Skinny girls have feelings too

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Yeah, I get it. Im skinny. I dont have boobs or a butt. I get it. Im skinny. You dont have to keep reminding me that.

It bothers me how people think its ok to bully skinny people but not curvy people. Its ok to say that you need to "gain some weight" and that you need to "eat a burger" but its not ok to say that you need to "lose some weight" and you need to "go on a diet"

It bothers me how people automatically think that skinny girls are anorexic. No, I am not anorexic. Im naturally this way. I dont try to lose weight, I don't try to be skinny, thats just who I am. Im not anorexic im healthy. I try all of the time to gain weight. I try to get bigger boobs and I try to get a better butt, I don't try to look this way.

It bothers me that its ok to tell a curvy girl that "only dogs like bones" but its not ok to tell a skinny girl that maybe, just maybe guys like skinny girls better then curvy girls.

It bothers me so much that its ok to be curvy, its natural to be curvy, but its not ok to be skinny, its not natural to be skinny because aparently all skinny girls are "anorexic"

Why cant girls of all shapes and sizes be loved? Why cant someone look at me without saying that I need to gain weight because god damit ive tried. Why cant I go to the gym without people saying that I don't need to be there because im already skinny. Going to the gym isnt all about being skinny, its also about being fit.

Why cant I sit on someones lap without them saying that im too boney, yeah I know. I have to live with that.

Why cant I whine about my apearence without someone saying that I cant complain because im already skinny. Yeah, I know that im skinny, but I don't have boobs, I dont have a butt and maybe just maybe I don't want to be this skinny.

Why cant people see that it hurts our feelings to be called too skinny? Why cant people love us the way we are? Why cant it be ok to be skinny? Why does everyone have to say that skinny girls are too skinny? Why does everyone have to push skinny girls down just to build curvy girls up? Why cant everyone be consitered beautiful? Everyone is beautiful in their own way so why can't people realize that?


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