Chapter 2: The Girls and Their Visitors Play a Game

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A/N This chapter is dedicated to bookworm2229, who made the new book cover for this story, which, by the way, is awesome! Thanks for making it, by the way!

And one more note: One of the girls I wrote this about didn’t like her name, so now Bethany is Courtney. It doesn’t really affect the new readers, but you understand why I’m telling this. Sorry everyone.

Anyway, here’s chapter 2! Enjoy!


Simone’s POV

What in the world? They were here, on the side of Ana’s house? Out of all the people that could show up, it was One Direction? The five boys who just happened to be our favorite band?

Pinch me. I must be dreaming.

I guess I had said that out loud, because Lizzie leaned over and pinched my arm. “Ow!” I yelped. “What was that for?”

“What? You said for someone to pinch you,” Louis pointed out with a laugh. Everyone else started to laugh too, and I ended up joining in as well.

“Didn’t mean to say that out loud…” I mumbled as I continued to laugh.

Everyone else laughed along with me until Lucy spoke up. “So, don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you here?”

“Here, we’ll explain it to you. How about we go sit somewhere? It’s kind of a long story,” Liam shrugged.

Courtney smiled. “Sure. Just let me go and tell my brother the game’s on hold.” We nodded, understanding. We didn’t want Kyle to run up while we were talking and say we all lost.

She walked over into view of the flashlight beam that Kyle was still shining, searching for us. “Hey! Kyle! The game’s on hold for a little bit!”

I saw the flashlight beam shut off, and, with a nod from Courtney, we all walked back to the fire.


Only a few minutes later, the eleven of us were sitting around in the circle again, away from the fire again. Each of us held a S’mores in our hands, except for Niall, who had two.

“So,” Kelly said before taking a bite of her S’more. After a slight pause, she continued. “You were going to explain why you were here.”

“Right,” Niall said. “Well, we got your letter, the one you sent three weeks ago to our manager’s office?”

We all nodded, and I joked, “You mean the one Lucy was scared to send?”

“Well, I don’t know about that, but sure,” Zayn responded. “Well, we read the letter you sent and it was really amazing that we had such an impact on you.”

But it was true. They really had that impact on us. I couldn’t explain it, although I guess we had done pretty well on explaining it in the letter. Why would they be here if we didn’t?

Ana ended up speaking up. “Well, it’s true. We had been fighting so much, but we thought you were so great, and that shared feeling pretty much brought us together again,” she explained to the five of them.

We all were silent for a little bit, giving us time to munch on our S’mores again.

Finally, Courtney spoke up again. “So, you came to meet us, then?”

The five boys shared a look. “Kind of,” Harry said slowly. “We were planning on taking breaks during the summer and spending it with you six.”

Now it was our turn to share a look. Did he just say what I thought he said? My mouth dropped open, as well as Lizzie’s.

“You’re going to spend the summer with us?” I heard Ana ask them, obvious surprise in her voice.

Harry nodded. “Yeah,” he said with a grin. “We’ll still have to do some things over the summer, but other than that, we’re all yours.”

And without saying a single word, I knew that this would definitely be the best summer ever. We could go to the mall and ride the rides at the amusement park, or go to the waterpark and take on the biggest waterslide together. Or we could just stay back and talk! Anything we were going to do with them, I knew was going to be great. This was definitely going to be the best summer.

Finally, Kelly broke the awkward silence that had fallen over us. “That’s awesome!” She exclaimed, pretty much summing up what we all felt. “This is definitely going to be a great summer!”

“Agreed,” Lizzie and Lucy said at the same time with a laugh.

Everyone smiled, and Louis added to the conversation, “Alright then! Now what do we do?”

“Well, we could play flashlight tag,” Courtney suggested. “We could all split up into smaller groups and hide from Kyle then.”

“Sure,” Niall responded. “Let’s play.”


We decided to split up so Kyle would have a harder time tracking us all down. After all, it’s much easier to spot eleven people than two or three people anyway.

I organized the little teams myself. I put Zayn and Kelly together, Harry and Ana were a team, Louis and Lizzie paired up, Liam and Courtney were another group, and Niall went with my sister. Since there were eleven of us, I decided to join Harry and Ana. Don’t ask me why I picked them. I have no idea either, to be honest. I just picked a random group.

Before I set up the next group, I gave Niall a look as if to say “I’m watching you”. I may be the younger sister, but I’m protective!

When Courtney told Kyle what we were doing, he shrugged, and told us, “I was expecting that anyway. I’m eighteen. I can figure out these things.” He smiled at us. “Anyway, you’ve got thirty seconds!” He closed his eyes and began to count.

All the groups shared a look. We knew what we had to do. We all sprinted away from the fire in different directions. We weren’t going in one direction!

Oh wow. That was a lame joke. I think I’m learning from Mr. Reynolds. I feel so bad for Ana…

Anyway, I didn’t pay much attention to where the others had gone. I was too busy paying attention to where Ana and Harry were going. I didn’t want to lose them and be found by Kyle so quickly!

Finally, the three of us paused at the back of Courtney’s house, right next to the swing set.

Ana took the first rung of the ladder in her grip and began to climb up, taking the lead. I looked up towards her. “Ana?” I asked in a whisper. “Don’t you remember the last time we hid on top of a swing set?”

Ana didn’t respond until she reached the top of the ladder. Then, as Harry began to climb up, she turned and looked down towards me. “You know that you were around ten years old the last time we played this, right?” She asked quietly. I nodded, agreeing with what she said. “That was practically five years ago. I wouldn’t remember that specific game,” she explained as Harry reached her.

I sighed. I wouldn’t fight it. It just wasn’t worth it anyway. I climbed up behind the two of them and took a seat on the wooden plank floor. Harry and Ana did the same.

I looked over towards them. “So…” I said quietly, trying to start a small conversation so we wouldn’t get bored while we waited.

“So,” Harry said quietly, trying not to be discovered. “Do you girls usually do specific things each summer?”

Ana and I shared a look. “Well,” Ana said, “it really depends on what we feel like doing each summer. Sometimes we go up to the Twin Cities and spend a day there-.”

“Like at the Mall of America in Bloomington. We go to Nickelodeon Universe all the time!” I interrupted Ana. “Or we go to plays, go to museums sometimes…” I looked towards them. “Sorry Ana. You were saying?”

Ana smiled. “Its okay, Simone. But that’s some of the things we do. We also go to the Water Park of America, Feed My Starving Children, and sometimes we even take trips together!”

Harry nodded. “That sounds nice,” he observed with a smile.

Then we saw Kyle’s flashlight beam coming our way. We all froze, and stayed as still as possible, hoping we wouldn’t be spotted or heard.

When Kyle had passed by, the flashlight beam turned off. I sighed in relief. “Safe!” I said quietly.

Then, Kyle turned his light on again and flashed the light toward us. “Found you!” He laughed, running over and climbing to the top of the swing set. “You’re all out.” He grinned.

I sighed, since I had been the one who had blown it. “Sorry guys. Back to the campfire we go!” I slid down the slide and started off toward the fire. Harry and Ana followed behind as we walked to where the mini circle had been earlier.

The three of us lay on the ground. I lay on my back, watching the stars. The stars were the last thing I remembered seeing before my eyelids fluttered closed and I fell asleep.


That was the thing I saw when I woke up the next morning in my bed. Was that a real memory, or a dream?

It must have been a dream.


A/N Yeah, this one was really short, I know. But the next ones will be even longer! Please vote and comment!

Video of the chapter: 'Gotta Be You' Video Out Takes

Picture of the chapter: One Direction having a bonfire

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