Chapter 5

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"We can't just let anyone into S.H.I.E.L.D, they have to have the right background and advanced skill set" Coulson yelled.

"I know" said Skye "But she is a good kid with no where to go, and are you forgetting the fact that she found and got on the bus, it's like May said, she's stronger than you think".

"She's a fifteen year old kid" answered Coulson "She doesn't know what she is signing up for, doesn't get the bigger picture, she's probably only here because she thinks it is cool rather than the greater good".

"At least let her out of the cell, she is not a prisoner" Skye requested. Coulson agreed to let the girl out and drop her off somewhere along the way.

The team plus Lucy were sitting around a table eating chinese take-out. "I know you think I'm useless and don't understand" voiced Lucy "But I do, I know you want to stop Hydra, I know you want to capture Ward and I know about the obelisk and alien writing". Everyone was in shock at what she had just said. So when no one was listening Lucy seized the moment and whispered to Skye "I know about your powers". "I can help" continued Lucy, everyone nodded in agreement. "Alright" said Coulson defeated "You can stay in the base and give intel until you are trained in fieldwork". "Thank you sir".

"There's something about her that is familiar" Hunter told Skye. "I agree, I just can't put my finger on it"

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