Chapter 16

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Skye's POV:

I hate to admit this, but I actually feel kind of bad for turning down Ward. I could tell he really wanted to do something with me.

He left my my room only a few minuets ago, so maybe I should run and tell him that I would like to watch a movie.

I open the door and walk into the kitchen.

Ward is just sitting there with his face buried in his hands.

"W..Ward?" I whisper while tapping him gently on the shoulder.

He quickly looks up at me.

"Oh, hi Skye!" He says.

He seems very happy to see me.

"Um....... so I was wondering if you still want to watch that movie?" I ask.

"YES!!!! Um....... I mean.... yeah, sure, let's do it." He says.

I hate to say it, but that was kind of

He grabs my hand and leads me to a door. The door leads to a stair well.

Soon we are in, what I think is the basement.

There is a big tv and two reclining chairs.

"This house is full of surprises!" I say.

"Yeah, it's a nice house. So what do you want to watch?" He asks.

I look through his stash of movies. One catches my attention.

"How about Jurassic Park?" I ask.

I really like that movie. It is older, so the graphics aren't super great, but it has a good story line.

"Sure! I love that movie." He responds.

He takes the movie from my hands and puts it into the player.

This is the first time since I have been here that I feel completely comfortable around Grant Ward.


Hello people!

Just so you know, I picked Jurassic Park because it is my favorite movie that isn't a Marvel movie!

Comment what you think! 😄

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