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duneclan's setting is in a dusty, desert-plain area. it is set on the edge

of the african continent, connecting to the asian continent and close to ridegclan.

it is always hot, sweltering, or cool depending on the setting of the sun and the amount of rain

through the day and night. it is somewhat hard to get around, especially because of the heavy

winds and duststorms that come when they're in season, usually happening around late 

greenleaf to the end of leaf-fall. it is hard to live in duneclan

 if you have a white pelt because of the amount  of predators around and

 roaming outside. you cannot blend in that way; though many do it anyway.

thick-dusted and hot-grounded, the ground has cracks in it some places. 

beware for cacti! their needles can really hurt your paws, and puncture them.


THE SHEDDING TREE  ― one large, uprooted baobab tree centered in the middle of the territory that is slowly losing it's branches from the amount of sirocco's welting through duneclan's camp.

COATI CANYONS ― large, well-rounded dark sandstone orange canyons with many curves and turns. there are scratches and hollow parts of the canyons from animals, and finding coati here is an easy task. they roam here along with weasels. be careful! cheetah are a common predator here.

DIAMONDBACK DUST FARM ― small area off the the edge of duneclan's territory where it is so dusty you can barley see. around these areas, there are many diamondback rattlesnakes, and are all lethal.

JAGGED PEAKS ― a range of large canyon peaks and cliff that are used by sky-watchers mostly. medicine cats come here with monarchs, especially to ones outside of the territory, to connect with the deceased.

SANDSTONE CAVERN ― a large cave-like cavern set in the middle of the camp near the shedding tree. apprentices come here to train, as instead of cracked dirt, there is sandy, dust-like gravel.

VULPES LAKE ― cloudy body of water with many different deepness levels. this is not drinking water for the cats, and merely a place for them to cool down. watch out for hippos and other animals! this is their watering hole, but not yours.

CHANTERELLE BRIDGE ― a yellow-stained, dark orange strip of land that goes above the small body of water connecting the two continents.

IVORY TUNNELS ― a scrape of tunnels heading towards ridegclan territory. they are the underground connectors of the two clans.


ridgeclan's camp and territory is in the misty, snowy-coated mountains of a body of land

much like nepal, stretching through southwestern asia. it is always misty and rainy here, and 

when it is sunny, the high priests praise the spirits for the nice day. generally, you can't find 

anything too harming here, but there are lots of large animals that can harm you in

significant ways if you get too close. there are many ridges and mountainous spots

in this clan and territory, and the lower peaks of the mountains

are white and coated with snow. it's hard to see through

the air when the cloud and mist cover is too much in certain areas. 


KLIPSPRINGER FALLS  ― a large, water-fall type of falls that hangs from the side of the mountain, leaving fresh and sparkling water in the middle of ridgeclan's camp.

TITAYA RIDGE ― humongous ridge that hangs above the waterfall. you can see right above it and on top of it, where the rocky platform usually has cats on it. it overlooks the territory, and sky-watchers stay here and observe the predators or threats as well.

OKAPI-TIPI ― an old, deteriorating stick-built cavern that is set in the small cave-like area underneath the waterfall, made by ridgeclan's old ancestors, the wildberry ridge-finders.

HAWAIIAN HONEYCREEPER NEST ― an area placed inside of the cave underneath the waterfall where hawaiian honeycreepers come to nest, as well as hummingbirds.

DRONGO UNDERBRUSH ― foresty-like area in the northern part of ridgeclan territory where many birds of prey and smaller animals live.

STOCKING CREEK― medium-sized river that runs throughout the territory, separating asia and africa; though the bridge of the other clan connects over it. this is their fresh water source.

PAPYRUS FIELD ― honey-scented, dried forest area atop the mountain that is always covered in snow. spirits come here often to run and play around away from the setting of cats.

STOCKING CREEK― a small forest on the side of the mountain where cats usually go to hunt. it borders the drongo underbrush.

BLIZZARD WAY CAMP ― large camp about halfway up the mountain. snow falls her sometimes, and it is very hot as well for some odd reason. stashed resources that the other clan doesn't know about are up there.


MONARCH ― the superior cat in the clan. they usually rule alone, but exceptions can be made for their mate. sometimes referred to as 'leader' or 'chief' of the specific clan. they are forty-plus moons.

DEPUTY ― the second in command; there is usually just one, but exceptions can be made for two.

MEDICINE CAT ― one - two cats who act as the medicine holder of the clans. they keep everybody healthy, and have great knowledge of herbs. there can be three, including an apprentice. they are sometimes referred to as 'shamans' . generally, they are above twenty or so moons. - duneclan has 1, ridgeclan has 2

WARRIORS ― cats trained in a degree of hunting and fighting. ages vary.

WAYWEAVERS ― cats specialized in trekking through the dusty or misty terrain of either territory. ages vary.

SKY-WATCHERS ― cats who watch for changes in weather / in the sky. in their free time, or when they're not needed, they hunt and gather resources for the clan. they are twenty to seventy moons. after that age period, they retire or switch ranks.

QUEENS ― cats whom are pregnant with kits. they stay in the den during this time when they get belly-heavy and unable to preform their tasks. they are around thirty to sixty moons.

ELDERS ― retired cats whom have quit their duties. they have to be a certain age, or have a physical or mental ailment to do so before old age. they generally retire within the one-thirty to one-forty age period.

APPRENTICES ― cats under the age of fifteen moons who are training for a rank under a mentor's supervision.

KITS ― newborn to seven mooned kits.

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