We Want War

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Monday Night RAW

Caleb arrives to the arena early. He has a small smile, but he doesn't feel that happy on the inside. Earlier that day, he had to take his new girlfriend to the airport. Neither of them wanted to be separated so soon, but she had to go visit family and he had to stay in town and work. His smile becomes wider when he feels his phone buzzing and looks to see Skye FaceTiming him.

Skye: Hey babe!

Caleb: Babe?

Skye: Yeah. Why? You don't like it?

Caleb: I do. Just didn't know we were calling each other nicknames.

Skye: That's all you go by. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person that consistently calls you Caleb.

Caleb: That's...a good point actually. So, babe, how was your flight?

He asks, secretly enjoying the feeling of being able to call someone that, especially since it's Skye he gets to call babe.

Skye: It was okay. I'm on the way home now.

Caleb: What're plans for today?

Skye: My wifey's coming over at some point. Then I guess we'll watch RAW together.

Caleb: Who?

Skye: Oh, right. Sorry. Queen Aminata is my best friend.

Caleb: Gotcha. She's comin' to watch RAW with you?

Skye: Of course. She'd never miss seeing my new boyfriend in action.

Caleb: You tell her who I am?

Skye, smirking: I thought I'd take a page out of your book.

Caleb, proudly: You didn't tell her.

Skye: Of course not. I haven't told anyone. If they find out, they find out. If they don't, they don't.

Caleb: Wish I could say the same.

Numerous Female Voices: YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!?!!?!

Caleb: Shit.

He says quietly as he looks up to see Gionna Daddio (Liv Morgan), Cathy Kelley, and Samantha Johnson (Samantha Irvin) looking at him with shocked expressions on their faces.

Skye, giggling: What was that?

Caleb, sighing: The aftermath. Demi posted that video of us.

Skye: What video?

Gionna: Oh my gosh, is that her!?

Cathy: Are you talking to her right now!?

Skye laughs over the phone as Caleb looks back down and does a small, fake laugh. He makes his voice lighter and higher pitched.

Caleb: Hehe, I'm in danger.

Samantha: He is talking to her.

Caleb: Gotta go-

Gionna: I don't think so!

She shouts while snatching the phone from him. She holds the phone in front of her and smiles. Gionna takes one look at the phone, then looks back at Caleb.

Gionna: TJ! You're dating Skye freakin' Blue!?!

Caleb: I didn't know her and Colby had the same middle name.

Gionna: Not funny! Anyway, hi Skye. I'm not sure if you remember, but my name's Gionna. It's great to see the big guy happy now.

Cathy: Stop hogging the phone, Morgan.

She says and tries to snatch the phone away. In the midst of them doing that, Caleb hits the back of the phone. The hit sends it flying up out of their hands. He catches it and waves it a little.

Caleb: Sorry, dudes, but my lady an' I got shit to talk about.

He says before turning around. As he walks away, the three women try to follow him. Little did they know, he knew what they were up to until he sighs and speaks.

Caleb: Privately.

The three women stop and turn away while Caleb and Skye laugh.

Skye: They're very...

Caleb: Energetic?

Skye: Yes.

Caleb: You don't like crowds, do you?

Skye: Nope. I'm incredibly claustrophobic. I've gotten better since I've gotten older. I'm still shy though.

Caleb: You weren't around me.

Skye: You're joking, right? I had to force myself to talk to you when we first met.

Caleb: I didn't really notice. I was too busy trying to keep myself from blurting out something stupid.

Skye: It worked. Oh, we're pulling up now. I gotta take my bags inside.

Caleb: Alright. Bye, babe.

Skye: Bye, babe!

The call ends and Caleb stops walking down the hall. He puts his phone in his pocket, then looks up to find the Anoa'i family all looking at him with smiles.

Caleb: Like y'all didn't already know.

They laugh and pat him on the back. They all start discussing plans for tonight and head to the locker room to prepare for the show.

Timeskip, With Skye

Skye: Did I miss anything?

She asks as she makes her way to the couch where her parents and Aminata. The latter decides to take a quick picture before RAW starts and posts it with the caption "time to see this mystery man in action".

Skye is shown on her phone in the picture for a reason. She was in the middle of texting the "mystery man", wishing him luck before he has to go out.

Aminata: Is this the first time you've seen him work?

Skye: As a fan? Yes.

Aminata: Who is he? What're we looking for?

Skye: Believe me, you'll know. You can't miss him.

She says with a smirk. She knows that Caleb would be proud of her answer if he were in the room. Her phone buzzes and she looks down to see a text from him.

♥️Caleb🖤: Getting ready. I'll text you later.

Skye: Okay, babe. Good luck!

With Caleb

He's currently standing in a dimly lit room alone, completely dressed and ready for the show. Caleb enters his dark state of mind, pictures of Skye running through his brain making it difficult to do so. That is until he remembers the anger he felt when he confronted the man who drugged her at the bar.

Seeing Skye become loopy and defenseless, the guy's nonchalant attitude toward what he was doing and what he was about to do, it all becomes too much. The fire rises in his soul eliminating the shadows of despair and replacing them with the overwhelming carnage that comes from bottled-up anger.

He stands up and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him. Then, he heads to the gorilla and waits for his cue.

Monday Night RAW

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Triple H walks down to the ring and stands in the center. He has a large smile plastered on his face as he looks out at the WWE Universe. In one hand, he holds a mic and a clipboard with several papers on it in the other.

With Skye

Aminata: It's not him, right?

Skye: What!? No! Just watch.

Aminata, laughing: Just making sure.


Hunter: Thank you! Thank you very much!

The crowd dies down and he's able to speak clearly without having to raise his voice.

Hunter: Thank you. Just like I predicted, WWE walked away from Forbidden Door victorious.

The crowd cheers loudly. He waits for them to quiet down before speaking again.

Hunter: In my hand...in my hand, I hold a contract signed by Tony Khan that will allow superstars from the other company to appear on the other's shows. The only thing it's missing is my signature.

The crowd all reacts to this news very excitedly. They cheer and shout in anticipation at the prospect of WWE and AEW doing more shows together.

With Skye

Skye, mumbling: So that's what he meant...


Hunter: But why would I sign anything like that? It's clearly a document drawn up to try and get back at us for winning.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Seth Freakin' Rollins dances out onto the stage for a minute, then cuts the music. The crowd sings his theme song for a moment until finally letting him speak while he walks down to the ring.

Seth: Excuse me, boss, but I couldn't help but notice you said we won.

He says as he enters the ring. Seth stands across from Hunter, his eyes covered by yet another pair of silly-looking sunglasses that somehow matches the odd ensemble that is his gear.

Seth: We didn't win, Hunter. We got lucky.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns and the Wise Man Paul Heyman walk down to the ring in their usual slow-paced manner. When they get in the ring, Roman addresses the WWE Universe first.

Roman: San Antonio...ACKNOWLEDGE ME!

He shouts and a sea of arms stretch up with one finger pointing upwards. Roman looks on satisfied with the response, then turns his attention to Seth and Hunter.

Roman: Y'know, for once, I gotta agree with Seth here. We didn't win...I won.

Seth: Really? You won?

Roman: You're damn right the Tribal Chief won, son. At Forbidden Door, I beat Kenny Omega to give WWE the point it needed to win. What about you, Seth? What'd you do? Oh, that's right. You lost.

He says getting in his former teammate's face. The two stare each other down for a minute before another theme hits.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Judgment Day all walk down the ramp and enter the ring. Rhea holds a mic to her lips and adds her own problems to the mix.

Rhea: At Forbidden Door, a lot of us, myself included, were cheated out of our matches. AEW didn't play fair and they need to pay.

Hunter: Woah woah woah. I don't really see what the big deal is here, guys. We won, they lost. That's all that matters.

Damian: No. It isn't. They didn't respect us.

Seth: They didn't...acknowledge...us.

Roman, turning to him: What'd you say?

Seth: You heard me. You think just 'cause you beat one of their top stars once that they'll acknowledge you? They don't give a damn about us. They cheated and stole the points they earned.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Gunther and the rest of Imperium make their way down to the ring to voice their opinions over what happened at Forbidden Door.

Ludwig: Ladies and gentlemen, please notice that the only ones complaining about AEW are the ones who lost to AEW.

The crowd boos, clearly siding with Seth and the Judgment Day. After all, who wouldn't want to see more AEW vs WWE matches?

Ludwig: Perhaps if you just fought harder, you could've come out as victors, but you did not fight as hard as the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

With Skye

As the pyro goes off on the stage, Aminata, Skye, and her family all jump in surprise. The theme begins to play and Skye smirks knowing her boyfriend is about to kick some ass. She doesn't know whose asses are going to get kicked, but she knows it won't be pretty. The knowledge of Maddox actually being Caleb begins to fade from her mind as she watches the Dark Disciple of the Undertaker appear on screen.


Maddox stomps down to the ring with a purpose. He steps up onto the apron and over the top rope. The Evil Angel of WWE steps forward and holds his hand out towards Ludwig. The man looks at the hand, then back up at Maddox and hands him the mic.

Maddox: Sign that contract or I will make your life a living hell.

He says pointing at Triple H, completely invalidating Ludwig Kaiser's argument of only the losers think they should face AEW again.

Hunter: You think you scare me? Huh? I've dealt with your father and I've dealt with your mentor. Hell, I'm the reason your daddy showed his face.

Maddox: You've never dealt with me.

With Skye

The crowd pops for Maddox as he threatens Hunter. The whole time, her mind is conflicted. The wrestler part of her is enjoying watching her boyfriend work. The fan side of her is intrigued by the situation they're in. Tony never mentioned continuing the AEW/WWE partnership. Are they really going to make this more than just a one-time thing. Before she can think about it for too long, her mom interrupts her thoughts.

Skye's Mom: Is your boyfriend in the ring?

Aminata: She knows who your boyfriend is?

Skye's Mom, eyes widening: You actually have a boyfriend!? When we talked yesterday, you said you didn't have one!

Skye's Dad: Of course she has one. She was talking to him on our way from the airport.

Skye's Mom: What!?! Skylar, who is it? Was it that man from yesterday?

Aminata: What man from yesterday?

Skye's Mom: The one that saved her from the creep at the bar.

Skye's Dad/Aminata: What creep?

Skye sighs, then explains the story to everyone. She tells them how she was drugged, how Caleb stormed in and stopped the guy, and how he carried her to safety. She made sure to include the breakfast he cooked for her the next morning.

Aminata: Awwwww. He got in a fight to protect you?

Skye: It wasn't a fight. He punched the guy, the guy didn't get back up.

She explains with a sigh, her eyes widening afterward as she realizes she responded just like Caleb. They haven't been together for more than two days and he's already rubbing off on her.

Skye's Dad: I like him.

Aminata: What's he look like?

Skye's Mom: Like the Undertaker.

Aminata: Really!? Skye, you hate horror stuff. The only thing you watch close to horror is Scooby Doo!

Skye laughs a little and rubs her arm nervously. She looks back up at the tv and continues watching the segment while trying to answer their questions with vague answers.


Maddox: The souls of those in AEW need to be punished and you, nor anybody else, can stop the Punisher of Wayward Souls from collecting his prize.

Hunter: I've stopped your family before. I know what it takes to do so. Hell I forced your dad to work for me. I'm not afraid of you or your family.

Maddox: You should be. Sign the contract or I'll show you why every mortal soul fears the Family of Destruction.

With that, he drops the mic and walks over to the ropes. Then, he flips over them backwards and lands on the outside on this feet. Soon, the Judgment Day follows him out. Then Imperium, followed by Roman and then by Seth.

With Skye

After the segment's done, she feels her phone vibrating. She looks down and sees the color ID: ♥️Caleb🖤. Skye looks around at her family and her best friend, goes to her bedroom, and answers it.

Skye: Hey babe! You got a little something on your face still.

Caleb: I do? Oh shit, my bad.

He says before peeling the mask off. He's currently walking through the backstage area and heading back to the dimly lit room he gets ready in.

Skye: Family's all here. So's Aminata. They keep asking for me to tell them who you are.

Skye's Mom: I know who he is!

Skye's Dad: No you don't. I know who he is.

Skye's Mom: We're thinking of the same person.

Skye: Sorry about that.

Caleb: It's all good. Wanna show 'em who I am?

Skye: Not now. What're you getting ready for now?

Caleb: Backstage segments. What'd you think?

Skye: You did great.

Caleb: I know that. I meant about the new gear.

He does a small spin to show her the back. Skye checks him out while he isn't looking and bites her lip.

Skye: Looks great. I love the back.

Caleb: You were lookin' at my ass, weren't you?

Skye: No, not just your ass.

Caleb, raising an eyebrow: Oh? And what else were you checking out?

Skye: Do me a favor. Turn around and flex your arms.

Caleb, turning around: Alright.

He flexes his arms, his muscles on his back showing even more as he flexes. He laughs as he turns back around.

Caleb: Gun show's what does it for you?

Skye: Yep.

Caleb: I can pull the straps down. That way you can keep watching RAW while I'm still on the phone without anyone recognizing me.

Skye: Okay!

She says almost a little too excitedly at the prospect of seeing him shirtless again. He laughs and shakes his head, then lowers the straps, pulling the top down to reveal his torso completely. While doing so, he takes a look at her room from what all he's able to see.

Caleb: Is that a Christmas tree?

Skye: Yep. I leave it up all year as my light. Oh shit, it's off. Hang on.

She props the phone up and walks over to turn the Christmas tree on. While she's doing that, she inadvertently hits Caleb with his biggest weakness. It's the one clothing item that women have that can drive him insane.

Caleb: Holy shit, babe.

Skye, looking over her shoulder: What?

Caleb: Daisy Dukes. My weakness.

He says while feigning pain. She laughs and turns the tree on, then comes back over to the phone.

Skye: You like shorts like that?

Caleb: I have no clue why, but yes. Yes, I do.

Skye: Noted. Do I need to model mine for you?

She turns her butt to face him a little with a smirk. He smiles and shakes his head.

Caleb: Nah, you're good.

Skye, laughing: Okay. Ready?

Caleb: Are you?

Skye: Honestly, no. I'm scared.

Caleb: We can take it a little slow. I'm sure I'll meet 'em at some point, but if you're having doubts about it, I'll wait.

Skye: You will? How do you feel about it?

Caleb: Well I accidentally met your mom without a shirt on. As long as I've got pants on when I meet your dad, I'll call it a win.

Skye, laughing: So you're seriously not worried?

Caleb: Of course I am. Fuckin' terrified, man. I'm still runnin' on a bit of an adrenaline high from the crowd, so I wouldn't exactly say I'm thinkin' straight.

Skye: We'll wait. I'm going to go watch RAW with them. Still text me?

Caleb: You got it.

Skye: Thanks. Bye!

Caleb, smirking: Bye, Skye.

With Caleb

He readjusts his attire and shakes his head, then leaves the room he's in. Caleb goes to join the Bloodline's table, sitting between the Undisputed Universal Champion Joe (Roman Reigns) and Paul Heyman. Before he takes his seat, he sighs.

Caleb: I'm startin' to think she just wanted to see me without my shirt on.

Joe: What?

Caleb, sitting down: Don't worry about it.

Joe: You and this girl. Who is she?

Paul: Skye Blue. One of the AEW girls.

Caleb and Joe both look at Paul with a mixture of shock and confusion. Paul shrugs.

Paul: What? I like to keep up with social media.

The two wrestlers shake their heads and laugh as RAW continues.


Maddox is warming up backstage when he's approached by Judgment Day's leader Damian Priest.

Damian: Hey, man. Thanks for siding with us out there. Look, you, me, Seth, the rest of the Judgment Day, we want war. I know you and I know you're planning something. Whatever it is, just know you've got the Judgment Day behind you. After all, that's what family's for.

He offers the big man a fist bump. Maddox looks down at the fist, then back at Damian. Then, he does something completely unprecedented for his character and reciprocates the fist bump. Damian smiles a little and walks off while Maddox plans his next move.


The Game is sitting in his office when there's a knock on the door. He shakes his head and shouts.

Hunter: Busy.

A referee and several other WWE officials, including Adam Pearce, barge into his office. Hunter stands up and starts yelling.

Hunter: What the hell are you doing!?!

Adam: Sorry, sir, but you really need to see this.

Hunter: This better be important.

Adam: It is, sir.

The two join the rest of the officials and go out to the parking area. There, they find the emergency. Maddox has Shawn Michaels on top of the production trailer, his gloved hand wrapped firmly around the throat of Mr. WrestleMania.

Hunter: Put him down, now!

Maddox: Until you sign the contract, I will take everything you hold dear, starting with Mr. Michaels.

Adam: Put him down or we will come up there!

Maddox, laughing evilly: More lambs to the slaughter. How many will it take, Hunter?

Hunter: You think this'll change anything!? I'm never going to sign that contract!!

Maddox looks down at Hunter, then back at Shawn. He pulls HBK closer to him and flips him upside down. The Dark Disciple stares into Hunter's eyes as he drives Michaels' head into the top of the trailer with a Tombstone Piledriver.

With Skye

Aminata: Your boyfriend's the one in the mask, isn't he?

Skye: What!? What makes you think that!?

Aminata: The way you lean in every time he's on screen. Anytime it's not showing him or the Judgment Day, you only half pay attention.

Skye: They're the only ones with good storylines right now. Damian called Maddox family and Shawn freakin' Michaels just got Tombstoned onto a trailer!

Her friend doesn't buy it and leans forward. Then, she whispers in Skye's ear.

Aminata: You can tell me. I won't tell anyone. Is that your boyfriend?

Skye doesn't say anything. Instead, she feels her cheeks begin to heat and flush red. She turns her head out of embarrassment and Aminata laughs.

Aminata: I knew it!

Skye's Mom: Knew what?

Aminata: The masked guy is Skye's boyfriend!

Skye: You promised!

Aminata, shrugging and smiling: I lied.

Skye, smiling wickedly: So did I.

Aminata: Y-You did?

She asks as her celebration is cut short. Before she gets an answer, Skye's phone buzzes.

♥️Caleb🖤: Hey babe. We're wrapping up now. All that's left is Cody's promo.

Skye: Shhhh. Cody's about to cut a promo.

Skye's Mom: His name's Cody?

Skye: What? No, I'm talking about Rhodes. Cody Rhodes.


Cody: This past Saturday, I'm sure all of you noticed my absence and I apologize for that. See, I couldn't choose whose side I was going to join. On one hand, WWE always took great care of my dad and they've taken really great care of me. On the other, AEW is my baby and my wife and brother are currently over there as well.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

CM Punk: Let me stop you right there!

He shouts. CM Punk walks down to the ring with a mic in hand.

CM Punk: You're telling me you can't pick between the company that you, your wife, and your brother helped build, the company you started, the company you've bled for...or the company that keeps sending you all the way to the top just to watch you fall down again?

Punk's words hit Cody hard. Everything he said is true. Cody's been trying to "finish the story" for years now and has had no luck. Every time he gets close, he always comes up short.

CM Punk: I know how you feel. I really do! WWE made us...but they also failed us, Cody. They haven't done us any favors and they never will. If you have half a brain, you'll do the right thing and side with your company.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Jey: Woah, woah, woah. Settle down, uce.

He says while getting in the ring. Jey stands next to CM Punk and looks at Cody.

Jey: Look, uce, I know how frustrated you are with this "story" thing, but if you turn your back on WWE, you're turnin' your back on all we worked for. We are the main event! We are the ones building this company up! If Hunter signs that contract and you go back to AEW, you're the enemy. You won't just be any enemy. You'll be my enemy, uce.

Cody stands in the ring and stares at the mat. It's clear that both men have gotten to him. They're both right. How is he supposed to choose? Instead of answering them, Cody stands in the ring until both men leave. Before leaving, CM Punk tells Cody to "do the right thing" while Jey shakes his head and says "stick with us, uce. It'll be all worth it." RAW goes off air with Cody standing alone in the center of the ring, facing the single most important decision of his entire professional wrestling career.

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