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A/n: Since I wasn't buys this day. I decided to update this book. Anyway, I hope you did like this chapter.

P.S. Please do leave some comment so it won't hard for me to create new chapter. Thank you.


I'M busy checking myself on the mirror when I heard someone clear his throat – my eyes met his gaze through my mirror and I can't help but smile to the both of them. Zeref and Mavis is looking at me with an awe.

"How do I look guys?" I asked them as I turned around to face them.

My sister and Zeref both look at me from head to toe as if they can't believe that I'm wearing little black dress. It's a dress with a mesh neckline, body fit, with the hem a few inches about my knee. Right, maybe a couple of inches if I'm being honest. My long golden blonde haired is tied into a messy pony tail.

"I look pretty, right" I beam at them. They both nodded which makes my smile wider. This is the reason why I love them both. They are really good for my ego.

"But that dress quite short," Zeref said as he crossed his arms "I think after this night you end up having a pneumonia"

I roll my eyes to him – Zeref chuckle and crossed the distance between us "I just hope that the dinner date you have tonight will be successful" Zeref said sincerely. I hope so.

"Aren't you going to tell us who's your date?" Mavis ask me. I beam at her before I shake my head. My sister sigh "Just be careful okay"

"I know, Sis"

It's just a date with his first candidate for his wife. And to be honest, I'm being nervous. What if he likes that woman? What if they decided to work everything out? What will happen to me? I can feel my heart is being stab by a thousand of knives as I imagine him being happy with someone else.

I hopped in on my car before I took a deep breath and start the engine. I reached for my phone when it suddenly rings. I saw his name flashes on the screen and I'm having a hard time to decide whether I'm going to answer or not. In the end, I answer his call

"Hello?" I murmurs.

"Where are you? My date is here" he informed me. My heart clench in pain, I can feel my heart is being tortured which makes it hard for me to breath. "Heartfilia?"

I clear my throat "I'll be there at eight thirty, Natsu" the sound of my voice sounds dead "I have to end this call. I'm driving right now" I didn't wait for whatever his going to say and I just end it.

I inhale sharply – I need to focus. I shouldn't... I shouldn't cry right now. My make – up will surely be in messed and I can't let that happen.

When I arrived and I opened the door to exit the car, I was greeted by a cool breeze that instantly enveloped my body. Right. I guess Zeref was right – I might have a pneumonia after this night. I looked back at my reflection in the car mirror. I look beautiful, of course. But I can't still brush off the nervousness that I'm feeling right now – maybe because this is the very first time I wear something like this.

I took a deep breath, after that I started walking into the Haven's Restaurant. A crew greeted me politely and I immediately noticed that the eyes of their other customers were on me, "Any reservation, Miss?" the crew ask me.

"Reserved by Mister Natsu Dragneel."

He nodded "This way, Miss" he says politely as he guided me to Natsu's table.

To be honest, it was easy to find it since Natsu's hair is one of the kind and very rare. I completely ignored the gaze of the people around me and only paid attention to the man who was busy talking with his date.

How nice! Everyone on this place were looking at me and the only person I want to see me wasn't paying attention to me.

I clear my throat when we finally arrive at Natsu's table "Am I late?"

They both looked up at me and I just smiled. I simply looked at the woman with him and could not help but feel insecure. The girl is beautiful and looks innocent. Obviously, my completely opposite.

They were both indecisive while looking at me so I just smiled and waved to them as if that was the way for them to return to their senses. Natsu clear his throat and the woman beside him smile as she stood up and offer her hand to me "You are Lucy Heartfilia" her both cheeks blush as she look at me "I'm Bea Scot, I'm a big fan of you."

Okay. I'm a bid shock because of what she had said "I mean, you are so great in making a—" I chuckle when she suddenly cover her mouth "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't just expecting to see you, Miss Lucy"

I chuckle "its okay," I says as I wave my both hand "Nice to meet you. And since you are having a date with my friend. I'll just get my own table—" I couldn't finish my own words when she suddenly grab my hand

"No, you stay. I believe Natsu won't mind. Besides, I really want to see you and talk to you" Bea said.

On my peripheral vision, I saw Natsu shook his head like he was trying to remove something on his mind. Throughout, the dinner I never heard him say aside from 'Okay', 'Yes' or 'Maybe'. And as for me, I couldn't find myself enjoy the food I order because Bea keeps on asking me about the online game I created.

I was okay with her question, actually. This was a rare moment when someone actually talked about my game like it was one of the greatest online game ever created.

"Are you going to update the game, soon?" her curious eyes look at me.

I smile politely "I'm not sure," I mumble under my breath "But since you open that idea, I might consider update the game"

Her lips formed into a small 'o' as if I said something unbelievable "I'll definitely look forward to it"

"But I can't promise you that it will happen sooner. I have lots of things to do, you know." I said as I gave her an apologetic smile.

Bea wave her both hand at me as she beam at me "Oh, it okay. Take your time. I know how busy you are. And to be honest, having a conversation like this with my idol is enough for me," she says before she look at to Natsu "I was thankful to this man because of his surprise" my heart clench when I saw Bea reach for Natsu's hand and hold it. I couldn't even do that.

Natsu blink his eyes as he look at her before looking at me "I'm also surprise that she's into making online games," he shrugged his shoulder but his gaze never leave my face "I never seen her do job ever since I came back. Most of the time, she was having a Disney marathon, mourning about her popcorn or do shopping"

I mentally roll my eyes – I open my mouth to say something but Bea said it first "Oh, so you never knew anything about her, Natsu?" she said innocently.

"What?" Natsu said irritate.

Bea shrugged her shoulder and smile to me "It's not my position to say everything and I'm not saying that I knew everything about my idol" Bea beam at me "But, she was really an amazing woman" she said sincerely.

This was the first time I met a woman who was lifting her fellow women. I smiled at her and we could still talk about what she was doing in her life. She said, she was working at her parents' company as an IT. When her fetcher came, she bid her goodbye to us and I told her how I enjoy the night talking with her.

I sighed before taking the glance of water and drink "Bea was fine," I said – Natsu look at me with his intense gaze and I start eating my food as I continue "But she wasn't a suitable to become your wife."

"Why is that?"

"You said you want to find someone like Lisanna? Lisanna is not a bit childish" I said truthfully "I'm not saying Bea's attitude is not good. But you don't have enough patience to her kind"

Natsu started eating his food too as he answer "So who do you think will suit for me?"

"You are typically an alpha male, Natsu. You are very dominating and you always want to get what you want. Bea is a member of the power puff girls. She is sweet, beautiful, nice but too weak to be your partner. You need someone who can stand on her own and who can assists and understand your needs," I explained "If you guys end up for each other I assure you that it will end on divorce"

He look at my face like he was trying to read what's on my mind. I smile on him before I fend off my hair behind my ear. Natsu frowned "Your clothes is bothering me. Why did you wear that kind of dress?"

"Did you just ignore what I've said?" I gave him a disbelief look "Don't you know that it was hard for me to say those things. I won't remember it if you asked me to say it again" I say dramatically.

He chuckle "I heard it loud and clear, Heartfilia" he says before he put his left arm on the table and lean to me "Why did you chose that clothes?"

I frowned before I look at myself "What's wrong with my clothes? Zeref said it was pretty"

"My brother what?"

I shrugged my shoulder "Can we just go back to our main topic?"

"How can you say that is my ideal type of woman?" he says.

I roll my eyes to him which he instantly scowl "You like Lisanna, Natsu. And that's how Lisanna"

"Are you sure that you are describing Lisanna? Why it feels like you are describing yourself?"

My eyes flew back to him – I couldn't even lift my hand to put my food inside my mouth. I clear my throat before I smile towards him "Natsu, do you know that if you love someone, you will take care of her, you treat her special and the queen of your life, you are sweet and caring to her" I mumble. 

He frowned as he look at me but still waited for me to finish "That is why, I can't describe myself as your ideal type because I'm not your ideal type. If I am, then you won't hurt me"

That words barely escape my lips and I know I took him off guard – I smile to him even though I can feel my heart being tortured by my own words.

"You always see me as a threat," not a woman worthy of your love "You see me as someone who destroyed your life. You don't see me as your friend. You just see me as a tool. Well," I shrug my shoulder "everyone do that."

"Lucy is not like that"

"Really?" I want to say it as innocent as much as possible but it came out in a sarcastic way "If it's not like that then why I'm here?" he open his mouth to say something but I just continue "Let's go back to your finding – your – wife, in my opinion, Bea is not suitable for you but if you are going to pursue her then its not my problem anymore" I wipe the side of my lips and grab my bag and get some money and put it on the table before I look at his eyes "My job is done. I have to go"

I didn't wait for his response and I immediately went to the foyer. I can hear him calling out my name but I completely ignore him.

I pretend not to hear him.


I can pretend.

I can pretend that I'm not scared on my own feelings. I can pretend that I wasn't hurt by my own words. I can pretend that I don't love him. I can pretend that I won't wish for him to love me back. 

______________________ End of Chapter 8

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