More the Marrier

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Friday Night, Hotel Room
Caleb's POV

In the middle of the night, I hear them. I'm back there again. Mortars, gunfire, tank engines. I hear it all. I'm surrounded by the boys. They're all laughing, but slowly, each one decays into a corpse. The war didn't kill them though. They killed themselves, intentionally or not. Their bodies have their causes of death and the newspaper articles reporting their deaths with them. OD (accidental and purposeful), drowning in a ditch, hanging, bullet to the head. I see them all. They all raise their fingers and point at me. Together, they say "why didn't you save us? You could've helped us. You're next."

My eyes widen and I sit up in the bed quickly. I grab my thigh, but there's nothing but my shorts. I pat my leg looking for the sidearm that isn't there while looking around. Then, I see her. Skylar Dolecki. Once I see her, I sigh heavily and rub my eyes. They aren't here. They were never here. They're gone. But she's here. She's real. She's mine.

Before I can lay back down, I can hear her mumbling. She starts fidgeting a lot. So much so that it begins to look like she's running from someone...or something. I lean over and brush some of the hair out of her face, careful not to wake her, before speaking softly.

Me: It's okay, Skye. I got you.

Important thing about shit like this: never wake 'em up. Night terrors are a bitch, but she's gotta ride this one out. All I can do is talk to her softly and hope my voice can pull her out of whatever's scaring her. I lay back down at an angle, reach over, and gently pull her head and most of her body onto my chest. I hug her and plant a kiss on the top of her head and continue whispering.

Me: I got you, Skye. You're okay. You're okay.

Skye stops fidgeting after a few minutes and relaxes. I lay there with her on me and look down at her, my mind calming down from the nightmare at the sight of her sleeping body.

I let my mind wander onto weirder thoughts like how would we have sex. I mean obviously I know how we would, but like literally how. I'm way taller than her and I weigh more. Would she have to be on top all the time? Would she be able to kiss me and be on top at the same time? Would I be able to be on top without squeezing the air out of her? I doubt she's into that. Y'know, thoughts like that.

Before I know it, it's 5:30 AM and I'm still half awake. Great. Fortunately, I just have a taping to record tomorrow. Then I'm done with work for the week. Not sure what I'll do during that whole time but I'll figure something out.

Saturday Morning

Skye wakes up and lifts her head to look at me. She smiles at me and kisses my cheek, then sits up on the edge of the bed. She's only wearing a pair of short black shorts and a black sports bra. I know, we're a real colorful couple. Very vibrant. As she gets up and wanders around to get ready for the day, I watch. Damn she's beautiful. What's she want me for?

Skye, smiling: What?

I guess I was looking at her too long. She's halfway turned around, the shorts not covering her ass all the way. Her toned body is definitely a sight to behold. I smirk and shake my head.

Me: Nothin', darlin'. Just wonderin' why you chose me.

Skye: So I could finally get things off the top shelf.

She giggles. I chuckle a little and look down a little. Skye walks over to me and sits down on my lap straddling me again.

Skye: The real question is why did you choose me?

Me: So I wouldn't have to bend over to pick stuff up anymore.

Skye, smiling: So you want me to bend over to pick stuff up for you?

Me: The sight of you bending over is definitely better than hearin' my big ass sayin' "aw fuck, my back".

She laughs and carries on getting ready for the day. I get up and follow along, getting ready for everything I've got to do today.

Skye: What's on the agenda for the Lord of Hellfire?

She asks from the bathroom. I change my clothes while she can't see me and answer her question as best I can.

Me: I gotta head to Connecticut at some point this weekend.

Skye: What for?

Me: Taping. Then I'm done for the week.

Skye: What're your plans for the rest of the week?

Me: I don't know. Thought about visiting some people, but they're back south side.

Skye: Like who?

Me: Siblings. Maybe Don's in town. Thought about taking you on an actual date.

Skye: And?

Me: You haven't said yes yet.

I feel a hair tie hit my back. She's a good shot. I turn around to see her brushing her teeth with a mischievous grin.

Me: I'll take that as a yes.

She nods and goes back into the bathroom. I hear the sink run for a bit, then it shuts off and the sound of fast-approaching footsteps echo in the room. Before I know it, there's a 5'2" woman with her arms and legs wrapped around me in a giant hug.

Skye: Where're we goin'?

Me: Wherever you want.

Skye, making a thinking face: Well first, I wanna go with you to the thing you're shooting.

Me: I'm sure they won't mind. You probably won't see much though.

Skye: And next...

I can feel her let go of me and reach behind her. She fidgets around for a second, then holds her phone in front of Caleb. On the phone screen, there is a poster for a Slaughter to Prevail show coming to Tennessee. They're joined by Lorna Shore and Spiritbox.

Me: Sweet! Courtney and Will are gonna be there too.

Skye: What?

Me: Will Ramos is the singer for Lorna Shore and Courtney LaPlante is the singer for Spiritbox. They're chill.

Skye: How do you know all these people?

Me: Mutual friends and smaller metal shows. You'd be amazed at some of the people you run into in bathrooms at those things.

I can feel and hear her laugh as she stays on my back. She gives me a good squeeze, then hops down and I turn to look at her. Skye rubs my arm and looks at it like she's trying to solve a puzzle.

Me: Problem?

Skye: No. No problem. Just thinking.

Me, raising an eyebrow: About my arm?

Skye: No, silly. About tattoos. How come you don't have your arms tatted up?

Me: 'Cause Kane didn't.

Skye: You could always change the attire to hide it. He wore sleeves before. You could cover the tatts with sleeves.

Me:.....Not a bad plan. Problem is all attire changes are part of the overall story of Maddox.

Skye: Which part are we in now?

Me: We're still building up to who he really is.

Skye: By attacking AEW?

Me: He never said he wants to attack all of AEW. He said there are guilty souls in AEW that require punishing.

Skye: Sounds to me like he wants a war.

Me: He does, but not with everyone. If all goes well, it'll be one of the best storylines in wrestling.

Skye: And if it doesn't?

I sigh and smile a little.

Me: I'll reenlist.

She looks at me like I said the dumbest, most serious thing ever. Her eyes are slightly widened and her mouth is hanging open a little.

Skye: You're joking...

Me, laughing: Yes, I'm joking. This story'll be good. It's been goin' since 1990 and I'm not about to ruin several legacies in one go.

Skye's face turns back into a smile and sighs a huge sigh of relief. I look at her with somewhat amusement.

Me: Is there a problem with reenlisting?

Skye: I wouldn't be thrilled about it.

Me: Noted. Ready for the drive?

She nods, so we pack up all of our shit and head out to the rental car. On our way out, we pass by...Julia? She's sitting alone and silently sobbing. Skye and I both go over to her. Skye crouches down in front of her and I kneel down beside her. By the way, it really hurts to do on wooden floors like this.

Skye: Jules? You okay?

She sniffles and shakes her head. Her phone is in her lap and it's a picture of her and her husband. Or not husband. Dammit, Daddy Ass got me all confused now!

Me: He bailed before the wedding, didn't he?

She sobs more and manages to nod a few times. I ignore the pain kneeling on the floor is causing me and reach my arm out. I gently grab her shoulder to try and comfort her. Meanwhile, Skye looks at me and nods her head to the side. I stand up and follow Skye to a spot away from where Julia can hear us.

Me: What's up?

Skye: Let's take her with us.

Me: What?

Skye: Take her with us. She's stuck here in a hotel where she's very likely to run into him again. She needs space away from all this.

Me: Don't you think bein' stuck with a couple for an extended road-trip will make her more miserable?

Skye: Babe, we're her friends. Anna is home, Tay and Sammy are too. Who else is she going to be with?

I stay silent. I'm not opposed to taking her with us. At the same time, the trip was supposed to be just me and Skye. Before she can make another argument, I straighten up and walk over to Julia.

Me: Your bags packed?

She stares up at me still teary-eyed. Fuck. That look hurts, man. Can't stand when women cry. Whoever her husband/not husband is, fuck you dude.

Julia: W-What?

Her breath is shaky from the crying. Seriously, who could do this to a woman? This is fucked up. If she was crazy, that'd be different. And by crazy I mean fuckin' looney bin psycho. But Julia isn't. She's one of the best people I know.

Me: You're comin' with me and Skye. It'll be fun. Your bags packed?

Julia: Uhhh y-yeah. Yeah, they are.

Me: Great. Let's go. I'll grab 'em for you.

Julia: And if I don't want to?

Me: Do you want to?


Me: Then come on. Let's go.

I say before reaching my hand down to her. She looks up at me, then takes my hand and stands up. Julia wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. I look over at Skye, who just smiles back at me. I pat Julia's back and take her room key, then head for the elevator. Skye and Julia stay in the lobby while I head up to Hart's room.

Julia's POV

I watch as Caleb leaves, then turn my attention to Skye. I break down almost immediately, tears blinding my vision. We embrace and she does her best to comfort me.

Me, through sobs: W-Why di-did you w-want me t-to come with y-you guys?

Skye, smiling slightly: Because we can't leave you like this, Jules.

Me: B-But I'll just bring everyone down.

Skye: With Caleb around, I highly doubt it. He turns everything around.

Me: Skye, you don't know that.

Skye: He drove across the country to come see me wrestle live, he's apparently the one to call to get rid of bar creeps, he's taking me to a taping he's doing so I don't have to wait here alone until my next event, he's also carrying all of your bags at once to make sure you don't feel shitty.

I turn my head and look down. She's right. I know she's right. For some reason, part of me really wanted to lash out.

Me, softly: Sorry Skye.

Skye, smirking: I know. It's going to be okay, Julia. Now let's get going.

As she says that, I see a hulking figure walk by me carrying several bags. It's Caleb. How is he so fucking strong? Seriously, is he bench pressing bulls or something? As I look up at him in amazement, I feel a pair of eyes on me. I look and it's Skye who is looking at me with a grin. She motions for me to come on with her head, so I follow them out to the car. What am I getting myself into? I don't even know where we're going, but inside I know it doesn't matter. Going with them is my safest bet.

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