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Once upon a time, wait no. February 5, 2028, scientists are trying to find a cure for cancer. They couldn't find one, until one day, they found a virus, skibidia dopdop aka the skibidi virus that kills cancer cells. No one knows why it's called that, until now. They put the virus in a syringe and tested it on a mouse. It was successful. But it had effects, the mouse's voice changed and started to squeak more frequently. Strangely enough, it sounded like it was singing. But it was worth it. Finally, on February 6, 2028, a cancer patient, the failed experimental clone of male_07 (now nicknamed male_107) that got cancer was injected with the syringe. Everything went well until...

Male_107: brr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi dabudu dip dip

MALE_107 STARTED SINGING! He eventually escaped the lab and the scientists and cameramen were trying to find him. One cameraman found him on February 7 in the restroom standing on a toilet.

Cameraman: Come with me, we will heal and fix you.

Male_107: c-can't controll

Cameraman: We can fix you

Male_107: ok

As Male_107 was about to step down, he accidentally pulled the flush button. Male_107 got sucked into the toilet. The POV Cameraman tried to save him but failed. But then he reappeared but only his head emerged. Then he sang. Day 1.

Ninja TV Man: So that's how the first skibidi toilet was created. 

Cameraman: Nice story. 

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