A nice calm stroll (yeah right)

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(HA HA HA HA HA this story isn't dead and I'm sorry if this is too short for all of you.)

You were taking a walk through the city with your hood down.  Nothing for you to do, nothing to think about. It felt like this city was always at some time of night, but for the first time since you arrived you saw the sunrise, it was beautiful.

(Y/N): Everything's just been so hectic lately it's nice to finally get some peace and quiet.

You said with a smile watching the sunrise.

(Y/N): I think. I think this might be the day of rest I've needed for some time.

You kept walking along the serene coastline, getting lost in your thoughts until a giant orange fist came crashing down in front of you.

(Y/N): (oh, just fuck me bloody.) I'm getting tired of these visits sideshow. They've stopped being fun.

Cerebella: (playful) Come on pal, one more for old time's sake?

(Y/N): (the fuck? why's she so cheerful. thought she hated me.) Alright fine. One more ass-whooping for the road. And then I want you to stop bothering me.

Cerebella: Deal.

You opened your knife with a latch drop and held it at your side.

(Y/N): Well? I don't have all day.

She ran towards you making you laugh at the obvious attempt and you took a short hop forward, winding up for a kick. Then she sidestepped around you making your kick whiff and leading into her hat jabbing its fingers into your stomach. It knocked the wind out of you and launched you across the street into a brick wall. You comically peeled off the wall and now were face down on the sidewalk.

(Y/N): Okay, ow.

Then her hat picked you up by the leg and let you hang there.

Cerebella: What happened here? (slightly mocking) Where's the confidence you had in the past?

(Y/N): I told you I'm tired of doing this. It's not fun anymore.

She let out a sigh and slumped over while her hat kept you suspended.

Cerebella: Yeah, you're right. You know, I wasn't really looking for fight.

(Y/N): Then why are you here?

She pressed the tips of her fingers together nervously like a child about to ask their parents for an expensive toy.

Cerebella: I wanted to ask, would you consider going out on a date with me?

You raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

(Y/N): Sure.

Cerebella: really?

(Y/N): It might be the blood rushing to my head, but I feel like I should give you a chance. We've done nothing but fight since we met.

Cerebella: (face becomes blank as she thinks about what you just said) Crap, you're right.

(Y/N): Yeah. What did you have in mind?

Cerebella: I didn't think that far ahead.

(Y/N): We can just walk around until you see something you want to do.

Cerebella: Sure, that sounds good.

(Y/N): By the way, can you put me down now?

The hat released its grip on your leg and Cerebella helped you get up, apologizing as you brushed the dirt off your clothes.

(Y/N): When and where.

Cerebella: What?

(Y/N): When do you want me to pick you up and where do I go to find you.

Cerebella: Oh. Um, how about 6 P.M. and go to the circus. You won't miss my tent it's the only one that's bright orange.

(Y/N): Alright. I'll see you in about twelve hours. But here's one more thing before I go.

You gave her a loving peck on the cheek before walking away, leaving her redder than a tomato.

(Y/N): (scratching chin) Now what was I supposed to be doing? (feels the scruff that's grown on your face) Getting a shave for one thing. But what else is there? (snaps fingers) Oh right, I need to stop by church and get some more dirt on the mafia.

With that you resumed your calm stroll down the street with a spring in your step and whistling Steamboat Willie.

{End chapter}

I hope that wasn't a disappointing first chapter back for this story. If it was then don't worry I've got another one coming down the line.

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