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Sitting in my dark room I wait for the night to be over. I didn't know if someone was gonna check on us today, because no one did yesterday, so I didn't worry about that too much. I was gonna roam around in my room freely, but I had nothing to do, and no one to talk to. I saw a window across from me on a wall, but it only showed more darkness.
"We have some information to tell you."
I turned around and saw biddy and bobby walked from my room door to me.
"Oh, what is it? Is it gonna interfere with our plans?"
"No, in fact it might just help us." biddy told me,
"Yeah, while we were listening behind the room of the bosses office we saw a that looked like the person who killed you"
"Really? We could have just killed him there!"
"You can't brake out of your character, you know this.." bobby said. "Fine. So what was the guy doing?"
"He was applying for a security night guard job. He starts today."
When I heard that I wanted to scream from excitement, now that he will be alone and in a dark place I can show him how our pain really felt like. I will finally be happy. He will finally pay for what he has done, very brutally. For a small second I heard a voice say, 'what has happened to you Charlie? This isn't you at all!'
But I quickly disposed of that voice by thinking about how my friends and I died in the worst way a child can think of. The torture, and the pain. He will soon feel this and try begging to escape, but I wouldn't let him go even if the world was able to kill me again. I know I have become more of a dark kind of kid-robot and I have never been sounding so cruel in my life, but I can't let this man get away with what he did.
"Hey are you still here?" biddy and bobby were stairing at me and waving their tiny hands in front of my blank face.
"Oh, sorry. Yeah I'm here. I was just thinking of how this is a perfect opportunity to get back at him." when I said that bobby and biddy looked at each other.
"Well, I was thinking we could wait a few days before killing him." bobby suggested to me, before I could questioned him biddy nodded and agreed saying, "Yeah, we could make him suffer and then he will feel more misserable."
"I hate having to wait, but okay."
Then I heard a noise, it came from a window I had notice a while ago but couldn't see through. A light turned on from the inside of the room, and I could hear things moving around like someone was inside a vent. Biddy and bobby had ran inside the room through a small vent and pretended to be just another random object in the room to spy on whoever was in there. I saw a dark figures head pop up from the window, but I made sure to back up from the light and onto my stage. I can hear a voice coming from a speaker telling the guy what to do. He was talking and telling him to push a button, then next thing I knew, I had felt a huge painful shock go through my body.
I balled up my hand and tried to hold in the pain while sitting on my stage. Then another painful shock jolted inside of me and I fell to the ground. Struggling to stand I pulled whatever wires I could find coming from my stage and where I was supposed to be standing. I started to craw my way to the window in pain and lots of anger. With every movement I felt more hurt and wanted to just fall. I reached out with my hand to the small vent that lead to the room the man was in, but I couldn't make it. My arm gave in and I ended up just laying on the ground, as much as I wanted to get back up, but I also wanted to just stay laying down. I saw the light in the room go off and then the sound of someone going through a vent again. "I'm, too late.." I said to myself in pain. "Hey, need any help?" It was Ennard, holding out his, wired hand to me. "Where did you come from?"
"I can't say, I am always just appearing out of no where. Its what I do."
I grabbed his hand and stood up, weakly balancing myself on the window ceil after letting go of Ennard before falling. "I thought you wanted to help? Why did you do something while the guy was here?" I asked him, realizing that he was supposed to be on my side. "Didn't biddy and bobby tell you? We need to wait a few days."
"You're the one that told them that? I don't want to wait anymore. We should kill him now!"
"We need to wait! We are NOT killing him now!"
I stumbled from his voice when he yelled at me.
"You know what, I'm just gonna kill him myself. You are just holding me back from doing what you know is the right thing to do. He doesn't deserve to live."
"You don't want to be apart of the original plan? Then you don't have to be.."
I started walking toward the door to my room to get the man myself, but then I felt something wrap around me and pull me back. Ennard used one of his wires to pull me away and up into the air, "You aren't ready for a job like this.." he said in a deep voice, then threw me to the ground. "I'm gonna make sure you don't mess up my plans." Ennard says and flips me onto my stomach, I wanted to scream but I just couldn't for some reason. Then I saw biddy and bobby come out of the vent and walk in front of me. "Help, help me please!" I say with some of the power left inside of me. They didn't move, didn't even say a word. They just st staired at me. "They work for me." Ennard said from behind me, but I wasn't gonna turn around. I felt so betrayed, they were my only friends left.. "We only wanted you to feel like you were apart of the plan, before taking over it completely."
Biddy said to me. I could feel myself let go from trying not to die, I can't handle the pain and feeling anymore from this whole thing. "Are you mad? Or maybe sad?" I can hear the monster behind me say, "You wouldn't understand all the pain I feel, you heartless monster.." I saw to him, thinking I have at least won that. "That's the problem, robots aren't supposed to feel anything."
His wired arm ripped some parts off from my back and some wires. I screamed loudly hoping that someone would hear me. Then everything went black..

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