Spiritual Gifts (dancingbunny14)

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Surprise!! Today at church I really was inspired by the sermon so I decided that I wanted to share with ya'll what I learned in the hope that it inspires you as much as it inspired me.

Everyone has their own gifts and talents that God has given them and today in Church we talked about that I wanted to share some of what I learned with you.

We have been reading from Matthew lately and the actual verses were pretty long so I think I will summarize for you. If you would like to read the actual verses, they are Matthew 25: 14-30.

So the basics was that a master gave his three servants three different portions of his wealth and told them to take care of it for him while he was away. The first one who was given the most invested it and basically doubled the money. The second one who was given a little less than the first did the same thing. The third on the other hand just buried the money and hid it.

When the master came back he was very happy with the first and second servants and rewarded them and gave them higher positions and called them "good and faithful." The third servant tried to make excuses for just hiding the money and not doing anything but hid it. The master then threw that servant out.

We have to put our gifts to a use. We can't just have them and not use them. There's a reason why God gave you them. He put the people in your life and the opportunities in your life for a reason. Often times this reason isn't really clear but we have to trust in God. Like my pastor said, we need to, "Lay it all on the line" for God and trust that he has a plan for us that is so great that we can't comprehend. If you can't think of your spiritual gifts, ask a close Christian friend or your mom for that matter (I don't know about you but I find that my mom is a great resource). God put everything on the line for us and Jesus died for us. So use your gifts to make a difference and don't just bury them in the ground. While burying them does keep them safe, as Christians we should't always play it safe honestly. Take a chance and lay all you have at the feet of God. Sure, it won't be easy, but that's okay, sometimes the best things are challenging but in the end they are well worth it.

Alright gals, thank you so much for reading my devotion. I really appreciate it and I hope it inspired you. If any of you have any Christian friends here on Wattpad that you have not told about this account and book, I would love, love, love it if you could tell them about it. I don't know about you but I really want to make a difference by impacting as many lives as I can ~Mia (dancingbunny14)

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