TAG you're it!

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Alright so I got tagged by @sarasa234  twice so I'll do the second one lol.


1. Yeah, two people actually. (2.5??)
2. 1. I don't think so 2. Yeah but I don't really see him that much anymore so idk 3. YES but it's been... 5 years? 6? So idk XD
3. I have two, but I'm not going to say them. Cuz. Privacy lol
4. Single
5. My mom XD
6. Toy Pianos - SharaX
7. 100% (just woke up lol)
8. My friend, Lauren.
9. Hum... I'm friend with a few guys... But I guess #2 guy I like?
10. Either Vikklan, Merome, or Poofless (Setosolace is kewl too)
11. Originally to read fantasy stories, but after a year or two, I just kinda realized 'hey. I can make stories' so time skip 6+ months later and boom, here we are XD

13. May 5, 2003

ALRIGHT SO because I've already tagged um... Literally all of you XD I'll do it again :3 so you, the person reading this, are hereby tagged. If you have already done it/don't want to do it, you don't have to.

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