Chapter 17

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Maya's PoV

I haven't seen Ron in a while, or anyone from Gryffindor. I know that Bill and Charlie told Fred and George to look after me. I just don't know what to think about them trying to get close to me. I was walking to Care of Magical Creatures with the Slytherins, when we heard that giant talk about some ugly little creature. Too bad Emmy wasn't taking Care of Magical Creatures. She decided to be all smart and take Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. 

"And what the point of raising them?" I asked coldly.

The other Slytherins were chuckling as the giant man was looking pretty stumped.

"I mean, what do they DO," Draco asked, "What's the POINT of them?"

Hagrid opened his mouth, his bushy eyebrows furrowing, he was thinking hard.

"That's next lesson, Malfoy, and who are you?" He asked me.

"Maya Hart," I said.

"Weasley," Ron interrupted.

"Hart," I snapped, "Give me control over my life Ronald," 

"You're a Weasley?" He asked, looking stumped.

"Anyway, you're jus feeding them today, Now, you'll want to try them on a few different things. I've never had 'em before, not sure what they'll go for. I got ant eggs and frog livers and a bit of grass snake just try em out with a bit of each," He continued.

"First pus and now this," A Gryffindor boy muttered, what was his name again, Sean? Seam? Seamus?

I folded my arms across my chest watching the Golden Trio pick up frog liver, and try to feed the animals.

"Ouch!!" Dean yelled, "It got me! Its end exploded!"

I rolled my eyes, "Well, Blast-Ended Skrewts, did you not hear the BLAST-ENDED part?" I muttered sarcastically.

"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive,"  Draco said sarcastically, "I mean, who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?"

"Just because they're not very pretty doesn't mean they're not useful," Hermione snapped, "Dragon's blood is AMAZINGLY magical, but you wouldn't want a dragon for a pet, would you?"

Ron and Harry grinned at Hagrid, who gave them a small smile.

"Well, why don't you and your little friends figure out what it can help us with, and THEN you can try to convince us to get this thing as a pet," I said dryly.

"Maya, what has gotten into you?" Ron asked angrily, as the Slytherins were laughing.

"Good one May," Draco said High-Fiving me.

I taught him and some of my other friends the High Five, and other American things. And gave them nicknames. They're not as 'Ahh Purebloods are the best' when they're not around other houses. They're just normal kids who were pushed into acting that way. There is serious stereotyping in this school.

"Thanks, Dragon," I said.

"Hey Maya, want to eat lunch with us?" Ron asked me.

"She's busy," Draco answered for me.

"With what?" He asked.

"Hanging out with cooler people," He said, "Come on Hart,"

"Her surname is WEASLEY," Ron growled.

"What's your problem," I hissed at Ron.

"That you are LYING about your surname," He said.

"Legally my last name is Hart," I said, "And I'm going to keep it,"

Ron interrupted me, "You're leaving us? Your FAMILY for the SLYTHERINS? I thought you said you'd never leave?"

That hurt, he knew that was a sore subject for me.

"Hey! If May wants to hang out with us, then that's fine!" Draco snapped.

"You are so dramatic Ron, I'm not choosing one over the other, stop trying to make it seem like that," I snapped

"Yeah," Millie said, "If you're really her family, then you would be supporting her, and cheering her on,"

"Come on Maya," Goyle grumbled, "Let's go,"

I had decided to change my hair from the blinding red, back to its normal blonde. But so people didn't recognize me, I started wearing black rectangular glasses, that looked similar to Smackle's, they were the ones that I wore during the filming for Austin and Ally. Anyway, if you're wondering how I get to work WHILE being at school. I found out that my boss is a squib. So she gave me a time-turner so I can be in 2 places at once. Which is pretty cool. The Slytherins know about me being Sabrina, and they're proud. Someone in Slytherin is a Pop Star!

"Hey Maya," Draco interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Come on, we're going to eat," Pansy said.

Pansy and I are frenemies, we're friends that tell secrets to each other, but we fight a LOT. But underneath all our "Hatred" for each other, we're good friends.

"And maybe you can burst out into song again," Blaise said sarcastically.

"I know you LOVE it when I sing, so maybe I'll do it JUST FOR YOU," I said to him.

"You're annoying," He said.

"Oi!" Ron said angrily, "That's my TWIN you're talking to,"

"You don't get to play Protective Brother!" I snarled to him, "You're barely a brother to me. Besides, you don't like Slytherins. And I AM a Slytherin. You basically mean that you don't like me. I'm a Slytherin Through in Through, if I had the choice to pick a house, I would pick Slytherin over and over again. Because even though we're cunning. We're loyal to each other, and we're a big family,"

"You HAVE a big family," Hermione said.

"Yeah, we're her family," Millie said.

"She's one of us," Blaise said.

"I WANT to get closer to you though," Ron said.

If he wanted to get closer to me, why does he keep making me choose between family and my house? Why does he keep going on about how Slytherins are evil. 

"No you don't Ron, you don't want to get close to someone who's in Slytherin, you've made that perfectly clear," I said quietly, "You know where to find me if you want to give being twins a shot,"

And with that, I walked off with the Slytherins, trying to not let my hurt show. What is this school supposed to be? They say that they want to teach all kids with magic, that they want everyone to stop the fighting and be peaceful. But by separating people into houses and making them all compete creates a rivalry. 

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