Chapter 47

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Small sketch I made of their apartment to give a better idea.

Chapter 47


That evening there was a knock on Yoongi's door. When he opened it there stood a tired looking Jimin with a shirt Yoongi had never seen on him before and the boy they'd seen on the beach right behind him, looking a bit out of place in his too tight shirt and way too wide sweats.

He looked about as uncomfortable as Yoongi felt about seeing him again. He had spent the afternoon thinking about what happened and at this point he was pretty sure that he had to be a siren as well.

Not one like Jimin, who didn't kill and liked him enough not to cause him harm. This one probably had killed people, not too long ago. Maybe even today. He couldn't know.

Jimin smiled a bit awkwardly. "I'm back."

Yoongi didn't move away from where he was standing in the door, blocking them from entering. "Who is he?" He almost flinched at how harsh his own voice came out. He really didn't want to talk to Jimin that way but he felt really at edge right now. Was he supposed to simply let the second siren enter his home? What if he would do what Jimin had done just days ago? Also Namjoon was still here. Not right now, but he'd probably be back soon. He didn't want to put his best friend in danger either.

Jimin sighed. "That's Taehyung. My brother. And I swear nothing will happen. I talked to him. He knows the situation. He knows how much you mean to me."

Said boy was looking around the hallway, apparently pretty curious but at the same time he didn't seem to bother even listening to what Jimin was saying. Yoongi wasn't sure about this whole thing.

"What about Namjoon? Do you think he might harm him?"

Jimin shook his head. "I told him he's not allowed to touch anyone, because you guys are my family now."

Yoongi felt his heart melt at the word family, but he did his best to stay careful. Jimin had his whole trust but he really didn't know about the boy's brother.

"Why isn't he saying anything?" Taehyung was still staring at the staircase like it was the most fascinating thing ever.

"He can't speak human tongue and neither does he understand it. I'm kind of a freak under sirens for knowing how to talk because I've always been fascinated by human culture. That's not a normal thing." Jimin explained.

"Then how the hell did you tell him about us and how do you know he's not gonna try to kill me or Namjoon?" Yoongi asked, feeling bad for talking to Jimin like this but he really didn't want to be put into this type of situation.

"Siren's just... show each other stuff? Memories, emotions? And he knows what I feel towards him and I can tell whether he's feeling hostile towards someone. And he's really relaxed right now so I guess he's okay with you?" Jimin tried to explain.

Yoongi sighed, before taking a step back. "I'm still not really sure about this but come in."

"Thanks. I promise you nothing will happen to either Namjoon or you. If, for some, he goes berserk, which I really don't think would happen, I'm here."

"That doesn't really sound reassuring." Yoongi mumbled but watched as Taehyung followed Jimin into the kitchen. While passing him, he mustered Yoongi up and down, before sitting down on one of the kitchen chairs like Jimin did.

A bit hesitant Yoongi sat down on the bench that had turned into Namjoon's sleeping place over the last couple of days. It was filled with pillows and blankets they had gathered for him to have a proper bed. So far he hadn't found anywhere else to stay, but neither Yoongi nor Jimin were really bothered by it.

They just had someone else to talk to during dinner and cook for one more person but everything else stayed pretty much the same.

"So... he's just going to be here now?"

"He just wants to check on me and how I'm doing." Jimin explained. "Apparently he has been searching for me for a while. We haven't really seen each other in centuries."

Yoongi shook his head. Jimin and his age made him feel like a baby.

"He'll probably leave soon again... he's really attached to the sea. He just wanted to see how I am and what my partner is like."

How that was supposed to work without understanding what they were saying, Yoongi wasn't sure, but to each their own. Nevertheless, he felt a bit uncomfortable with Taehyung's eyes on himself. The boy had no basic manners and just stared at Yoongi in a way that made his skin crawl.

"I... could you tell him to stop looking at me like that or something?" Yoongi pleaded and Jimin nodded, before getting up from his seat.

"I'm gonna make dinner. Is vegetables and coconut milk alright?"

Yoongi nodded, watching as Jimin got up. Taehyung quickly followed his example, walking over to the small kitchen.

Rubbing his eyes tiredly Yoongi got up to grab his laptop from his room. Today had been a really exhausting day and what better was there than working to distract yourself from the dangerous siren in your kitchen?


Idk why but I like this chap a lot❤😂

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