Ive been tagged m8s

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     Right so KatelynKramer tagged me, so by guidance of how/where to put this from my friend (since if never been tagged before) here I am 😋

Ten facts about me:

#1.    I'm a straight female
#2.    My eyes are cactus green (according to my best friend) with a dark indigo line around them
#3.    I'm a straight A student
#4.    I love the board game chess, and I'm undefeated at my school 👑
#5.     My three favourite books series (not on wattpad) are Wings of fire, Elementia chronicles, and the Unwanteds
#6.     I love playing the piano and guitar
#7.     7 is my favourite number (for some reason I wrote 7 is my favourite laughter and idk why XD)
#8.    My favourite colours are black, green, and Aqua
#9.     I'm a Christian
#10.   I love the pack and a bunch of other youtubers ^_^


Steak (a codename)
Line bender (my friend named me this because I could never cut straight with scissors)
My name+ness *Im not doing a name reveal yet* (My friend gave my this in grade 6 and I just kinda rolled with it)
DarkDisco7 (My minecraft username, as well as wattpad)
Peanut, Sillywilly, sweetiepie, monkey (all names my grandma gave me when I was little)

Eye colour: Green

Hair colour: Chocolate

Siblings: None

Favourite celeb: I can't choose ;-;

Fav animal: Dragon

Fav song: it changes every week but for this week it's Move by Toby Mac

Was that good? Anyways now it's my turn to tag some peeps... Let's see... I tag...









Have fun ^_^

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