Chapter 2: New Faces, New Problems

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      Anya POV:

      Two boys and three girls stood in the doorway, wet from the rain I hadn't noticed before. Three of them looked human,  although the shortest seemed to be a stretch. Both boys were blonde with blue eyes, as well as being the same height. The similarities ended there, though, as one of them was a werewolf.

      The werewolf wore a grey jacket with a black t-shirt underneath. His pants were light blue, and his shoes were black and white, just like his ears and tail. The human boy had on a white shirt with two blue rings on the shoulder as well as three hoop earrings, two plain metal ones on his right earlobe and one bronze one on the side of his left ear. He, too, and pale blue pants but his shoes were black.

      The tallest of the girls (though not by much) was a high elf, this was made clear by her clothing and how she carried herself. She had dark brown hair reaching the middle of her back with green eyes speckled with blue. She had long draping sleeves, as well as a long draping skirt, both were blue blending into pink and horrible for the forests of the wood elves. Her sandals, too, were a shiny gold, like the diamond encrusted headband she wore, not mad for sneaking or hunting. She had freckles, like the second tallest girl. She had curly red hair and chocolate brown eyes behind thick black glasses. She wore a black sweater with the shoulders missing and khaki shorts with red and black shoes.

      The third girl, and the shortest, had rainbow hair and mint blue eyes. She was tan, (the others were pale) and wore a pink shirt that was decorated with a rainbow. Donning her neck was a pale green scarf, complementing her shorts, which were pale green as well. Her shoes were red and orange, and the girl seemed to radiate joy, even though the others looked slightly peeved, thanks to the rain.

      "Good evening, shorties, what can I do for you?" I ask as soon as I'm behind the counter. Their looks of amusement were new.

      "Technically, we aren't really short, aside from Madalene." Said the werewolf, nodding towards the red-head. "You, my friend, are just really tall. Oh, right, we haven't introduced ourselves! I'm Dane, the only other guy is Jackson, little miss rainbow hair is Raelyn (Ray-lin), and the elf-" Dane was cut off.

      "High elf." The High elf said, "I'm Maria Anne Pontio, the high elven princess." She had a smug look on her face, "Although you probably wouldn't  know that, this being wood elf territory, feral rats." I already hated Maria. With. A. Passion. How dare she say such horrible comments about wood elves. That rotten princess...

      "Anya? You at the front desk?" Called my beautiful girlfriend.

      "Y-Yeah, Bri!" I answered. This was gonna get messy, I could already tell. I could hear the hurried tapping of her green boots, the sounds were so light that only Dane and I could hear them, thanks to our advanced hearing.

      "Okay, let's see who the guests are today-" Brilaya paused, noticing the strange assortment of people. Her clothing was just like it was in my dream, except the fact that she had her headband made of fines on her head, tucking her her hair behind her elven ears. The two golden bracelets I gave her for her birthday jangled as she froze, as still as a statue.

      "Babe, could you go wait in the next room?" She didn't respond. "Babe, please." Maria's eyes narrowed on my girlfriend. I didn't like where this was going. "Bri, so help me I will pick you up and carry you out of here." Silence.

      "Really? Listen, cutie, you're definitely strong enough to lift, say, 300 lbs," Maria said, "but I doubt you're strong enough to lift... That." This statement earned a collection of gasps. I could feel anger boiling in my veins.

      "What did you just say?" I questioned, teeth grinding together.

      "You heard me loud and clear."

      "Oh, you better hope I didn't, because if I did, we'd have some problems."

      "Ooooh noooooo I'm so scared.~ I'm afraid that if you fought me, you'd look almost as horrendous as the wood elf." That did it. I let out a feral growl and tackled the smaller girl to the ground, getting close to her face.

      "If you ever talk like that about my girlfriend again, I will rip your hair from your rotten head. That is a promise." I got off of Maria and rushed to my girlfriend's side. She looked at me, a mixture of pride and joy in her eyes.

      "You really mean it, star hair?" I chuckle at the nickname but stop when Bri gestures to my hair. I look over my shoulder and freeze. Crap.

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