way his prey was trembling and thrashing in his hold he could tell just how desperate he was. Pulling him down even further into the depths of the ocean felt even better.

It was another day of Jimin swimming near the coast. The sun was setting and the whole beach was bathed in orange color

Jimin was catching fish and listening to the seagulls shrieking when there was a sudden yell from the shore. When he looked towards where that voice was coming from a boy stood there, throwing his arms up into the air, before yelling again. A bit louder than before. It wasn't even that he was yelling a name or something like that.

He was just yelling loudly, before stamping on the ground and swearing when a bit of sand landed in his shoes. He kicked a stone, swearing even louder and holding his foot.

Jimin couldn't help but chuckle.

The boy glanced around, checking whether there was anyone close enough to witness him, before grabbing a stone and throwing it into the sea. Unlike Jimin expected the he didn't leave.

His emotions seemed to go from anger and frustration to embarrassment to absolute silence. At some point he just sat there staring into the sand. Jimin couldn't help but feel a certain interest as to what was going on in his head.

That curiosity lead to Jimin coming back again and again, checking whether the boy was back. Until they finally met.


Here is a chapter and I'm kind of sad to have to write Jimin like this but I feel like so far Jimin wasn't really showcased as what he is by nature.

And love ya'll for reading❤

Btw did you check out any of my other stories? They are quite different but pretty cool nevertheless💕

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