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So I'm trying something a bit different of a style of devotional.  So here we go!

Matthew 6: 1-4

"Be care not to do your acts of righteousness before men to be seen by them.  If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.  So when you give to the needy so not announce it with trumpets as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by the men.  I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.  But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that your giving may be in secret.  Then your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you."

In this passage Jesus is teaching us that we need to be sure that our priorities are straight.  We need to be sure that we are giving for the right reason. We need to be sure that we are giving because we know it is the right thing to do and not because we want to portray the image of a honorable Christian and good person. We shouldn't do good things to impress people but instead because we know that it was the right thing and we will be rewarded.  Don't worry about what other think about you.  God's opinion is all that really matters.  God sees the good that you do and will reward you.  

We are in a world where people are constantly trying to impress one another.  That could be through social media or some other than that, we live in a very self absorbed world.  In this world we are constantly trying to impress one another and seem like we have a perfect life and we have everything all figured out.  Now I don't think that this passage doesn't mean that you should never give in front of other people, what Jesus is saying in this passage is don't put on airs and make a big deal about it.  Don't trumpet the fact that you are giving to the needy, instead keep quiet.  As Christians we shouldn't need to impress anyone and we really shouldn't show off our Christianess (yes I am well aware that is not an actual word).  Our actions should reflect God and we should strive to do what Jesus did.  We don't need rewards or affirmation from others on this earth because God will reward us in heaven and there are great treasures waiting for us. 

Dear Lord,

Help me realize that I should worry and focus about my faith and my relationship with you.  Really help me focus on you.  Let me not worry about what others think of me or worry about impressing others. Help my relationship with you continue to grow and let me focus on the reward n heaven instead of these worldly things.


Your Daughter

Mia (@dancingbunny14)

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