Funtime Freddy/bon bon

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After this I'm going to have a serious talk about our friendship with Jason. We didn't even talk about it, he just, left. If this whole plan works out, our friendship won't be the same after. I have so much anger in me that I want to take out, but its really just me feeling afraid of being alone again..
"Oh bon bon, you're my only real friend.."
"Aw really? That's so sweet oh you to say!"
He said and hugged me.
"Its weird though, since you aren't even real, you're a robot."
"Ouch, that hurts man, you're not exactly human either."
I looked down at my metal body,
"Oh yeah, I forgot."

on bon put his tiny paw hands on his hips.
"Its just, I didn't think son thing like this would ever happen to me, or to anyone.."
I look down sadly, bon bon tried to give me a hug but I kept my arm all the way out so that he couldn't reach me.
"Aw, come on. Why don't you want me to make you feel better?"
"I just want to be alone, to have some time to think."
"You can't really be by yourself anymore, I am permanently attached to your hand.."
Bon bon isn't helping me right now, I just want to be alone..
The only thing that I like in this whole place is that we all get out own separate rooms. But I still just can't believe the situation I have been stuck in for the past few days, at first I was scared, but glad I had my friends to go through this with me.. But now, I can't feel any emotion, my friends have either changed or they've died, again..
Its not right we have to suffer and live this way forever, but I don't think killing the guy who killed us is the right thing to do.
I just can't focus, all I want is my old friends back..
"Umm, are you okay? You've been sitting here looking like you are having a conversation in your head for a good 5 minutes."
I looked up at bon bon, realizing that I was still here sitting down in this dark room with my new best friend, a talking puppet.
"Yeah I'm here bon bon, hey, is it too late for a hug?"
Bon bon smiled, and with a bright face he said, "I thought you'd never ask!"
It was a weird feeling getting a hug, cause even though we were both made of cold metal, I felt warmth and comfort from just that one hug.
"I'm sorry for trying to push you away bon bon." I say sadly, "I was just sad that my first friends left that I wouldn't even allow any new friends to help me."
Bon bon seemed very touched by my words, saying how I felt to him was the best thing he could ever want, now that he can talk to me.
"I've always wanted to help you from the moment you got me, but I couldn't say anything, even if I could, you would probably think I'm scary and throw me away.."
His happy face went down just a little bit, and I started to feel bad. All he wanted was a friend, when he first started talking I was surprised, then thought he would never be quiet. But it turns out, he's just excited to finally talk to me.
Then I started hearing something coming out of the darkness, someone calling my name. It only took me a while to find out who's voice it belonged to, Jason.
The little bit of happiness that bon bon gave me had went away on a flash.
"What do you want?"

ason apologized for bothering me, then he said he was bored so he came here. After he said that I stopped listening to whatever else he would say. I wanted him gone.
After a bit of silence flew by us, I mentioned his appointment with Ennard and the poor night guard. I could see in his eyes that this isn't how he wants us to be, but he brought this on, it could never go back to how it once was.
After about an hour or so Ennard came crawling on the ceiling to give me the signal. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed, I guess its my turn..
I walked into the wired room with the small computer in the middle of it all. I stood by the entrance of the room and waited for the guard to come. Once I heard a door slam shut I knew he was here, and because of some guy on the speaker giving him directions on what to do on the computer.
There was a small light that would flicker from a spark of a wire, but it wouldn't give me enough time to see the guys face.
I saw his hands move to the computer, now my part came into action. I moved slowly through the wires towards him, but if I got too close, bon bon would say, 'Its just a mouse, go back to your stage' or 'I didn't hear anything.'
Once he says that the guard would look up in shock to see me closer then I was before. The process lasted for a while, he would fix something on the computer, I would scare him by moving closer, while bon bon made sure I kept my distance. Once the man left I felt relieved that in a few more minutes I wouldn't have to listen to Ennard any longer. I walked back to my room feeling a bit more happy than before, which quickly went away again after seeing that Ennard was waiting for me in my room.
"You did good out there, never been better." He clapped his hands slowly, and walked towards me. "Did you enjoy your only part? I saw you smile walking back here, you know, this doesn't have to end."
Ennard was sounding more insane than I could ever imagen.
Never end? What is he talking about?
"I didn't enjoy thay, and for your information I was smiling becuase after this I don't have to listen to you anymore."
I crossed my arms in front of me, acting like a child that was about to throw a tantrum.
"Well, that is true. You don't have to hear from me anymore. But, there is one last thing I forgot to mention." I looked at him with a face that told him that I didn't care.
"Listen this is the last thing, I promise to leave you and your friends alone for good after this."
"Fine, what do you want?"
"I want you to follow me, this must be discussed in a separate room"
Ennard gestured me to follow him before I could question why we couldn't just talk here. I rolled my eyes again and started walking.
He seemed pretty focused on the hallway ahead, and I was fine with that, cause I sure wasn't gonna talk back if he even tried to start a conversation.
Soon we reached a metal door, Ennard pushed some buttons and made it open.
"In here." he said, and like a gentlemen, wanted me to go first.
"Lets just get this over with." I say, and stomp into the room. As soon as my feet were inside the room he shut the door.
I immediately knew I fell for some trap, I knew we couldn't trust him.
"Hey! Ennard! What are you doing?!" I pounded on the metal door, but no one was here, besides the guard, who I'm sure won't help me anyways.
Ennards voice came in over the intercom for the room he trapped me in.
"Relax Funtime Freddy, this room is harmless. I just need to test something out okay? Soon you'll be free, just like your friends."
I didn't have time to think on what he had just said before a machine powered up. I couldn't see it in the dark, but I knew it couldn't be good. Something came down and stabbed me, right in my stomach.
"Ennard, you're, a cruel, ugh.." I couldn't even talk, the pain was unbearable. The same thing came down and hit me again in my head, I fell over and hit the floor. I was still awake, but not for long, my eyes then started to focus on something in the dark. Three, heads.. Ballora, Funtime Foxy, and Circus Baby.. Erika, Jason and Charlie.
Rage mixed with despair filled my body, I was shocked. I felt tears run down my face, I never got to say goodbye, and I left things on a bad note..
"See, the problem with you all was that you guys have too many emotions for a robot, I could have used you. But you're useless to me, just like your friends, Carlos.."
Ennard says creepily, right before coming in the room himself to finish me off.

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