Funtime foxy

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Erika is a robot too, a ballerina to be exact. That surprised me, almost as much as it surprised me to hear her say this. That she wanted to get revenge.
She stopped being friends with Charlie because she wanted revenge earlier, at least thats what Carlos told me on the way here. now Erika wants to be apart of it too?
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, you didn't even like before, why want to help them now?" Carlos asked, "Well, its like I told you.. Ennard, he said that baby-Charlie,
had died by this guy.. Again.. And I just, feel bad by it all.." Erika is a tough negotiator, she usually just does whatever she wants, its nothing bad, its just that we can't talk her out of it.
"Listen, I know its really sad to find out, that Charlie somehow died again by the same man.. But I don't think this is a good idea, we could have ended up just like Charlie.."
Carlos said to Erika, I feel bad for her. She was best friends with Charlie and now to find out that we have permanently lost her this time, it's not ever going to leave her mind.
I know that Carlos is sad about it too, but he is trying to help Erika feel better about this..
"Charlie might not be with us now, but we can still finish what she started.."
"No Erika this isn't the right thing to do." Carlos said.
"I thought you were her friend too, why won't you help me do this, for her.." I think Erika has completely lost it now, she doesn't see how much of a bad idea this is.
This won't help us or bring Charlie back to life.. Its just gonna cause more trouble. "Erika, I feel as sad as you do right now, but listen to yourself right now." I say to her, she looks at me blankly then says,
"Are you Jason, the real Jason?" I wasn't sure what kind of question that was, but u answered her. "Yeah, its me. Why do you ask?" "Cause you lost your memory before.."
again with the memory lost thing, I really wish I knew what had happened. "Memory lost huh, what happened to everyone while I was gone?" they both looked at each other,
and then Carlos's puppet started talking. "Well it all started by all of you getting killed by a guy and then you lost your memory and then Charlie turned evil wanting to get revenge while the rest of you decided not to help her do that then," he took in some air,
"then you got shocked and so did ballora and circus baby too and apparently she died from it."
We all just sat there looking at the puppet. "Wow that's a lot of information to take in.." I say aloud. Carlos shook his head, "Yeah everything he just said did happen. But you weren't your self through it all." "So how did you get your memory back?" Erika asked,
"I got electrocuted, then Carlos came to me as a robot, which I did not see coming." Erika nodded and smiled a little, "Yeah, we have been like this for a while now." then Carlos let out a little laugh. I'm glad they are both happy now, at least. Carlos's puppet started laughing historically out of no where and we all just stopped and stai red. Then we all laughed together.
It felt nice to be able to loosen up a bit and forget whatever bad things had happened. We all stood up and walked out of her room.
"Where exactly does Ennard stay in this place?" I decided to ask, but immediately regretted it when Carlos gave me the evil eye for bringing up the topic again. "Actually I'm not sure, he just kind of appears out of no where most of the time."
Erika says and stops walking. She looks up at the dark ceiling and starts yelling his name. "Ennard! Ennard if you hear me right now please come down!" me and Carlos looked at each other with a bit of fright and confused mixed together. "Erika what are you doing?"
I asked her, "Yeah what are you thinking? A guard somewhere might hear us." Carlos continued. "Sorry, I had just made up my mind about helping Ennard." she said with her head hanging down. "So, you are going to join him?" I asked her worried, "I didn't say that." was her responce, "So you aren't joining him?" Carlos says in a sigh of relief, "I didn't say that either.." why does she have to be so complicating. Me and Carlos started to worry, but I assured him that its a 50-50 chance of whatever she picks.
We felt a bit better. After us sighing in relief I started to wonder about where Ennard hangs around again, but didn't say it out loud this time. "Hey, did someone call?"
wires fell from the ceiling above us and came together in a body type shape, Ennard.. "Oh hey, I wanted to tell you something, you know, about what happened to circus baby and all.."
Erika started, Ennard watched and looked like he was listening carefully. "Yeah? What is it?" there was a pause between all of us. Then finally Ballora answered him,
"I wanted to say, that I would like to help you get revenge on the guy who killed her." she doesn't look at me or Carlos, because she would have saw two faces with the words, 'what?!' and 'unbelievable!',
Carlos and I just had our mouths hanging down with our eyes staring straight at her. Erika looked down at the ground not making eye contact what so ever, not even with Ennard. I'm not sure she even likes what she is saying. "Alright, the more the marrier."
he says with a grin. Something about that grin just doesn't sit well with me. "Do you two want to join too?" Ennard asked us, I was going to say no automatically, but then I saw Ballora's face, it showed sadness and lonelyness. She clearly doesn't trust Ennard, but this is just something she wants to do.. "No thank you." Carlos said really fast, like I was about to. "Hmm, well what about you?"
he looks at me with his little smirk. Carlos had his arms crossed and his head was turned to me, his face reading, 'come on, you know what's right.' and I do. But looking at Ballora, her face says, 'please don't leave me, please..'. It was starting to become a hard choice. "I... I, um.." they all staired at me ready to hear my answer. "Yeah.. Sure.." I could not believe I had actually said that.
Carlos now gave me the same expression we gave Erika not so long ago. Ballora on the other hand was starting to smile and held out her hand to me. I didn't trust Ennard, but there's not much to do here anyways.. "Jason? Are you serious?!" Carlos said practically screaming at me. "Carlos, what else can we do here..." I said, right after grabbing Ballora's hand to take their side.

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