💙~Kill The Crown~❤PT:3

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Darryls POV:

I heard many, heavy footsteps coming towards me from behind. I looked back to see two guards, covered in steel armor, heading towards me.
I was trapped.
They put their arms under mine, pulling me back towards the elevator I came from.

"Hey! Let me go!" I screamed.

They guards were unphased by my screaming, dragging me along.
I lunged forward, using all my might to try and get out of their grasp.
I almost did.

One of the guards took out a shiny, steel sword and put it to my neck.

"Okay, . . . okay," I say, my voice lowering.

I really did not want to die.
I knew I did deserve it after all the people I assassinated.

The guards brought me to the elevator and practically threw me in. I fell to hard floor of the elevator. I heard them step in and press a button. The doors to the elevator started to close. Panic rose in my body.

I scrambled up, trying to run out of the elevator. Before the guards could grab me again, I quickly took out my dagger that was in the pocket of my bag, jabbing it into one of the guards necks sincr their neck wasn't protected by armor.

I turned to the other guard who was now swinging their sword at me. I dodged their attacks. I hardly kicked the guard in um their . . . 'nether regions'.

They winced, hissing at the pain.
I didn't give the guard anymore time to react as I swung my dagger at their sword, the steel equipment falling to the floor with a cling. They looked down at the sword, trying to pick it up fast, but I was faster. I grabbed their left and right arm with my left, slamming them to wall. I had their hands above their head, pinned.

I brought my dagger to their neck, quickly slicing it.

I never really liked the idea of killing people slowly to make them experience as much pain as possible before death.

I always knew I had a reason to kill them, either for my job that I was going to quit soon after this last mission, or well, because they were trying to kill me.

I would always end their life fast. I just felt that it was better than tormenting them before death.

I let go of their arms, letting the guard fall to the floor of the elevator. My dagger was now stained with fresh, red blood.

I looked back at the exit to the elevator but it had already closed.
Where had I been going now?

I heard the elevator ding before the doors opened. Inside was where I was suppost to be staying if I hadn't murdered the guards.

The room in front of me was a dungeon. It had four cells and I'm guessing, one of those was for me.

Inside the cells was a small, dirty blue sleeping bag with a tiny table in the corner. Ya, I'll stick to my house with my dog, Lucy.

I stayed din the elevator, clicking the number, one.
I would need to do this a different way . . . A way where I wouldn't get caught.

A way where he'd least expect it . . .

I'm breaking into his room tonight.


Sorry it is kinda short-
But I literally saw a wattpad chapter book with like over 7k words for each chapter and it had practically 70 chapters😭👍

Word count:584

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