{31} Sketched Hearts

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"he definitely likes you"

I grabbed an apple as I passed the kitchen, almost slipping because thin socks supported my feet. I ran to the door and put the apple in my bag, then ran back into the kitchen to see my father flipping pancakes and my mum sticking her head in the fridge. Father had just came home last week from his month trip to France and as promised, was back for the next six or seven months.

I swiftly hugged my father, muttering a soft, "Good morning and see you later." and did the same for my mother, but instead, I gave her a kiss on the cheek.

I practically skidded across the hallway to where my bag was and began tying up my shoelaces on my old shoes, deciding to not wear my new converse today. Just as I opened the door, my mum's voice rang from the kitchen. "Remember, you're walking with Sam."

I closed my eyes, breathing out an annoyed sigh. First my stupid alarm died and now I have to tag an extra person along. Thank God I actually set my alarm on my phone or else I would still be in bed. School has started again and majority of my time between the ice-cream parlor situation and now was spent with me being locked up in my room completing any assignments or homework.

So I actually didn't speak to Sam at all and now I was expected to have a five minute conversation with Sam every day in the mornings and afternoons for the rest of the year.

"Do I have to knock?" I shouted and pulled my bag over my shoulder, standing still waiting for mother's answer.

"Yes! And remember to say good morning and be polite! Make sure you say hello to his mum for me."

"Thank you, bye!" I yelled back and walked out the door and locked it.
Now I have to knock and greet his mother too.

Walking through the front gate, I was greeted by strong smells of colourful flowers of all different shapes and sizes. The were planted neatly in two rows next to the curved footpath that reached the steps to the door.
Surrounding the flower pots were white pebbles and there were two patches of grass on either side of the path.

As I walked closer to the door, I could see a little girl sitting on the steps. She was looking down at something with a pencil in hand. I eventually realised that it was Suri. Her hair was tied in two pigtails, which trailed over her shoulders and a few inches downwards. A denim jacket was pulled over a bright pink shirt which was glittered with small flowers and the rim and a purple skirt covered her black tight adorned legs and black flats covered her feet.

"Morning Suri." I approached her, deciding to be social today.

It seemed that she was as nervous as I was because her lips were also dry and bitten and her hands were wrung together in her lap.

She didn't say anything and only stared at me, dropping her pencil on the small notepad she had.

I plopped down next to her. "Are you excited for school?"

She shook her head.

"Why not?"

She shook her head again, not really answering me.

"I like your hair. It's very pretty." I mentally facepalmed. I'm horrible at starting conversations. I can't even speak to a five year old.

I contemplated whether I should compliment her shoes next or just shut my mouth but after a few long seconds, a small voice whispered. "T-Thank you."

I turned to look at her, surprised she spoke especially with my irrelevant conversation starter. "You have very nice manners."

"T-Thank you." She smiled, looking down at her lap, embarrassed.

"Your name is Suri, am I correct?" I inquired, taking the bag straps from my shoulders and bring my whole bag on to my lap.

She nodded.

"I'm Iris," I introduced myself, hoping this would somehow create a conversation.

"I know," Suri whispered, twiddling with the pencil which was now in her hands.

"What is that?" I pointed to her notepad. Suri was obviously drawing, but I wanted to hear that from her myself.

"It's a flower," she answered quietly, "a rose."

I let out a dramatic gasp. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you." Suri smiled innocently and looked up at me for the first time. "You're so nice."

I let out a few loose laughs. "I'm not nice. I'm being honest."

"Isn't that also being nice?" She furrowed her brows. "There was a boy who always made fun of my hair but you like them."

She pulled on her pigtails and I frowned. "The boy must be really stupid to not like your pretty pigtails."

She nodded in agreement and I had to hold in my giggle at her adorableness.

I took out my phone from my bag and checked the time. "Where is your brother? We're going to be late."

She shrugged. "Getting ready."

I nodded. "Does he always take this long?"

Suri nodded.

"Shouldn't you wait inside? Why do you wait outside by yourself?" I prodded, shoving my phone back into my bag.

Suri pointed at a bush of roses. "I like to draw flowers in the garden."

"Ah, makes sense," I smiled. "I take it that you like drawing?"

She nodded again. "I love it."

I grinned. "Me too."

"Are you good?" Suri asked curiously and I could tell she was starting to become more comfortable and familiar with me.

"Maybe," I pondered and tilted my head inside. "I think I can sketch you."

She let out an excited gasp. "Really?"
"I don't know, I've never tried but I think I can," I concluded and watched her smile expand into a full grin.

"Can you draw me?"

"Maybe," I answered.

We both turned around to the sound of door opening behind us. Sam stood there in dark wash denim jeans, a red cotton top and his black converse were left untied as he fiddled with the bag zipper. I was surprised that he was wearing jeans due to the warm weather.

"Morning," he greeted as he finally zipped up his bag and pulled it over his shoulder.

I became aware that I had been staring at him for a while and altered my eyes so I was looking anywhere but him, which was his grey shoelaces.

"W-Where's your mum?" I asked and bit my lip, attempting to smother another stutter.

Sam furrowed his brows. "Why?"

My brain was working in a strange way today and it sent a signal to my eyes, saying that it was okay for them to stare directly back into Sam's, but that only lasted a few seconds before moving back down to the floor again as I explained, "I just wanted to say h-hi."

"She's at work so she leaves early," Sam explained, bending down and tying his shoelaces.

I stood up, flattening imaginary wrinkles on my thin jacket and denim shorts, "What about Suri then? Who's going to drive her?"

Suri jumped up upon hearing her name.

"She'll walk with us, her school is only two minutes from here so we'll pass it," Sam revealed, standing up after his shoe was done. "At least that's what your mum told me. I have no idea so I was hoping you would know."

I nodded. "There are only several schools in this town. It's not that hard to forget. Besides, I went there too."

"That's good," Sam noted. "Suri, pack up your things, let's go."

Soon the three of us were walking along the quiet footpath, surrounding by houses, trees and grass. I unfortunately tripped over air. I was able to catch myself but my foot landed in the grass, so my grey converse was now brown.
But aside from that, everything was fine. I made no attempt to start a conversation, Sam was too busy examining his surroundings and Suri was just too shy.

We dropped Suri off at her school and it was just like I remembered. It was only a couple of years ago anyway and my memory is not that bad. Sam suggested that I wait outside while he took his younger sister in my I shook my head, testifying that I used to go here and could navigate through the small school much better than he could.

Sam hesitated but agreed and Suri was welcomed by a teacher who lead her behind double doors, which I knew lead to the classrooms.

We waved goodbye and headed to the school.

The environment was no different as Sam walked silently next to me. Deciding to check the time, I pulled out my phone. I found it unnecessary to put my phone back into my bag because it takes too long to fish back out again so I held it in my hand and kept it dangling by my side.

We had six or seven minutes before the bell rang so we had plenty of time.
Several vibrations from my phone alerted me and I glanced at the glowing screen to see multiple messages from Carson.

wheree r uuuuu?

u there?

y arent u at school?


r u late?

Usually I would arrive at school ten, almost fifteen minutes before class started and meet up with him and the couple.

I was going to type a quick reply but it would be rude to Sam so I dropped my phone back down to my side but the beeps continued.

"You're not going to answer him?" Sam questioned, lifting his brow.

"I--" Before I could answer, my phone started ringing.

My finger automatically clicked the decline button, "--no."

Sam looked at me. "You should have picked up," he paused, "it was Carson right?"

I nodded.

"Are you sure you guys are in no form of relationship?"

I nodded. "Friends."

"Are you sure? He's clearing sending glares and signals at me claiming you're his," Sam observed. "The car situation was weird, then at the ice-cream place, he shoved me."

"I don't know," I mumbled, twiddling with my sweaty hands. "It's complicated and strange."

"It's pretty simple to me," Sam shrugged his shoulders. "He likes you and he's claiming you as his. He's telling me to stay out of his way."

"That's not true," I denied, pulling on my bag strap nervously.

"It is," Sam paused. "Do you like him?"

This was another question that clawed at my mind aimlessly every day. I told May that I liked him but was that the truth? Part of me was saying yes and the other was saying no, but how beneficial would it be if I did like him? I wasn't going to do anything about it and I don't think he's going to make a move since he hasn't for the past few months. I was still unsure and wasn't going to blurt out my feelings to a random stranger so I answered curtly. "No."

"One more time, you're single?"

"Yes, just ignore Carson," I instructed, "I don't know what he's doing and I doubt he likes me."

Sam chuckled. "He definitely likes you."

I shook my head but I knew it was the truth.

When Sam asked me if I liked Carson, I said no, but my brain said yes. Now I only had to figure out if my brain was telling the truth or lying.

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