Chapter 6: Recommended

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After I give my sister that sad excuse for a pep talk, I continue on the path, following the signs around the few buildings until I arrive at an open gate that leads outside to a large field. Beside it is a sign that reads, "Recommendation." I walk through and am greeted with the sight of about a couple dozen other students. Among the conversations  and laughs, I have to ignore the weird expressions I'm getting from some of them.

Whatever I do, I can't overreact to any of this, otherwise, my expression could get comically worse. Then I'd really be getting looks.

I take my spot among the crowd of kids and try to find something to look at without being awkward. I find myself already rubbing my fingers together from my nervousness.

"You good, playa'?"

I look up at the tall, dark-haired boy standing next to me. "Huh?"

He circles his eyes with his finger. "Your eyes are noticeably, um, dilated."

Dang it!

"Uh, y-yeah," I manage, closing my eyes and shaking my head to get over my emotions. "It's just part of my quirk."

"Ah, okay okay, I get'cha," he awes, nodding his head. "Though I'm guessin' it's more than funny faces?"

"Pretty much."

He waits for me to say more, but I decide to leave it at that. "Well, that's cool. Can't wait to see what exactly it is." He holds his hand up by his shoulder for a high-five. "I'm Lee Kristollerio by the way."

"I'm T," I return. I can't really say I'm one to leave someone hanging like this, so I reluctantly raise my own hand for him swing at, though after the slap, he follows up with a fist bump, which I awkwardly miss.

He ignores it and continues his conversation. "So who'd you get recommended by?"

"Uhhh..." I hesitate to answer as I come from a whole other country. Then again, how weird is that? "By a hero from home. Heard of Blockbuster?"

"Mmm, can't say that I have. Don't worry about it though. My guy isn't all that popular either. Just checking, have you ever heard of-?"


All of us immediately shut up and look toward the front, where the voice came from. There, looking down at everyone, is a tall man in an American Army uniform with various pins decorating his right sleeve and a whistle around his neck. Notably, a long, thin scarf is wrapped beneath his head. His intense eyes send off a kind of authority that would likely make anyone cower before him. He's holding a few sheets of paper in his hand.

"About dang time," the military member grumbles, crossing his arms. "I am Pro Hero Sergeant," he yells. "And I am not your friend."

. . . Okay. . ?

"I am also a teacher  " He holds the papers to read aloud. "Without further ado, I'm supposed to read this, quote-unquote, 'speech of encouragement' from the principal of this place."

He stares at the paper on top, reading ahead to prepare. After a little bit though, he flips the page up to glance at the next, then flips that one, then the next. He leaves us in silence and confusion until he finally clutches the papers tighter, growls through his teeth, then flings the entire stack over his shoulder, letting the loose papers flutter in the wind. "Ahh! You know what? Screw it! The rat talks forever, so I'll just give it to ya brief my way! So listen up!

"Look around ya! UA has agreed to test twenty-nine kids who have been recommended by licensed pros but will only take on four through this special process!"

Wait, only four students?!

"If you have a quirk, congratulations, you are among eighty percent of the world's population that has a superpower. The only thing that makes you different from a great deal of that eighty percent is that you wanna use your power to become a hero. And you know what those do? Just smile and wave, right? WRONG!!! Along with any personal junk they have to deal with, heroes play a major role in today's society! They always watch for trouble anywhere they go! They face danger head-on! They sometimes are the only things standing between life or death for thousands who cannot defend themselves! They have to be smart, courageous, and quick to act! I would say 'no pressure,' but that would be a fricken lie! If you cannot handle any of that at all, you can find the exit on your own!"

There is no limit on how terrifying this guy is! Sure, he's gotta make his point, but good grief! Just the same, I shake out my fear and stand my ground. I listen around me, attempting to see if anyone is taking Sergeant up on his offer, but no one moves.

Lee quietly whistles next to me. "Wow, sick. Intimidating, but sick. Whadaya say, T-bone? Stickin' around?"

I smirk at him. "Yeah, you bet I am.. uh..." I pause to try to think about something clever to call him. When I can't, I groan. "Sorry, what was your name again?"

"Lee Kristollerio."

I stare at him some more, still unable to get him back. "Yeah, that's a mouthful. I'm just gonna call you 'Chris.'"

Unfamiliar with the name, he returns the stare for a few seconds until he shrugs. "Whatever floats your boat."

"With that out of the way, lemme explain to you lot how this exam will work," Sergeant continues. "Normally at this point, you'd be instructed to take a written test, but generally, I don't give a squat as to how much of a nerd you are in the subject of heroing. You can show your knowledge in the exercises I have planned."

He points to the dirt field behind him, littered with hurdles, platforms, and large wooden structures. "Behind me is the obstacle course you will be completing. It will be divided into two sections, and your scenarios will be given to you as you go." He then holds up what looks to be a small notebook with the UA logo printed on the front. "You will encounter stacks of these before each section. Take one and follow its steps accordingly. You will be graded on three things: time, strategy, and awareness. There will be no handicaps, and everyone will be judged by me equally."

"Hey, hold up!" A voice calls among us. "That ain't fair!" We all look over at the source of the protest, a pretty tall boy with light brown hair.

"Beg pardon?" I can feel a shudder among the crowd as the soldier crosses his arms.

The kid shows no fear as he continues his argument. "I got recommended by Radiant, who is number three on the Japanese charts! Some of us have worked hard for our attention from pros, especially ones who are honored as the top heroes in the country! I say their word to the school should already be more than enough to guarantee a place in the academy!"

I hold my breath as I look back at the teacher up front. His expression is definitely agitated, but he stays staring at the kid for a little longer until he commands, "Step forward, kid!"

The unhappy teen does as he's told and looks the man straight in the eyes. Sergeant glares him down and continues. "What's your name?"

"Kido Shinigiya."

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Naetwo Mi-."


. . . What? I'm pretty shocked at the hero's immature interruption, and I think it's safe to say that everyone else is as well.

The brat is also stunned, but continues, "I'm from Naetwo Middle, and I have Radiant rep-."

"Blah-dee-bloo-bla-blah." He interrupts  him again in a taunting manner, trying to pass on a point he's clearly not getting. I hear Chris suddenly snicker next to me, and somehow this triggers a few other murmurs behind me. It starts to hit me what is happening here, and a chuckle escapes my throat, which I quickly cover.

Annoyed, the kid scowls harder. "Radiant is represe-."

"Blah-mee-blah-blasanama-blah!" He has now raised his voice and bent down in front of his face. "'Dat isn't fair! I got recommended by freakin' Iron Man, so I should get special treatment! Wah-wah!' That's you. That's what you sound like."

The choked giggles get more noticeable, and I'm just about losing it myself! I think I like this guy already!

He stands back up straight to address everyone else as well. "Listen! I do not care who is sponsoring you or how you got here! As long as the recommendation is legit, I couldn't care less if you came from the top of the charts," he looks down at Shinigiya, "or from some licensed wacko in a nowhere agency." Here I could swear he just glanced at me, or at least somewhere around. Might be Chris for all I know. 

He looks back down at the child before him. "Anything else to say, brat?" Shinigiya only clutches his fists and falls back  to the crowd. "Good." He points to a large banner behind him over a path that leads to a table decorated with the same notebooks he showed us earlier. Notably, there is a set of dummies with tape decorating selected areas of the bodies. "You will be starting from this point then make your way to that table down there and take up a book. Your next directions will be in there. Now no more standing around and lookin' pretty! Line up at the banner!"

I'm not entirely sure if I'm even ready, nevertheless though, I follow the crowd around me to the starting line. Fortunately, the line is wide for everyone to begin at the front, and I do a quick stretch.

Chris jumps beside me and does circles with his arms and ankles, smiling and encouraging himself. "Highlight of the day! I'm ready, bro; I got this! Let's go!" On my other side, the kid known as Shinigiya touches his toes and takes a sprint position, his intense eyes set dead on the table ahead. I ignore them both and take a readied stance.

At the side of the field, Sergeant brings his whistle to his mouth with one hand and holds a stopwatch in his other. "Maggots! Take your marks! Get set!" A shrill whistle sounds, and I leap into running.

I try to ignore the people ahead, behind, and by me and focus solely on the table ahead. I don't want to use all my energy right now; plus I have to do a sudden stop to collect my book. I slow as I reach the first mark, and people have already started to take the binders, so I grab one and open it up. I'm being timed, so I'll have to think quickly. On the head is a title that reads 'rescue,' and I read the text underneath.

'Scenario: You are part of a rescue team in a fire calamity started by villains. The perpetrators are being handled outside the front of the building by heroes while the rescue team sweeps the building. You and your team enter a room of people on the middle floor, and you have enough members to take one each.'

Easy enough. It's getting a dummy to a safe spot. But what's with the tape on the bodies though?

I continue reading the next paragraph. 'Note: Each victim is breathing and has a pulse but is also unconscious. Each have obtained an injury signified by the red tape. Take whoever has top priority and proceed to the next table.

Priority? They're all people, doesn't everyone take priority? What's the difference? I close the book and watch three people ahead of me take up a random body and keep running. I'm tempted to take the manikin directly in front of me with a strip of tape on its arm, but I stop, close my eyes, and double-check my knowledge. There's something to this priority thing.

Alright, think. Each victim is unconscious, has a pulse, and is breathing, so that means all of them would be at the same level of treatment then. The only difference is the location of the wound. I have to go off that.

I think back to a health class and open my eyes in realization. The key parts of a body that one needs to live are the head, neck, and spinal cord. If any of those three are damaged, one could be on the verge of permanent injury or even death. That's it!

I hurry and scan each body closest to me until I spy one with tape just visible under the arm. I tilt it forward to successfully find the strip run to the center of the back and another running down its spine. I smile and crouch down to it, back facing, grab its arms over my shoulders, and stand up, letting it ride on my back. With my body in tow, I carefully run on.

It's a long distance before the next obstacle, but I press forward. I just gotta remember to keep the body as stable as possible. It's not perfect, but perfect isn't possible in this circumstance.

I keep running and spy a fork in the course ahead with a sign pointing to both directions to explain. I can't read it from here, but one side of the fork leads to a trench and the other to a set of platforms going up to a larger platform then back down. I can't anticipate what needs to happen here, so I'll have to get clo-.


I suddenly run into something and stumble backward, barely still holding onto my dummy and shaking my head in an attempt to do something about the pain without using my already occupied hands. I look up ahead to try to find what I just ran into, but nothing is there!

Beyond confused, I use my leg to feel ahead and again hit something solid, but it's invisible! I hear others complaining around me, possibly dealing with the same thing. What is this?

I then hear footsteps behind me and look up to see a kid running... on literal air?! A closer look tells me it's that one kid from before, Shinigiya. He must be responsible for this random barrier he's running and jumping on right now.

I watch, annoyed, as he makes it to the high platform, drops his dummy on the flooring, and disappears over the edge. That's just messed up and unfair! Surely that can't be allowed! I look around for our judge but hear more footsteps around the field and turn my attention back to the course. People are running once more, indicating the invisible barriers are gone. I save my rage for later, readjust my grip on my dummy, and continue on.

I finally get closer to the fork to read the sign and see that one side is pointing to the trench labeled 'road' and the other pointing to the platform labeled 'roof.'

As I'm still going, I think about my options. It is possible to get the victims out of here with the proper vehicle on both paths. An ambulance on the ground would be more stable than a helicopter in the air. However, scenario-wise, the binder said heroes were dealing with villains outside, so with them still out there, a helicopter would be less risky. That settles it then!

I start veering to the separated platforms, and once I'm close enough, I spring up to the first step. I nearly lose my balance, but steady myself to stay up. This part may be difficult. I mentally measure the distance for each jump, readjust my grip, take a deep breath, and leap to each floor until I reach the top.

Just as I figured, there's a small sketch of a helicopter pad spray painted on the platform, so this must be where I leave it. There's also another table before me with another stack of binders. I quickly but carefully crouch to lay the body down. I'm about to leave it but realize that the 'person' is still unconscious, so I stop and turn back to turn it on its side with its head on its arm in a recovery position.

With that done, I take a book and skim the text. Just as I figured, the header reads 'battle and speed.' This might be a problem for me.

'Scenario: Heroes need backup in a civilian cleared location against a villain. You must make your way to the location of the action to provide assistance. The villain the heroes are facing has a quirk that allows the user to create creatures to do their bidding, though they are very weak due to so many being made at a time. Along the way, you must kill as many of these creatures as you can as you make your way to the group of heroes.'

'Note: There are targets along the obstacle course presented. Touching or tapping one will be considered hitting it.'

Can we take a quick second to talk about this supposed villain's quirk where its minions die at the slightest contact? Whatever, it's hypothetical!

Wait a second. I glance down at my hand. My finger gun! This is gonna be awesome!

I close and toss the book back on the table, leak a drip of ink from my finger to prepare, mentally measure the jumps to get back down, and continue the course! Hopping down each platform to the bottom, I spy a red and white target on a pole waiting for me. So, as I pass it and make it to the ground, I slap it and leave it shaking in the ground from the force.

I'm coming up on a lane of hurdles, so I pick up the pace. I time the jump, spring on the last step, and pull up my legs over the hurdle. With more coming up, I keep a pattern. Step, step, spring, pull up. Step, step, spring, pull up. Step, step, spring, pull up.

Near the last jump, I notice a group of targets located across the pathway and point at the closest to me and take note of the two flanking. With my targets marked, I fire at one, change target, fire, change, and fire again. I nod at the black splotches and keep going. Three more down!

I slap another passing plate but slow down as I come to a large wooden structure. It looks to be a curved ramp leading up a vertical wall, something you would kinda see at a skate park. I check the path around me and see that it's marked straight to the structure, meaning there's no going around this. Alright, I got this.

I take a few steps back then rush at the ramp, running up the surface, jump at the last point, and barely grab onto the ledge. I strain and try to pull myself up but end up losing my grip and slide back down, my hands rubbing against the rough surface. I grunt at the pain and get back up, running back to a starting point to retry.

Before I do, I close my hand around the burn to somehow ease the pain. While I'm doing so though, I notice some ink stains around my fingers. They must be leaks from when I was struggling to get up.

Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I let ink run down my fingers and spread over my palms. Once a good portion of them is covered, I quickly dry it and test to see if it sticks on. This should reduce traction on my hands for a better grip.

I clutch my fists and run at and up the wooden ramp again, jumping and grabbing onto the ledge. Now that I'm up, I scurry my feet up the wall and pull myself up the rest of the way. I take a quick break to catch my breath, propping myself on my knees. I gotta keep going though. There can't be that much of the course left.

"Heads up, T-bone!"

My ears perk up at the sound of the familiar nickname, and I look down the ramp to see Lee slapping the last target and dashing toward the ramp. We make eye contact, and for a split second, his eyes flash gold, and the very next thing I know, he appears directly in front of me!

He stumbles after the random appearance, shoving me to the side and making me fall to the floor. To my luck, I don't fall off the platform, but I scurry away from the ledge before I somehow do.

I pant hard as I look back to see Chris running on. He waves at me over his shoulder. "No hard feelings, bro! Thanks for the lift."

I try to take a few seconds to process what just happened. I mean, what on earth even was that?! He straight teleported up the structure! To top it off, the guy pushed me over and didn't even bother helping me back up! I mentally sigh. Lotta jerks here today.

I finally shake my head back to reality and scramble up to my feet to finish the course. At the end of the ramp building, there's a long, horizontal pole with a target at the end, where I of course shoot it, grab onto the pole, hang, and drop down to the ground.

After another twenty-five or so meters, there's a large, muddy pit with tilted platforms sticking out of it. Around the path are more targets to reach from the jumps or beyond. It's simple right here. Directly across the pit is a long stretch of the field that looks to be about a hundred meters decorated with more targets and leading to a final banner, where faster kids have already reached.

In a panic, I quickly count the kids ahead of me or finished. There are three already waiting at the end and Lee making his own way across the field. Not good! Only four students can pass the test!

With new motivation, I jump up the platforms, zigzagging to each one to cross the mud and shooting as many targets   I can. I do a final jump and fire another shot before sprinting to the finish line. Chris is far ahead of me now, and he's likely gonna do that teleport thing again. Nevertheless, I push myself harder, slapping 'high-fives' against even more passing plates.

I listen to the beat of my footsteps and heartbeat, determined to reach the end. I keep going, gazing at the finish line dead ahead and getting closer. Finally, as soon as I'm close enough, I do a final leap and cross the line.

And that's that. The course is over, and I came in fifth. This is a problem.

I rest on my knees and rub my forehead with my arm to wipe away the sweat streaming down my face. While I'm catching my breath, I look up around the field, noticing a blur to my vision. Tears. I'm crying? Right. I lost the race. I failed.

"Yo, dude!" Chris exclaims, slapping me on the back. "That was awesome! You were awesome! Your quirk is-!" He claps his hands. "It's a finger gun?! That is so sick!" He snatches me by the wrist and holds up my arm. "Did you guys see that?! This man is going places!"

Now I'm annoyed. "Cut that out!" I yank my arm away. I realize I just sounded harsh there, so I take a breath to calm myself. "Sorry. This meant a lot to me. I.. I don't know what I'm gonna do from here."

"Playa', what're you talkin' about?"

"Only the top four make it, right?" I clarify. "Pretty sure I didn't make it."

"Dude, chill," a girl who came before corrected. "Time wasn't the only thing we were graded on. It was also strategy and awareness."

"Yeah, man. You still got a chance," Chris agrees, lightly punching my shoulder. "You did great."

That's right. How could I forget? Sergeant did say that. There's still hope. I wipe more sweat from my brow and the tears from my eyes while I'm at it.

I take a final breath before nodding at Chris. "Thanks, man." He shoots me a thumbs up as the last kids cross the finish line.

"And twenty-nine!" Sergeant calls, pressing something on his stopwatch. "That wraps up the test! Take a break, get some water, or whatever else you weirdos gotta do to recover. Though don't leave just yet. We still have results to announce, so stick around."

Already?? Well, that's pretty quick. I guess Sergeant isn't the most patient of people.

As the pro finishes his announcement, little robots bearing water bottles come to the crowd of students to offer. One passes me and Chris, and we take one each. Now that I think about it, I am crazy parched. Not only did I do an obstacle course, I also used my quirk quite a bit during. I crack the cap and take a drink, focusing on the coolness of the water. Meanwhile, Chris cracks his and starts pouring some over his head. He uses half the bottle before he stops and pushes his now wet hair out of his eyes. He downs the rest and exhales loudly.

"So," he starts a conversation. "Now that I've seen a sample of it, what exactly is your quirk?"

Well, I guess he has seen it, so it only makes sense to share. I swallow my water and let out a breath. "My quirk is called Illustrate. I can use the water in my body to make ink at my fingertips. What's more, I can control its dryness and keep it for a couple of hours."

"And you made that into a gun? That's sick."

"How about you?" I ask him. "What's your quirk?"

"Ah. Mine's called Blink. Basically, if I target a person or object and spy a hole in defense or something and have a clear path within ten meters, I basically rush to that person or thing. I guess you should know since I did use it to use you. Sorry 'bout that by the way."

"Let's just say you owe me and leave it at that," I shrug. "I'm not happy about it much, so try not to do that again." I'm about to take another drink but stop. "Wait, how do you determine if there's a hole in something's defense?"

"I dunno. My quirk does that for me, I guess."

"Your quirk has a mind of its own?"

He only shrugs.

"Alright, listen up!" Sergeant commands, grabbing everyone's attention again. "I hope you all have had your break, now let's do this ceremony thing." He holds up four envelopes, each with a red seal over the tab. "Like I said, only four students can pass this test. I have watched everyone and decided who among you will be admitted."

I swallow hard as he takes two of the letters and hides the other two behind his back. Moment of truth. "Admitted to class 1-B we have..." he pauses a few seconds for suspense. "Tokoshi, Gin!"

"Yes!!" a random boy cheers and runs up to accept his prize. Everyone claps for the kid as he shakes hands with the pro.

"I was impressed by your target count," he compliments. "Not only did you have one of the fastest times of the group, but you did not miss one target during the second half of the course. Very impressive." He hands him the envelope and playfully pushes him to the side before holding up the second envelope. "The second candidate for class 1-B is... Sanoriya, Yami!"

More claps sound as a girl from the crowd lets out a breath and calmly walks up to the front. Sergeant shakes her hand. "Ms. Yami, you may have come in eleventh in the race, but your strategy in both escorting your victim and navigating the obstacles is what carried you to where you are." She thanks the hero, accepts the letter, and joins her new classmate behind him, while everyone else continues clapping.

Final two envelopes. Halfway through, and I know so many people did amazing in this exercise. I look up at Chris through the applause. "You nervous?"

"Oh, shaking in my shoes, dude; this is terrifying!" He says that, but he chuckles through his words.

"Attending class 1-A," Sergeant continues, holding the last two envelopes. "I'd like to call up... Caveat, Trey!"

I drop my water bottle to the ground as my heart skips a beat. I did it. I'm in. Wait, I'm in!! Did I only hear it though? No, he said my name loud and clear! I passed! I passed!!

"CAVEAT, TREY!!" Sergeant calls again, waking me out of my shock. "Do we have Trey Caveat in the crowd? Do you want your letter or not?"

"Dude, that's you, right?" Chris nudges me, only knowing me as T.

"Y-Yeah!" I answer, running to the front as fellow competitors clap for me. "I'm coming!"

As soon as I'm close enough, the pro takes my hand to shake. "Caveat, you succeeded quite well in all three categories. You placed fifth in the obstacle course, hit an excellent number of targets on the way, and most of all, your rescue performance was exceptional. You prioritized one of the most severe injuries, kept a constant grip on the victim, and to top it off, you left the unconscious victim in a recovery position for the evacuation team. Well done, trooper." He finally hands me my envelope.

"Thank you, sir!" I cheer, smiling wide at him. I hold the paper in both hands and marvel at my prize as he guides me to the other side of him. I stare at it a little longer as he holds up the final acceptance letter.

"Last but not least, the second candidate for class 1-A is the student who scored the highest in the entire course." I look up at the crowd of hopeful, remaining kids, practically feeling the suspense itch under my skin. There are so many options, but only one left will be accepted. "Give a round of applause for," unnecessary pause, "Krista-.. Kristoll-.. Kristollari-... however the heck you read that. Lee!"

The boy in question throws up his hands excitedly with a loud "Let's go!!!" He runs to the front, and, just like with everyone else, Sergeant shakes his hand before turning over the acceptance letter.

"You passed with flying colors on every category, kid," the pro praises. "You escorted one of the correct dummies, had one of the fastest times in the group, and tapped every single target you came across. There was a point on the course, however, where you pulled a trick on another competitor that ended up throwing him off. I advise you never do that again without consult. Nevertheless, you and that quirk of yours definitely has a place among this school."

Chris gives him a proud, firm salute, a huge smile on his face. "I won't let ya down, sir!"

"Yeah yeah." He shoves him aside toward me, prompting a chuckle from me. I offer him a fist bump for congratulations, and he accepts as our proctor continues. "This concludes the results portion. A big congratulations to these four up here, and as for everyone else, thank you and all that for trying, and better luck next time. Meanwhile, UA is holding a secondary test for those here and more. It will not have anything to do with your current recommendation, but if you're interested, go to information center for more details.

"Meanwhile, that concludes this exam. Good tries from everyone, I'll see you four in class sometime, and get outta here. You're all dismissed." Another round of applause goes off before everyone heads to the same door to leave or some other place around the field.

I stay standing there and gaze back down at the envelope in my hand. I still can't believe I did it. My journey has begun, and it's onto the next challenge.

"I told ya!" Chris yells grabbing and shaking me by the shoulders from behind, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I heckin' told ya, T-bone! Congrats, bro!"

"Yeah, you too," I return. "And we're in the same class it looks like."

"So it seems." He sighs in exhaustion. "Welp, that all went faster than I thought. I'm gonna go hit an arcade or something with my extra time. What are you doing?"

"I dunno really." Here I glance around the field, catching sight of Sergeant talking to another kid with his arms crossed. A closer look at his company shows that he's having an argument with the kid from before, Kido Shinigiya. Out of curiosity, I stare longer, wondering where the conversation is going and who is winning, though I can probably guess.

Finally though, I spy Shinigiya look and point directly at me. I feel an unsettling wave of fear at the gesture and look away, trying harder to think about what I can be doing in the meantime. Suddenly, I hear a loud explosion go off, followed by an enormous stack of smoke coming from far off on campus.

"Oh!" I realize, starting toward the door. "The entry exams! I'm gonna go check out what's going on over there!"

"Sounds sick," Chris comments. "Have fun, dude!"

"Yeah, see ya."

As I say goodbye, I carefully stick my envelope in my pocket and start running. I gotta check up on WD and see how she's doing. Hopefully I haven't missed everything.


Author's Notes

Howdy howdy, friends! Thanks for reading; hope you enjoyed the chapter! With all that, the recommendation exam has come to a close, and one of twins has earned a spot in the school! Now what's to become of WD?? We'll just have to see in the next chapter yet to come. Meanwhile, under the spotlight is our new friend, the second recommendation student!

Lee "Chris" Kristollerio

Creator: WaterDragon02Quirk: BlinkFun Fact: Lee absolutely loves parkour of any kind, and nothing at all would ever keep him away from a building or ledge that he can safely summersault down off of. Even if in the end of one instance of trespassing private property, he ended up with a busted arm and two months in juvenile detention.

Of course, Lee is that kind of kid who will do something brave/stupid for the sheer fun of it. Have you known anybody like that? An idiot of a daredevil who would be down to try anything? Or maybe that's you, and you're proud of it.

I for one knew a coworker who did insane tricks like that and still makes leaps and things to this day. Here's hoping he doesn't hurt himself or gets in trouble. . .

Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned for WD's story through the entrance exam! Until next time! Toodles!

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