A robot cat and an unexpected arrival

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You decided to take Valentine out to that restaurant you'd spent three hours in the other day. When you walked in you saw the picture above. You leaned towards Minette.

(Y/N): What's going on?

Minette: This robot came in and threw a mug. Then everything went to hell in a hand basket.

You looked at the floor to see all the broken glass and plates. You motioned to Valentine to find a table for you. Then you got between the two fighting felines.

(Y/N): Is there a problem here?

Nadia: She looks like me!

(Y/N): Now, there's a simple way to get past this.

You pulled out a taser from your pocket and shocked the robot.

(Y/N): There you go. Do with it what you want.

You sat down at the table with Valentine.

(Y/N): So, how did you know who I was?

Valentine: I took history as my other class in college. You just happened to be one of the subjects I was taught, and happened to be my favorite.

(Y/N): I'm flattered.

You smiled as the two of you continued to socialize, and eat of course. You exchanged goodbyes with Nadia and Minette before leaving.

(Y/N): So, what did you like the most about me?

Valentine: For starters, what you used to look like.

(Y/N): Honestly, I hope the woman who took it from me doesn't find her way here.

Valentine: Why?

(Y/N): Because she's crazy for me now. Although to her credit she did try to save me.

Valentine: From what?

(Y/N): I guess you could say I literally fell into this world, and when that happened she tried to grab my hand. 

Valentine: Sounds like she loves you.

(Y/N): She does. Sorry to say that I don't quite share the same feelings with her.

When you got back to the hotel you saw some very strange marks on the wall.

(Y/N): Wonder what could've made these.

You got into the hotel room to be greeted with darkness. Then a flame flicked on in the corner.

(Y/N): (mind) Oh god no.


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