🧡~The Librarian~💙

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Inspo:Book Store(Oneshot) by _Mystic_Offical_

Jefs POV:

"I want it!" Clare yelled.

"I'm sorry, darling, . . . I cannot afford it right now," I mumble, hoping that she'd calm down.

"I don't care! I want the fucking bag!" she yelled again.

My girlfriend, Clare, had been begging for me to buy her the new Louis Vuitton bag which was over a thousand dollars!

"I'm sorry, I'm not made of money, Clare."

"Excuse me, did you just talk back to me?"

"I knew hooking up with Josh was a better idea then waiting for you to get the money to buy me the bag," she added.

"I- what . . . ? Who's Josh, Clare?"

"My new boyfriend. He can buy me whatever I want without complaining that he cannot afford it," Clare spoke.

"You're . . . You're cheating on me!?" I exclaimed.

Why would she even be asking for a bag if she could just go ask this Josh for it instead?!

"Yeah, I have been for a while now. Guess what? We're done. I need a man that buy me what I want anytime, anywhere," Clare said.

I felt my heart break.
At the beginning of me and Clares relationship, things were okay. She was nice and caring . . . But now, she's just a little gremlin!

"Get out, Jef. Don't even think about coming back," Clare said, pointing to the door.

"I- but Clare! I don't anywhere else to stay!"

"I really don't care right now," Clare said.

"Fine! But, I hope your new boyfriend cheats on you! I hope he buys every other girl he sees exactly what he bought you!" I cried, feeling the tears that came from my eyes roll down my chin.

Goods POV:

I sat on the white, spiny chair behind the library desk, staring down. I worked at a library.
Ya, I know. It's weird. I'm someone with anger issues, a loud demon, working in a library.

Dumb right?

I'm just waiting for the day I snap.
Yeah, most customers are nice, but some . . . Eh.
Like, last month, this idiot brought in a newborn!
A newborn!

That little shit started crying and honestly, the sounds of that thing gave me a headache.
Gosh, I was about to kill that baby!
Thank god, they left early.

Suddenly, the bell to the door wrung. My eyes darted up to see a short and pitete male entering the library.
He had on a orange hoodie, his fingers just nearly visable, and an orange, pumpkin beanie.
He had one chestnut brown eye and the other eye was orange. The boy had limestone colored skin with dark, raven colored hair. He has pointy, fairy-like ears with a long tail with orange diamonds at the end.

He looked rather . . . sad? Angry?
He looked to have a mix of emotion.

His fist had been balled up but dried up tears lay on his cheeks.

I almost felt sorry for the boy.
But, I'm Good. I never felt sorry for people. I never felt empathy or sympathy for anyone. But this boy, . . . It was different.

He walked off into the library, walking down the many rows of bookcases, eventually sitting down on a blue chair in the very back of the library.

I furrowed my eyebrows.
I wanted to know what brought him so down.

I stood up, grabbing the cart of books I needed to put back into their original places. People had returned many that day.

I could make an excuse to watch the boy by putting away books! Great thinking, Good. This was like the only non-shit idea you had today.

I took the cart, rolling it around to different book cases, shoving them back into their original spot.

I saved the books that were near him for last. Luckily, there were many.

I rolled the cart around some more. Eventually, I was in the same isle as the boy.

As I put the books away slowly, I kept glancing at him.
His hands were covering his eyes.

I sighed, turning fully around.

Jefs POV:

"You alright, bud?" I heard someone ask in front of me.

I looked up with my tear glistening eyes. A library worker was crouched down in front of me.

He had white skin, white hair, white horns, a white tail with a spade at the end, glowing teal eyes, large, white wings, and a white hoodie with teal stripes. I'm guessing his favorite color is white. Maybe teal. Or maybe it wasnt any of those. He had on a name tag that read: Good

"Yeah . . . "

"I know you're lying," he said.

I rubbed my eyes, sniffling, looking back down.

"Yeah, . . . you're right, I am lying."

I felt Good place his hand on my shoulder. He used his other hand, lifting my chin up with two fingers.

"Mind telling me what's wrong?"

"Sure . . . "

With that, I explained what the gremlin that cheated on me wanted and all the other drama stuff.

"You know, for once, I acually feel sorry for once. I'm in my twentys and I haven't ever felt empathy for someone before," Good said.

"But you know what, that hoe can kiss your pretty ass goodbye," he added.

I giggled, looking back up again to meet Goods gaze.


"Ah, I see you're not one for cussing, are you?"

"No, . . . not really."

"Well, I'll tell you one thing, Pumpkin. I'll be here for you. You can vent as much as you'd like. It's better than listening to these other idiots ask to check out books all day anyways."


Word count:926

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