Chapter Eighteen: Skittles

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I glanced up from my book seeing all the kids playing on the playset and buried myself back into my book. They seem nice...but what if they're mean?!

"Whatcha reading?" A voice popped out of nowhere causing me to drop my book, it felt as if cold water had been dumped down my back.

"N-nothing..." I mumbled, trying to avoid eye contact with whoever was talking to me as I looked around for my book. The kid ended up laying down on the grass and giving me a big grin, "hi emo!" He called.

I felt myself shaking and quickly buried my face underneath my hat. The Boy booed at that "aww c' mon I just wanted to say hi! C'mon you're the only who didn't seem boring!" The kid said.

"B-boring?" I asked confused. The kid nodded, they had long amythest hair and eyes along with a cheeky grin like they were plotting something but didn't want anyone to know yet.

"Yup! Especially that idiot space guy!" They complained, "but anyway, I'm bored entertain me, peasant!" They ordered flopping down next to me. What is up with this kid...?

"Uh...w-what do you want to do?" I asked the kid seemed to think for a bit "rock, paper, scissors?" He suggested. That doesn't sound hard...

"Ok.." I agreed, "WAIT! If you lose those there's a consequence!" The boy threatened. I felt myself tremble, "what is it?" I asked and they grinned wider, "you have to give me your, I saw your eyes they're really pretty but that dumb hat hides them!" The kid complained.

"T-then if I win...uh...I'll come up with something!" I responded and the kid laughed, "don't worry you don't need to, cause I'm going to win!" They cheered.

We played round after round but we kept tying and the kid looked annoyed by that..."AGH! Why're we tying?," he asked frustrated and I shrugged equally confused.

"Fine, then as a punishment for the both of us you have to be my friend!" The kid declared, "until one of us finally wins!" They claimed and I felt my eyes widening.

"Y-you want to be my friend..?" I asked and the kid nodded laughing a little "yup! You're the shyest kid I've ever seen it's really fun messing with you! Or is that a lie~?" They teased.

"A lie?" I asked confused, "whaaat? Don't you know what a lie is?" They asked I nodded "well get used to a lot of them Mr. Detective!" They said.

"After all, you're talking to me! The king of all liars! Kokichi Ouma!" They declared proudly. They looked so confident...I wish I was like that...

" name is Shuichi Saihara..." I greeted, the kid...Ouma smiled as they took out some candy from their pocket "want some skittles?" They asked.

"What's skittles?" I asked confused and their eyes widened "Saihara...tell me you're lying..." they begged I shook my head.

"WHAT KIND OF MESSED UP WORLD ARE YOU LIVING IN?!" They screamed shoving some Skittles in my hands, "there's a lot of candies I get from a store near my house...wanna come get some with me?" They offered.

"I'm not allowed to leave the park.." I admitted, "the park is boring come on!" They insisted grabbing my hand and pulling me up, "let's go!" They screamed cheerfully running down the hill the tree was at and I could only smile running with them...

Trial and error...despair and hope...that's a normal part of life. These boys, however, received more than a fair share of despair.

However one managed to break through his despair and help save the other from being consumed by it. The perfect foils in a sense. 

Strange how it ended. After so much despair people expected a tragic ending, how no way they could've pulled through. In a sense they were correct, but this ending wasn't what most would put off as tragic.

Merrily a boy who burned down his own house.

The tragedy having to find real estate. Along with the loss of the boy's hands which were severely burned in the fire, never being able to move much with them again. Though most say it only seemed to make him more cheerful and the boy just pushed himself further with the injury with his pranks to see what he could still accomplish. 

His partner was there for his recovery, and the aftermath. It was a happy ending. 

Though friends and his partner would never understand why the boy never really seemed sad about what happened. Almost...relieved. Something about his hands being clean...but his hands were never in gloves to hide the scars so no one knew what he meant.

Still...what an anticlimactic ending?

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