Waiting on the Lord (hoofprintson02)

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Waiting on the Lord is hard especially when it is in hard times. Stepping back and letting him take care of things or waiting for him to guide your path can be frustrating. I find encouragement in knowing that I don't have to do anything alone, that includes wait. God will always be there to help me through anything.

Isaiah 40:31 says- But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

Seeking him out in those times of waiting can help you with the process of waiting. While going through a time of waiting praying and asking fellow believers to pray for you can be very helpful. I find that after I pray I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders.

Lamentations 3:25 says- The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.

Waiting can be extremely hard, but it can be extremely great! Seeking God out, praying, studying his word, and learning new things all can become from waiting on the Lord. The biggest thing to remember is not to give up! God has a plan and in that time that it feels like you are just a bump on a log while waiting on Him remember that he is waiting to open that new door for you. That time may be when you grow in Him and find new things out.

God bless and have a wonderful day! Be sure to share with friends to inspire others.



Discussion questions by MoreThanHope

What's one thing people don't wait on the Lord for?

Also, due to CRAZY schedules, no update on Thursday or Friday THIS week. But NEXT week we will go back to our Thursday and Friday updates! <3

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