Classes start

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*tw self harm*

Alex's Pov

Half an hour ago:
I burst through the doors of Mr Washington's class only to find it empty. I glance at the clock on the wall and see that I am half an hour early. I look back at my watch and see that it stopped at 8:45. Figures. I thought I was late, as class starts at 8:30. I'll have to get that fixed. Add it to the ever growing list, Alexander. I also had to fix my car, heating system, life, among other things. I have so little money right now, the watch will have to wait. As I have no phone, I take out my journal, paper, and my pencils. I write in my journal until somebody brushes past me and knocks my pencils to the floor. I glance at the time and see that class is just about to start. How did the time go so fast?? I bend over to pick up my pencils and as I am sitting back up, I notice somebody slide into the seat next to me. I turn to look at them and see them staring at me. They look familiar...

"Hi! My name is Alexander Hamilton! It's nice to meet you!" I quickly put my hand out for him to shake and he flinches away.

"H-hi. I'm John L-Laurens. N-nice to meet y-you too." He tentatively shakes my hand.

"Hi John! Do you have preferred pronouns? Mine are he/him!"

"M-mine are he/h-him too". He anxiously redoes his ponytail. I remember where I know him from!

"Hey, you're the kid I almost ran over on my way to Law this morning! Sorry about that by the way, I was late." A look of recognition crossed his face and he immediately glanced down to my skirt and back up to my face. I could almost feel the questions written all over his face.

"S-sorry I thought y-you were f-female" he looked at the ground, embarrassed. He was sorta cute when he blushed. YoU hEarD iT HerE fOlkS AleXanDEr hAs a CrUsH oN JoHn lAurEnS.

"Oh, it's ok. I get misgendered a lot. Anyway do yo-" the door burst open and a tall man in his early forties strode through it. He had a stern air about him, and he seemed sorta intense. He situated himself at the lectern and broke into a wide smile.

"Good morning! My name is George Washington and I will be your teacher. I do not tolerate bullying of any kind and you will be punished. On a much lighter note, we will not be working today, but rather getting to know each other. So, turn to the person beside you and get talking!" And with that, he turned and sat at his desk.

John's pov

Alexander turns towards me with a grin on his face. I offer a hesitant smile in return. His face lights up at the sight.

"Wow I've never seen you genuinely smile before! You should do it more often! It looks cute on you! Anyway, you know my name so I'm just gonna tell you some things about me..."

He starts rambling but all sound fades except for a buzzing in my ears and the one phrase repeated over and over. It looks cute on you. It looks cute on you. It looks cute on you. No! This can't be happening. I can't have a crush on Alexander my dad will murder me! Oh wait he already disowned me and beat me but everyone will hate me I can't do this. I have to leave. I quickly stand, gathering my things and running out of the room. I faintly hear Alexander calling out behind me, but i ignore it. I need to get away. I run into the bathroom and pull out my emergency blade. I count cuts. 1 for being gay. 2 for disappointing everyone. 3 for thinking i would be accepted. 4,5,6 for being me. I eventually stop, my tears mixing with blood. I wash my arms and curl up in a bathroom stall and cry.

Laf's pov

I'm walking to my locker when I hear somebody crying. I turn a corner and see a young person with a long brown ponytail and a pastel pink skirt huddled up against the wall. They are sobbing quietly.

"Do you need help?" I ask. They look up, face tear-stained and puffy. I recognize them from this morning.

"Yea, do you happen to know a certain John Laurens?"

"Yes! He's my best friend! Why?"

He sniffles and looks away. "We were in class doing a 'get to know each other' thing and i guess i said something wrong because he shot up and left the room and i can't find him and what if he's in trouble! Oh I'm Alexander Hamilton by the way. He/him."

"Lafayette. He/him. You don't wanna know my full name. Ok, I'm sure John's alright. Let's go find him."

A/n sorry for the short chapter and inconsistent posting schedule. I'm doing my best with balancing life and stuff. Anyway hope you enjoyed! Also THANK YOU FOR 300 READS AND 20 VOTES THIS IS INSANE!!! Love you all and stay safe!

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