Chapter 56 | Smut

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Chapter 56



„But that one is..." Jimin watched in defeat as they carried Yoongi's office chair out of the apartment.

Yoongi sighed, patting Jimin's back. "It's not gone. They're just moving it to the new apartment."

Crossing his arms in a fit, Jimin pulled away from Yoongi's touch. "I don't get it. Why couldn't we have just stayed here. It's cozy and homey."

"I know that you love this place, but the neighborhood is not a good place and I'm not comfortable with staying here when I make more money. I might get stabbed on the street." Yoongi explained, reaching for Jimin's hand and soothingly patting it.

Jimin huffed. "I can protect you."

"You can't always be there."

"Watch me."

Yoongi chuckled warmly before pulling the rather discontent Jimin into a hug.

"I'm sorry that we have to leave, but I promise you'll like the new apartment. There's a lot of space and the shower works properly. No more brown liquid."

Jimin tsked, rolling his eyes while Yoongi rubbed his waist, trying to convince the siren that their new place was great too. "We'll take all the furniture with us and we'll get a new, bigger bed..." "I like how small the bed is." "-then we'll keep the small bed so we can cuddle properly. It'll be awesome."

Jimin frowned. "But... this is home." He pointed at the small apartment.

Yoongi's heart stung a little at that. He'd grown attached to this apartment too. After all it was the place where he'd spent so much time with Jimin.

"You know, to me home kind of is where you are now." Yoongi admitted after thinking about it a couple of seconds.

Jimin looked at him, before frowning. "Don't say stuff like that. I makes the stuff that I say sound childish and immature. Of course I'd rather be with you than here... but I want both." As if to underline the word childish Jimin stomped on the ground.

Yoongi chuckled warmly, wrapping his arms around the boy. "I swear you'll like the new place just as much."

"I don't believe you."

Jimin yelped when Yoongi flicked his forehead. "Don't be so pessimistic. That's my job. You're supposed to be all enthusiastic."

Jimin made a tsk sound right into his face. "Whatever you say."

"Will you..." Yoongi lifted Jimin in a swift movement, who let out a surprised squeak before giggling warmly. "...stop. Let's enjoy our last night here properly."

"How so?" Jimin relaxed his body that was carelessly thrown over Yoongi's shoulder. If he had tried he could have defended himself, but why would he. This was pretty fun.

"Let's watch something. We'll make some popcorn and cuddle lots, okay?"

Jimin pouted, but nodded nevertheless. "Okay."

Yoongi carefully let Jimin down onto the bed, before leaning down and catching Jimin's lips in a warm kiss. A content sigh left Jimin as he pulled Yoongi down even further on top of him.

When they separated, Jimin's gaze had something in it Yoongi didn't know. Didn't know how to read. But before he could spend too much time to wreck his brain over what it could mean, Jimin spoke up.

"What if we don't watch TV and do something else instead?" If it weren't for how Jimin slowly dragged his hand over Yoongi's chest, he might not have gotten the message, but this way it was more than obvious what Jimin meant.

"It's our last night here... it would be a nice last memory." Jimin continued, reaching his hand out and caressing Yoongi's cheek.

Not knowing what to say Yoongi just hovered there on top of Jimin, one leg on the bed next to Jimin, the other one still firmly placed on the floor. Jimin just looked up at him, with slightly agape lips, waiting for Yoongi's answer.

"Are you sure?" That really wasn't what Yoongi had intended to ask but it was a good start.

"Yeah. I'm a bit scared if I'm honest, but I trust you." Jimin stated, reaching his hand up and running it over Yoongi's cheek. "You've shown me that you trust me so many times the last year, it's time I do too. Because I really do."

Yoongi couldn't help but feel all warm and mushy inside. "You already did. In many ways. You don't have to prove anything to me."

"I want to do it. I wanna be close to you." Jimin muttered in a soft tone, pulling Yoongi down into another kiss. "Please."

Yoongi had performance anxiety. He had always had. After all, Jimin was this perfect eternal being and then there was him, the imperfect human virgin. It was the main reason they hadn't done anything so far.

But right now, with Jimin looking up at him with those beautiful, fond eyes, all his fears went out of the window. He wanted to feel Jimin. Just like Jimin wanted to feel him. So what if he would mess up somehow. He knew Jimin. He knew that the siren wouldn't make fun of him for it. Or maybe he would, but not in a mean way. He might tease Yoongi, but Yoongi knew for sure there would be nothing malicious about it.

"Okay." With Jimin he could do it. Somehow. Things didn't have to go perfectly. He just wanted to finally get intimate with Jimin.

"Great." Jimin giggled, pulling Yoongi properly onto the bed, before flipping them over so now Yoongi was on his back and Jimin kneeling next to him.

Jimin got to work right away, tugging Yoongi's pants down to his feet.

"Wait wait." Yoongi quickly sat up, feeling awfully exposed. Jimin had seen him naked before, but right now he felt even more naked than usual and he was still wearing his t-shirt and boxers. The only thing actually revealed were his legs.

"What?" Jimin asked in confusion, letting go of Yoongi's pants.

"I don't know. Isn't this a bit..." Yoongi couldn't find the right word. "Shouldn't we start with kissing or something?"

An amused smile curled the corners of Jimin's lips upwards. He leant forward and pecked Yoongi's lips. "There, your kiss."

Yoongi knew Jimin was teasing him. Of course he was. They always teased each other. He wasn't sure why he had expected things to suddenly change now that they were planning on doing more. As if Jimin would be all serious and straight faced during sex.

Yoongi reached his hand out to the still grinning Jimin and pulled him into a kiss. Jimin let himself be pulled in, his hands going to Yoongi's chest to support himself.

They kissed for a bit until Jimin seemed to get too impatient and disconnected them to pull Yoongi's t-shirt over his head. The only thing Yoongi got to keep was his underwear and he was really glad about it, because he probably would have pulled a blanket over his body if Jimin had pulled those down too. He still felt so exposed. So naked.

Whenever Jimin saw his body he felt like the boy had to be dissapointed. After all Yoongi didn't really have the most attractive body. He had that small bump on his stomach he always stared at when he looked into the mirror.

There was a smallish scar on the side of his hip bone, from when he had almost drowned and had cut himself on a rock. His arms were like jelly, no muscle to be found. He wasn't fat, just never quite happy with his body either.

And then there was Jimin, who looked so perfect. Next to his looks Yoongi felt even uglier.


Jimin's voice ripped Yoongi out of his thoughts. When he looked at Jimin he noticed that the siren looked worried. Worried about him.

"Everything okay?"

Yoongi wanted to say yes. That everything was okay. That he liked his own body the way it was. That there was nothing about himself he wished that just wasn't there, but he couldn't. Couldn't lie to Jimin. Not when he was looking at him like that.

"No. Not really." He admitted. "I'm just. I don't know. My head's fucked up like usually."

Jimin frowned. "What is it saying this time?"

"Just... it's stupid."

Yoongi watched as Jimin climbed onto his lap. Not in a sexual way. Just for proximity.

"It's not. What is it. What is your pretty head overthinking again?" Jimin chuckled, leaning forward and lying down on Yoongi's stomach.

"How I can't even begin to compare to you. I mean, look at me." He pointed down at his body.

"I am. Now, what bothers you because I really really don't see it."

Yoongi sighed. He hated talking about things like this. But he also knew that it would make him feel better, which is why he forced himself to be honest.

"My body. I'm average at best. There's nothing interesting about it."

Jimin smiled sadly. "You're being hard on yourself... and isn't that for me to decide? Because from what I see it's more than interesting." He sat up. "I mean look at you. Your soft skin." He leant down to peck Yoongi's stomach. "Your beautiful body shape. I'm kind of envious of your natural softness. My body is all edges and hard." Jimin giggled. "I'm the bottom. I want your body please."

Yoongi frowned playfully. He felt better. Jimin made him feel better. "So I have the body of a bottom?"

Jimin shook his head, running his hands over Yoongi's shoulders. "You're build broadly. Your shoulders are nice. You have the best of both sides." Jimin complained, rubbing Yoongi's waist.

"You think so?"

A nod.

Yoongi sat up to kiss Jimin, who was still sitting on his crotch. When they disconnected, Jimin started kissing over his cheek down to his ear and then towards his neck. "You have no idea how attractive you are, so don't decide how I see you."

Yoongi sighed when Jimin dropped a bit lower and kissed his chest, carefully pushing him onto the bed. For a second Jimin pulled back, just to pull his own t-shirt over his head before pressing his lips against Yoongi's skin again.

It was weird. Yoongi knew Jimin didn't have any experience with sex. Just like Yoongi he was a virgin, but even so Yoongi felt inferior to Jimin. While Yoongi just laid there, Jimin seemed to know exactly what he was doing, placing almost ticklish kisses all over Yoongi's torso.

When he went down even lower, right between his navel and crotch, Yoongi tensed underneath him. Jimin hummed soothingly, before rubbing Yoongi's side. "Can I?" He tugged on Yoongi's underwear just to show what he was talking about.

"Yeah." Yoongi let out a shuddering breath. Jimin smiled up at him before slowly pulling his boxers down, letting his half hard spring free. At least his worry that he might have troubles with getting it up seemed groundless. Not that he had really expected it. After all Jimin was touching him. Coming too soon seemed a lot more likely.

And then he felt Jimin's lips against his base. Just like he had done with his chest, the boy started placing pecks all over it, slowly moving upwards. Yoongi could feel his dick reacting almost immediately.

He had thought about this before. Who wouldn't, but his thoughts couldn't even begin to compare to reality. Jimin's hands on him felt incredible. So warm. So real. Because they were. Jimin was actually touching him.

When Jimin reached his tip, Yoongi didn't manage to swallow back a sound. Jimin's eyes seemed to glow when he heard Yoongi's gasp. "Am I doing it right so far?" His tone was warm. Enthusiastic.

Yoongi could only nod. Jimin was doing fucking amazing.


When he sank down on Yoongi's dick, he didn't break eye contact. Looking up at Yoongi with expecting eyes.

Yoongi felt like coming right on the spot. Jimin was so fucking perfect. The warmth of his mouth felt so fucking perfect around him. Especially when Jimin pulled back and started sucking on the tip, slowly moving his tongue over it.

Touching himself couldn't even compare to the divine of feeling of Jimin's mouth around his dick.

Yoongi wasn't too big, but he certainly wasn't small either, so when Jimin dipped his head down again, easily taking all of him in like it was nothing, Yoongi couldn't help but feel like he really was never going to be able to keep up with Jimin. And he really knew it was ridiculous, because this wasn't a competition. It wasn't about who was better at this than the other, but Yoongi wanted to give Jimin back just as much as he was giving him.

So when Jimin came back up to breathe, Yoongi carefully pulled him away from his dick. He would have come within the next minute anyways if Jimin had kept going. And he didn't want to yet. First he wanted to make Jimin cum. No matter how.

"Let me."

Not putting up much of a fight, Jimin let himself be pushed onto the mattress. Yoongi climbed on top of him. "Fuck..." Yoongi couldn't hold the word back. Jimin was fucking beautiful. Otherworldly beautiful. Everything Yoongi had been worried before went out the window. He wanted Jimin naked right now. He wanted to make Jimin feel good. Just like he had made Yoongi feel good.

In a swift movement he helped Jimin out of both his pants and underwear. Jimin giggled when Yoongi accidentally brushed a ticklish area on his butt.

After a second of waiting just to appreciate the sight in front of him, Yoongi got to work. Yeah he was inexperienced, but he wasn't a complete noob at this either. He had seen enough porn to at least have an idea of which areas of the body were rather sensitive.

Carefully he lead Jimin to lean back again, before slowly kissing his milky thighs upwards, into the direction of his dick, just to stop inches from it and drop further down the leg again. Jimin whined impatiently, trying to pull Yoongi in with his legs, but Yoongi took his time slowly tracing his lips over the sensitive skin of Jimin's inner thigh.

When he could feel Jimin grow restless underneath him, he placed the first peck to Jimin's tip. The way Jimin's breath hitched was what gave him the courage to finally dip down and wrap his lips around Jimin's tip properly.

When Jimin sighed softly, relaxing underneath him, Yoongi slowly started moving. Careful not to get Jimin's dick into contact with his teeth, he ran his tongue over Jimin's underside.

A breathy moan left Jimin's lips and Yoongi could feel his chest swell with pride. He was the one who was luring these sounds out. Jimin was moaning because of him. His dick twitched at the thought.

"Yoongi..." Jimin let out, softly bucking his hips underneath Yoongi. Yoongi had to stop himself from gagging because the sensation was so unfamiliar. He pulled back before carefully pushing Jimin's hips back down forcing him to lay still. "Don't move."

"Okay." Jimin's voice was more of a whisper than anything. "Are you gonna touch me there?"

It took Yoongi a couple of seconds to realize what he meant. "You mean prepping?"

Jimin nodded. "Wanna know how it feels."

Yoongi couldn't help but smile. "Okay. I will." He climbed over the bed and pulled the drawer open. The bottle of lube he had bought centuries ago and never used was still in there.

He could feel Jimin's eyes on his back when he unclasped the bottle, smearing some of the substance on his finger. Paying attention on not getting any of it on the sheets he crawled back to Jimin before slowly rubbing his fingers against each other to warm it, like he had read in a romantic novel years ago.

"This might hurt." He warned, slowly spreading the lube all over Jimin's rim, before making sure his fingers were well lubed up too.

Jimin nodded. "I know. And it's okay. I want you to touch me."

They kissed and then Yoongi eased his finger inside of Jimin. Slowly, not to make it more painful than needed. Jimin underneath him sighed silently, relaxing his body. Instead of pushing his finger inside until he bottomed out, Yoongi stopped about halfway inside, feeling around, searching for a spot that would provoke a reaction.

When Jimin suddenly let out a gasp, he knew he had found it. Slowly he brushed over the spot again and Jimin whined, trying to pull away. Yoongi held him in place, but stopped moving his finger for now. "Does it feel good?"

Jimin looked down at him with shiny eyes and bitten red lips. "It's weird."


"Don't apologize. It's just new, but I think I like it." Jimin quickly reassured, sending Yoongi a warm smile before leaning his head against the pillow again. "Fuck we're so awkward."

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle. "You're doing fine. I'm awkward."

"As if only you're awkward." Jimin teasingly pushed him. "Come on, suck me, slut. Isn't that what you like?"

Yoongi raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

A shrug. "It works in porn." Then a giggle. "Yoongi, you really think everything has to go perfectly well and smooth right now? I know it's not that different from what we usually do, but I like this. Joking around and talking. You don't have to go into porn mode and suddenly be a different person. That's not what I want. I want to kiss you, tease you and at some point for you to put your dick in. Sex doesn't have to be some sort of performance. I want you, not daddy69 or whatever those porn stars call themselves."

"You really think so?" Yoongi ignored his finger that was still inside of Jimin, although it was quite distracting with the way Jimin moved.

"Yeah I do. I chose you for a reason, you know. Because I like you as a person. I want you to be you even during sex. And now please touch me, because I'm still painfully hard as weird as that might be." Jimin complained, dropping back into the pillow.

"Okay." Yoongi dropped down and started sucking on Jimin's dick again, his main focus being the finger inside of Jimin as he moved it slowly to stretch Jimin out.

A soft moan left Jimin's lips. "Fuck, that feels good."

Yoongi's fingers brushed over the spot inside of Jimin again and this time Jimin sucked in a breath, before moving his hips softly, grinding against Yoongi's hand. Yoongi repeated the movement again and again, slowly circling Jimin's prostate while licking over his tip.

Almost inaudible moans left Jimin's lips, but Yoongi heard them and they spurred him on to take in more of Jimin, while moving his hand in an almost annoyingly slow way. "Please..." Jimin begged, still grinding against Yoongi's hand.

"What, please?" Yoongi still had to be careful with his teeth but he managed to take in almost all of Jimin before the unfamiliar pressure against the back of his throat stopped him.

"Please, more."

"More of what?" Yoongi licked a stripe up from Jimin's base.

"Hand. Move your fucking hand." Jimin complained. "I think I can take one more finger. Maybe two. Please."

Yoongi chuckled, sitting up, and rubbed his middle finger against Jimin's rim to lube it up, before carefully pushing it against the ring of muscle until it gave away under the pressure and he could slip it in with ease.

"Fuck... that feels good." Jimin muttered underneath him.

"Does it hurt too?" Yoongi asked just to make sure he wouldn't need to be too careful.

Jimin shook his head. "It doesn't. You can keep going."

Slowly just to make sure his finger was lubed up enough he eased his second finger inside of Jimin, now curling both of his fingers upwards. Jimin gasped. "Again."

Yoongi did. Since Jimin seemed to take his two fingers so well, he started lubing up his third one too, but didn't add it right away, instead slowly moving his two fingers inside of Jimin, watching as Jimin writhed underneath him, his eyes closed, his hands tightly clasped around the bed sheets. It was beautiful to look at.

When Yoongi didn't touch his dick anymore his hand automatically went down to clasp around it himself. Yoongi could feel his own dick twitch at the sight of Jimin jacking himself off right there in front of him, with his fingers buried deep inside of him.

"So beautiful."

Jimin whined at the compliment, jerking his hand even hastier. "Yoongi." His voice was more of a moan than anything else.

And then he came all over his hands, panting heavily, rutting against his own hand and grinding against Yoongi's as he rode out his orgasm right there underneath Yoongi. Yoongi could do nothing but stare at the beautiful sight.

What finally brought him back to reality was Jimin reaching for a tissue from the nightstand and wiping his stomach and hands, before looking up at him with an almost bashful expression. "That wasn't planned."

"Do you wanna continue or do you think you'd be too sensitive?" Yoongi asked, careful not to pressure Jimin. If that was it, it would be fine too. This had been a lot too. Maybe a break would do him good as well.

"No, I think I should be fine. I wanna do it tonight... because it's the last night here."

Yoongi thought about it. "How about we take a small break? And then we'll continue once you're less sensitive again?" He leaned down, pecking Jimin's softening dick.

It seemed like Jimin considered his offer for a second when something crossed his mind. "I have an idea." He climbed out of the bed, before quickly searching through the drawer Yoongi had cleared for Jimin to store his belongings. "There it is." He pulled a rather small butt plug from it, turning back to Yoongi and showing it to him. "I bought this, because I thought it looked interesting when watching porn. We could use this to stretch me for later? I think I could take it right now. Haven't done it so far, because I wanted to do it with you."

Yoongi had no idea what to say. "That's..." The idea of how Jimin would look with the black plug inside of him made his dick twitch once again. Suddenly he was very aware of his nakedness. He quickly grabbed his boxers and pulled them on, before finally saying something. "That's a good idea... where did you even get that?"

"When we were in Japan and you wanted to go into that record store and told me I could go explore a bit. Stumbled across a store that sold a bunch of sex toys and I just liked the idea of those the most. Is that weird? Should I have asked you?" Jimin asked worriedly, leaning forward and grabbing Yoongi's thigh.

"No, not at all. I was just surprised. I keep forgetting that you're a porn addict now." His tone was lighthearted as he teased Jimin.

"Fuck off. I just like it. Wanna help me here?" He asked, holding the plug up.

Yoongi nodded slowly, taking the plug from Jimin's hand and looking at it closely. It was made of a gummy like material, hard but bendable at some parts. Black aside from a gem in the back that was pink and formed like a heart. Overall quite pretty. Fitting for Jimin. Especially the black and pink instead of the usual silver butt plugs you'd see everywhere on the internet.

He looked up at Jimin, who was watching him expectantly.

Yoongi grinned. "Why aren't you bent over yet? On your knees, bitch." Talk about bad porn imitations.

Jimin giggled, but did as told, wiggling his ass teasingly at Yoongi. For the third time in the last twenty minutes Yoongi grabbed the lube bottle, spreading the sticky liquid over the material of the plug. It was bigger than his fingers had been. In the end he had only gotten to two fingers and this one was more around three or four fingers at least around the thickest part.

Just to make sure Jimin was lubed up enough the he pressed two fingers back inside of Jimin, earning a gasp from the boy at the sudden entrance. After making sure Jimin was lubed enough to take the plug with as little pain as possible, he pulled his fingers out. His dick was still as hard as it could get inside his boxers. Of course it was. Jimin was still naked in front of him, spread out like he was ready to take dick any second.

Even so he just pressed the plug against Jimin's rim, pushing it in very slowly to make sure Jimin's muscle had the time to adjust. It was almost like it was pulling the plug inside by itself. When they were almost at the broadest part Jimin whined. "Hurts..."

"Shhhh it's almost inside. It will feel better once it is." Yoongi promised, slowing down even further. After another couple of seconds the last part pushed past the ring of muscle and finally settled inside of Jimin, giving Jimin's rim the chance to relax again. He could hear a relieved sigh from Jimin when it did.

"How does it feel?" Yoongi asked, patting Jimin's bum.

"A bit weird, but I think I like the feeling. I feel so full." Jimin explained, sitting up and grabbing his t-shirt, not bothering to put on boxers again. "This is weird. I can feel it moving inside of me." Jimin giggled, not at all sounding like he was weirded out.

"So... wanna watch TV or something now?"


I kinda like how awkward they are💜😂

Also as you might notice there are no clear bottom or top dynamics here. Jimin simply prefers bottoming and Yoongi prefers topping but that doesn't mean that Yoongi has to be especially dominant in bed nor that Jimin is really submissive.

They are just them, which is something pretty important in my opinion.

Also it's their first time (next chapter too) and of course they haven't really fallen into any kind of routine or dynamics when it comes to sex.

Hope ya'll look forward to the next two chapters. They're the last ones:-:

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