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A/N: I really hope that you will enjoy this short update, tonight (Philippine time). I'm just a little upset that's why I can't make this chapter a little longer. But still I'm hoping that you enjoy this. 

Anyway, please do leave some comment. I really need it so I will know what you are thinking about this book or this chapter.


MY eyes widened the moment that we entered the hypermarket. Mavis doesn't allow me to buy our necessities because according to her - I bought too much. Which I don't really don't understand because I just followed her grocery list.

Anyway, I love to cook when I have the time. I really love it when I try a new recipe I'd watch in some random videos on Facebook and Youtube. My sister and Zeref don't mind at all. They love to eat whatever I cooked for them.

Hmm... I should think of another meal for them after their honeymoon. The meal should be healthy for my sister and of course to my niece or nephew. I really don't mind if they have a baby girl or baby boy.

My sentiment was cut off short when I saw Natsu put a pack of mayonnaise in the trolley cart


"You don't like this?" he asked me innocently.

"I want it. I just don't understand why it small" I point my fingers on the bucket size of mayonnaise in the alley as I gave him an innocent look "This one is much better"

"Babe, that's for commercial use."

"But you can save money if you bought this one rather than that thirty – two oz."

A satisfied smile formed into my lips when he put the bucket size of mayonnaise in our trolley cart. He started pushing the trolley and I just quietly followed him from behind. He was preoccupied on the list that he was holding that he didn't notice that I put some things in the cart.

After a couple of seconds – he stopped from walking and looked at our cart and then back to my face. I gave him an innocent look "What?"

"I have sodium chlorite in my house babe. We don't need this—" his voice trail off as he lift the package of salt in the air "—much"

"But it's on sale"

He sighs "We don't need too much pepper. Again, we can't and we don't need this much"

I frown "I'm not saying that we are going to use them all. You're going to store them and your pantry area"

"What I'm going to do to you" he mumbled under his breath which is hard for me to understand.

I frowned and pouted my lips together "What?"

He shook his head and sigh "Just let's go. We need some oil" he stated.

"Oil?" I ask innocently before I look around to find what we are looking for.

When my eyes landed on the shelf – a gasp escaped on my lips before I ran towards it and pulled the tin can container only to grunt when I felt its weight. I avoided my foot because there was no doubt that it would fall there but before I got injured or created a disaster – I felt it lighten when Natsu reached for it and took it away from me.

"This is sixteen kilos of oil," he stated.

"Right." I smile sweetly "And it's on sale."

"Are you planning to open a restaurant in front of my house, babe?"

I frown on what he said. Why is he being silly? Of course not. If I'm planning to open a restaurant in front of his house then I'm pretty sure that everything in our cart is not enough.

I mean, this is how normal people buy in the grocery.

I looked at a woman who was passing by – she was pushing her own cart. I looked at the contents of her cart and the frown on my forehead deepened when I saw what she get. Everything is the same with us – the only difference is... she chose small sizes of it.

"Let's go"

I looked at Natsu and I saw him pushing the cart again. The gigantic cooking oil container is already sitting beside our other purchases.

He never questioned me again when we went to the pasta section and I started getting large packs of different types of pasta. He didn't even question it when I attempted to get a five kilo container of tomato sauce this time. He just got it in my hand and carefully put it in our cart. Then we went to the meat section and he just let me buy kilos and kilos of meat and seafood.

Soon our cart was almost full. We were about to go to the cashier when I was stopped "Oh! I need that one"

"What?" he asked with a sigh.

"Do you have silicone zippies?"

"A what?"

"A food storage bag. For your fridge."

He blinked "I don't have anything like tha"

"Then what are you doing with the rest of your food?"

"I don't usually eat on my house babe"

"But what about meal prep? Cooking can be tiring sometimes but if you have prepared food then you won't need to waste time cooking because you already prepare it ahead of time"

"There's what you call food delivery"

"That's a waste of money," I scolded.

"You're a daughter of one of the billionaire in the country, babe"

I rolled my eyes "So? It's unhealthy to always rely on food deliveries. I know that because I always eat fast food. But if I have time I always prepared my food at home. You'll save a lot of money by doing a meal prep" I cross my arms "And also, I'm not a billionaire."

"You are"

"It was my parents." I corrected him "I don't have plans to be a parasite to my parents, okay. I can't just ask them about everything" he opens his mouth to say something but I just continue "Can I get those zippies or not?"

He did not answer what I said and just looked at my face as if thinking of something else to say. I raised an eyebrow at him "What?" I challenge him.

He let out a deep sigh before murmuring under his breath. Which is... by the way hard for me to understand. This guy should stop murmuring in front of me -_-

"I can't hear you" I scoff.

"Get whatever you want." He said defeated.


______________________ End of Chapter #21

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