Chapter 4

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Maya's PoV

Mrs. Weasley, er, Mum shook me awake gently and I groaned.

"Too Early," I muttered and I heard the door close.

I nestled under the blankets again and slept for a few more minutes, before I was rudely pulled out of bed.

"Too early," I grumbled and blinked a few times to clear my vision and I saw Ron there.

"Come on sis," He said and I curled up and he groaned.

"Harry can you help me?" Ron groaned.

"She's probably feeling even more tired then us because of the time difference," Harry said and they both pulled me up.

"Come on Maya," Ron said and I grumbled as I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day.

Then I got my stuff and made sure to pack my guitar and my sketch book, and music book where I write my songs. I had put a undetectable extension charm on my backpack and put everything in it. I walked down and it was still dark outside.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me," I groaned and flopped onto the couch.

Ron flopped on top of me, but I was too tired to push him off.

"You're really heavy," I complained to him.

He eventually got off and sat at the table but I sat at the couch and worked on a sketch of Riley and me.

"Maya, come on, we're going," Ron said to me and he tugged me up.

"So, tired," I said and he looked at me sympathetically.

"I know, I'm tired too, I can't even imagine how you're feeling," He said and dragged me outside.

We trudged on and I could barely comprehend anything that was going on. We went over to 2 more people and someone said Hi.

"Hi," I responded groggily.

"You're new, who are you?" He asked me.

"This is my twin sister Maya, she lived in America, but she got her back," Ron told him.

I'm not an object that you just "get back" 

"Ooh, the time difference must be killing you," He said and I nodded.

They talked a bit more and we went around an old boot.

"Why's there a boot?" I asked in confusion.

"Hurry, touch it," Ron said hurriedly and I touched the boot.

Then we like left the ground and floated in the air and then like traveled.

"Hold onto me!" Cedric told me and I grabbed his arm.

Everyone else slammed into the ground and The Diggory's and I floated simply to the ground.

"Thanks," I said.

"No Problem," He said grinning at me.

We went to a man named Basil and then a person named Mr. Roberts. Mr. Weasley tried to pay and I rolled my eyes and took the money from him and then paid. More stuff went on and Mr. Weasley Obliverated him. WE got the change and I gave it back to Mr.Weasley. They talked some more and I held up at the back and thought more. We got to a space and were told to put up the tent.

"I've never gone camping before," Harry muttered to me.

"Me either," Hermione said.

"I've been camping before, with one of my best friends," I said.

I directed them and soon, we finished the tent. But it was a pretty small tent and when Bill Charlie, and Percy arrived, there would be 11 people here. Mr. Weasley entered the tent and then we all followed. It was like a old fashioned, 3-roomed flat with a bathroom and a kitchen. it also smelled like cats. We then went to the Girl's tent and I dropped my stuff off, it was slightly smaller and didn't have any cat stench. Then Ron, Harry, Hermione and I were sent to get some water. We saw a bright patch of green.

"Harry! Ron! Hermione!" Came a voice and I saw a person sitting in front of a Shamrock covered tent with a sandy haired woman and another kid.

"Like the decorations?" The person asked, "The Ministry's not too happy,"

"Who's that?" The second boy asked.

"I'm Maya," I said.

"This is my twin sister, she's from America," Ron said.

"Hi, I'm Seamus Finnigan, I'm in Gryffindor in the 4th year," The first kid told me, "And thats my Mum,"

"And I'm Dean Thomas and I'm also in Gryffindor in 4th year," The other kid said.

"She's usually more snappy and sarcastic than this fair warning, but she's really tired because of the time difference," Ron explained.

I scowled and him and they laughed.

"Why shouldn't we show our colors? You should see what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents, You'll be supporting Ireland of course?" She asked.

WE nodded and then set off.

"Like we'd say anything else surrounded by that lot," Ron muttered.

"Now I'm curious on what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents,"Hermione said.

"Lets go and have a look,"Harry said and we walked to the Bulgarian area thing.

Instead of plants, there were posters with a picture of a surly face with heavy black eyebrows.

"Krum," Ron said.

"What?" Hermione and I asked him.

"Krum," Ron repeated, "You know? Victor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker,"

"He looks really grumpy," Hermione said.

"I'm feeling really grumpy," I said grumpily and Ron rolled his eyes.

"Really GRUMPY?" Ron asked, "Who cares what he looks like? He's unbelievable. He's really young too. Only just eighteen or something. He's a genius, you wait until tonight, you'll see,"

There was a small line for the tap when we came over. A pair of men were also having a heated argument.

"I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates," Archie said and I burst into laughter along with Hermione.

We got a bunch of water and then started to lug it back. I met more Hogwarts people and then another dude dragged Harry over to meet his parents and was talking about a Puddle, apparently he was Oliver Wood. Then we met Ernie and Harry spilled a bunch of water after a girl waved at him cough cough, DORK. 

"Who d'you reckon they are," Harry asked pointing to a group of teenagers.

WE got back to the tents and I tuned out again. I really should be paying more attention, but I'm so tired.

"You've been ages," George said when we finally got back.

"Met a few people," Ron said, "You haven't got the fire started yet?"

"Dad's having fun with the matches," Fred said.

Mr. Wealsye was having no success at all with lighting the fire. Splintered matches littered the ground.

"You're wasting the matches," I said to him and took the box, lit a match and then got the first started.

"Sorry Dad, she's grumpy," Ron said and I walked into the tent with them following me.

"Whats your problem? You're being so mean to Dad?" Ron asked me angrily.

"Yeah, its not cool," Fred said.

"Why can't you be nicer," George said.

I glared at them.

"You really should try to be nicer to everyone. I know you probably don't like change, but this attitude has gotten to far," Hermione told me.

"Yeah, Dad is nice, he's loves us," Ginny said.

"He's really kind Maya, can't you be nice to him as well?" Harry asked me.

"Not for a while," I muttered and stalked away and went into a random room with my stuff and slammed the door.

"What is with you?" Ron shouted at me as he opened the door and glared at me angrily, "We've been nothing but nice to you and you treat us like dirt!"

Anger pulsed through me and all I wanted to do was get him out. I wished I could just blow him away or something. Suddenly, a blast of air shot out of my hand and it was so strong he went flying. I slammed and locked the door and I heard cries of "Are you Okays?" and I huffed and sat on the bed. 

I sat around bored out of my MIND for a little bit and then thankfully ended my boredom by grabbing my guitar.

I began to play 'When We Were Young' by Adele and sang along softly 

After about an hour of practicing and perfecting, someone knocked on my door.

"Go away!" I yelled.

With a 'pop' Bill and Charlie appeared in the room.

"You missed Lunch," Bill told me.

"Good for you," I said.

"Maya," Charlie chided.

"Charles," I said in the same tone.

"Ron's really upset," Bill said.

When I nearly arched an eyebrow they looked a bit confused, have they NEVER seen a sibling fight before?

"Aren't you worried? Or feeling a little sorry or anything?" Charlie asked me.

Why would I be worried? It's not like he died! And besides it was only air!

"You upset everyone," Bill said.

For forcing Ronald out of my room? And for not bing nice? I'm BARELY nice and thats not going to change for a little pack of redheads. 

"And we're pretty disappointed," Charlie said.

"Well, if you want to be disappointed, can you do it somewhere else?" I asked.

"Well, we don't want to be disappointed in you, so we're trying to make it better," Charlie said.

I ignored them and sat on my bed and started to sketch some more.

"Are you gonna pay attention?" Bill asked.

"What do you think?" I asked snakily.

"Maya! Pay attention!" Charlie said a bit of anger in his voice.

"Why don't you just talk already? The faster you talk, the faster I annoy/upset/anger you the faster I do that, the faster you get out," I said coldly.

"We're not gonna give up," Bill said.

Charlie's PoV

"I give up," I groaned about an hour later.

"What did I tell you," Maya said her voice still as emotionless as ever.

"Come ON Maya," Bill said, "Talk to us,"

"Okay," She said shrugging.


"Well, today I had to wake up early, it was really annoying. Then we came here and I found out that wizards really are clueless with muggle stuff. It shouldn't even be that hard to count money,. The numbers are literally on the bills, even me, from America could do that. And then some people came here without any instructions on how to put up a tent. Honestly. My friend Riley and I went camping together once. We had to set up a tent on our own and we did it. We had a lot of fun though. Well she did anyway. And then Auggie jumped on the tent when we were inside and it went crashing down. We had to put it up again, and it was dark. But we had the campfire going. Riley was jumping all over the place after the Marshmallows. It was kinda annoying, but eh, I love her anyway. We've done everything together. Her Dad is the father figure in my life, her family is like my family. They've always taken care of me," She said.

"What about your adoptive family?" Bill asked.

"Why don't you guys go do whatever at the campfire," Maya said.

"Because we're figuring you out," Bill told her.

"I talked like you wanted," She said, "Now, I'm a bit busy, so either sit in the corner and say nothing, or leave,"

We chose to sit in the corner and say nothing.

Maya decided to go and pull a guitar out of her backpack? Then she sat on her bed and got out a small notebook. She looked at our direction her eyes narrowed, but then looked back down at the notebook. She played a few chords and started to sing softly.

"La di da da da na Yeah, Everybody loves to tell me I was born an old soul Better keep my eyes wide open There's so much that I don't know, Just another hotel room, Never felt so all alone, I think about my granddad's eyes, And they always send me home, I can almost hear him now, Gotta make him proud...." She began to sing strumming her guitar. 

Her voice was enchanting. 

"Did you make that song up?" I asked her as she started to scribble things down.

"Yeah," She said absentmindedly.

"It's really good," Bill said.

"Thanks," She replied.

There was a knock on the door and Dad came in with some food.

"Maya, Honey, I have some food for you, since you missed dinner," He said.

"I'm good," She said coldly.

"Oh, okay," He said and walked out.

"Maya! That wasn't very nice! He was just trying to be nice to you!" Bill said anger in his voice.

"I'm sorry that it's my instinct!" She exclaimed glaring at us.

"What do you mean?" Bill asked her.

"Nothing," She muttered.

Bill and I both looked each other and stood up to sit on either side of her.

"Tell us," I pressed.

"Go away," She snapped.

"We're your brothers," Bill said.

"Well, I have seven of those so I'm good," She said.

"Maya, you have six brothers," Bill said.

"Me, Bill, Percy,Fred, George, and Ron," I said.

"I have a brother in America," She said, "He's not blood related to me, but he's my brother. He knows things that my closest friend in the entire world doesn't know. He's also a wizard and I miss him so much. Riley, my best friend and my sister, she's so sweet and innocent, she's basically the complete opposite of me, she has a perfect life and a perfect family, but she can be so naive, I don't tell her some things because I don't want her to know, I don't want to crush her belief that everyone is good. She thinks some of the worst things in the world is pollution and half of a sheep being wool-less. But Farkle, I can't hide anything from him. He knows me so well and is just so smart," She sucked in a shaky breath, "My Dad used to yell at me and hit me. He  would just tell me that I'm worthless, that no one loves me, he would tell me that he never wanted me, he would call me a monster and a freak because I couldn't control my powers. That escalated and for a few months he would come back so drunk and hit me with whatever he had closest to him, which was mostly beer bottles. Sometimes he would hit me with broken bottles, and sometimes he would hit me with those bottles until they broke. He realized that what he did when I was around 5. He got so ashamed and told me sorry so many times, I believed him when he said that he would make it up to me. He promised that he would take care of me like a real father and love me forever. I believed him, and then one day he said he was going to take a walk. He never came back. He has a new family now," She told us both shakily, tears starting to run down her face, "Only two men have become a father figure to me. One of them because he was in love with my mother and he's just like me, and he's best friends with my other father figure, and the other one being my teacher and best friend's Dad. He took me in and cared for me, giving me advice and encouraging me to take on the world,"

By then Bill and I were speechless. EVERYTHING MADE SENSE NOW! And we were also comforting our little sister. Our broken, but beautiful, baby sister. 

After about half an hour of just comforting my baby sister with my older brother, he stood up.

"Charlie, we need to force Ron in here to just talk with Maya. THey're twins and need to strengthen their magical bonds," He said to me.

"It's not like i'm right here and can hear every word you're saying," Maya said her voice dripping with sarcasm. 

I nodded and we both gave Maya a comforting hug before walking out.

"I'll grab Ron," I said and walked over to my youngest brother.

I hefted him over my shoulder and ran over and threw him into the room Maya was in and then we locked the door.

"What the hell Charlie!" Ron yelled.

"Language RONALD!" Bill and I chorused and then high-fived.

We are just miracle workers.

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