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Chapter 1 | starting anew


March 6th, 2009.

Time never waits.

It delivers all equally to the same end.

You both, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be...

You will be given one year.

Go forth, without falter,

With your hearts as your guides...


A young boy, possibly a teenager, with blue hair and stone-grey eyes walked around town, earphones in, ignoring the chatter of the crowds.

"Ah-Hey, wait up!" A girl with auburn hair kept in a ponytail and ruby red eyes rushes up to him, presumably out of breath.

"...what took you so long?" The boy deadpanned.

"You walk way too fast." She copied the deadpan.

"I don't walk fast." He returned his gaze to where he was walking.

"Uh, yeah, you do." She countered, rolling her eyes slightly.



A young woman with hazel hair and brown eyes sits up against a sink with the water running in a bathroom.

She was wearing a pink sweater-jacket, a loose red ribbon, black knee-high stockings, with white lines on the outer sides, and a heart-shaped white choker.

She takes a few heaving breaths, then lifts a gun, aiming the barrel to her forehead.

She starts to squeeze the trigger, but she hesitates, and drops the gun, the weapon colliding with the floor with a clank.


The two teens approach the subway station, then get onto the train, sitting down next to eachother.

The girl rests her head against the window, closing her eyes. "Okay, wake me up when the ride's finished."

The boy just stares out the window, watching the scenery pass by.

Before he knows it, a blue butterfly swamps his eyesight, and before he can even react, it's gone.

His eyes shift toward the girl, who looked like she'd seen a ghost.

Then, his eyes return to the window.

The blue butterfly appeared again.

He would've said something, but the train had stopped.

He looks over at the brunette beside him, then he lightly shook her shoulder.

"Wake up."

"I'm awake." She opened her eyes, swatting his hand away, standing up and getting out of her seat.

The clock ticked, and when it struck midnight, everything seemed to warp.

As they exited the train station, they were surrounded by coffins, and the night sky was a shade of green.

"Well, then. That's...not disturbing at all." The brunette would probably be sweatdropping if this was an anime.

The blue-haired boy didn't seem fazed by this.

Eventually, they reach the building they are looking for.

They spotted a young girl with strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

Upon seeing the two, she widens her eyes, panics, and rushes into the building.

Another few moments pass.

"Well, uh...Here we are!" The girl chirps, turning the doorknob, opening the door to the inside of the dorm.

"Looks like everyone's gone to bed..." She mumbles as they approach the desk.

Suddenly, a strange looking younger boy, who seemed like the age of a child had popped up before them, startling them both. (Well, the red-eyed girl yelped in surprise while the blue-haired boy's eyes went wide for a few seconds.)

"You two are late." He scolded them both. "I've been waiting a long time for you."

Before they could say anything, he snapped his fingers and a red notebook appeared on the desktop.

"Now, if you want to proceed, sign your names there." The teens eyed him, a little wary.

"Don't worry, all it says is that you'll accept full responsibility for your actions. You know, the usual stuff."

"O...kay?" The blue haired boy opened up the notebook.

Conveniently, there was a pen there.

The brunette picked up the pen when she saw the shorter boy reaching for it, prompting a 'hey!' from him.

She swiftly moved the pen across the paper, signing her name down neatly.

Minako Arisato.                

"Your turn." Minako handed the pen to him, and he did the same, writing down his name near her's.

Minato Arisato.

"No one can escape time." The boy said after Minato set the pen down.

"It delivers us all to the same end. You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes." He took the notebook, and it vanished within the blink of an eye.

"And so, it begins." Then, the boy too was gone.

"Who's there?!"

The woman from earlier entered the room. When she saw the two, she immediately reached for the gun in her holster.

"Woah! T-take it easy, now!" Minako raised her hands up in defense.

"Takeba, wait!" A mature female voice rose up.

An older girl entered the room. She had cherry red hair and brown eyes with a soft red undertone, wearing a white blouse, a black skirt that goes above her knees and black knee-high high-heeled boots.

A heavy silence fell over the group.

Then, everything seemed to return to how it was before. No green light illuminating the room.

The redhead approached the two.

"I didn't think you'd arrive so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I'm one of the students who live in this dorm." She introduced herself.

"...who're they?" The second brunette looked at Mitsuru.

"Oh. I'm Minako Arisato, and this is my twin brother, Minato." Minako gestured toward herself and her brother.

"They're transfer students. It was a last minute decision to assign them here. They'll be moved to rooms in both girl and boys dorms." Mitsuru informed.

"...is it okay for them to be here...?" The pink-clad girl asked, a little wary.

"I guess we'll see..." Mitsuru then turned to the two again.

"This is Yukari Takeba. She'll be a junior this spring, like you two."

"Hey." Yukari greeted quietly.

"Nice to meet you!" Minako smiled, holding out her hand for Yukari to shake.

"Uh, y-yeah...nice to meet you too." Yukari shook it, though still tense.

"...Is this the girl's dorm?" Minato tilted his head slightly.

"No, it's not, but...Umm, how should I explain it...?" Yukari looked at Mitsuru, seeking help, and Mitsuru seemed to pick up on the signal.

"Unlike the other buildings, this one's co-ed. It's not your typical dorm, though." The redhead replied.

This piqued Minako's interest, and she glanced at her brother, who just shrugged.

"I'll explain it to you later when I get a chance." She glanced at the clock. "It's getting late, so you two should get some rest."

"Wait, where are our rooms...?" Minako asked, tilting her head.

"Your rooms are on the second floor, at the end of the hallway." Mitsuru gestured toward the corridor, answering the brunette. "Your things should already be there."

"Oh...uh, I can show you two the way. Follow me."

And with that, Yukari led them down the hallway, and to their rooms.

"The room on the left is Minato's, and the room on the right is Minako's." Yukari turned to the two, who nodded, almost in unison.

"This is it...pretty easy to remember, huh? You know, since it's at the end of the hall." Yukari smiled slightly as if to lighten up the tense, awkward mood.

She wasn't successful.

"Oh, yeah, make sure you don't lose your key, or you'll never hear the end of it from Mitsuru-senpai. So, um, any questions?"

"Uh, what's the contract for?" Minato spoke up. "Uh, yeah, what is it for?" Minako echoed.

"Huh...what contract?"

Yukari didn't seem to know what they were talking about.

"Um...anyways, can I ask you something?" Both twins nodded in unison.

"On your way here from the station, was everything okay?"

"...what do you mean?" Minako tilted her head, and Yukari tensed up.

"You know what I-" she paused. Then, she frowned, and took a breath.

"...never mind, it seems like you two are alright. Well, I better get going..."

She started to walk away, but she stopped, and turned to face the two.

"Um..." she averted her eyes, staring at the floor.

"I'm sure you still have other questions, but let's save them for later, okay?"

Minato shrugged. "I guess..."

And with that, Yukari left with a "good night."


Word count: 1360 (minus the A/N)

Publish date: 10/11/18

With that aside, hope you enjoyed the story. See you in the next chap!

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