Chapter 1

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Skye's POV:

I am SUPER excited today! I am in charge of getting the groceries! Now I realize it doesn't seem like much, but this means that I can sneak in Oreos, candy, and Goldfish! Most of the time May is in charge of the groceries, and she only gets gross healthy stuff like brussel sprouts. I hate brussel sprouts. In my opinion they are pure evil!

I enter the store with the list Coulson gave me. Pretty soon my cart is full of sandwich supplies, vegetables, fruit, and basic cooking ingredients, such as flour, and baking soda.

As soon as I have everything on Coulson's list, I make my way down to the snack isle.

I am about to grab the Oreos when I feel a pinch on the back of my neck. Before I can turn around to see what it was, everything goes black.

(12 hours later)

I feel very light headed. I struggle to remember what happened when I realize....... I am not in the groceries store anymore.

I sit up and take a good look at my surroundings. I am sitting on a bed in a small room. It is not a cell, but more of a bedroom that you would expect to see in a small house. The walls are painted with a light blue color. There are no windows, but there are three doors. I stand up to see where they lead.

The first one I try is locked. I am assuming that's the door to exit the room. The second door is a closet. I am about to close the door, but somthing catches my attention. Inside the closet are all of my clothes and shoes. This is getting creepy. I quickly close that door and make my way to the third door. This one leads into a bathroom. The bathroom has all of my things in it as well. My hair bush, toothbrush, toothpaste, makeup, and everything else I had on the Bus. Other than that, the bathroom has a sink, a toilet, and a bathtub mixed with a shower.

Once I am out of that room I look at the bedroom a little longer. There is a nightstand with a lamp and clock on it, sitting right next to the bed. The bed has light blue covers that match the walls. On the other side of the room there is a desk. The desk has a couple of pencils and pens, along with a few sheets of paper.

This is just weird. Whoever "kidnapped" me has managed to get their hands on all of my personal belongings. They also, apparently don't want me to suffer, being as the room is much nicer than my bunk on the Bus.

Just as I am thinking this, I hear the door unlock, and a man steps in. I can't believe my eyes

It is Ward.


I think it was pretty obvious it was going to be him. 😂

Anyways, comment what you think! 😄

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