Chapter 20

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Skye's POV:

I fell asleep pretty quickly last night. I was thinking about Ward. I think it was cute how excited he got when I told him I would give him a chance.

I hear Ward knock on the door.

"Come in." I say.

"Good morning, Skye." He says softly.

"Hi." I reply.

He walks up to me. I am sitting on my bed, so he looks really tall.

"Are you ever going to take this stupid bracelet off of me?" I ask.

"No. If I do you might leave and I might die of a broken heart."

I can't hold his stare so I look down at my feet.

"I made breakfast." He says.

And he walk out the door.

It seemed like he got mad when I asked about the bracelet. It was like he thought I was asking to leave. I don't understand why he likes me.

I head to the kitchen. Ward is clearly waiting for me to get there before he starts eating. He smiles at me once he sees me.

"It is just eggs and toast." He says.

"Thank you." I reply.

"I hope you like scrambled eggs. That is the only way I know how to make them." He says.

"Scrambled eggs are good." I say.

We stay silent while we are eating. Once I am done, I put my dishes in the dishwasher, thank Ward for the meal, and walk back to my room.

(11 hours later)

I have been in my room for most if the day. I am trying to avoid Ward. I don't even know why I am trying to avoid him. I just don't really feel like talking to him.

Without warning Ward walks through the door.

"Skye, I need to talk to you." He says firmly.

"About what?" I ask.

"Meet me in the TV room, downstairs." He says.

With that, he leaves.

I wait a minuet to figure out what just happened before I get up and head downstairs.

I can't find Ward. He isn't down here.

I look on the table. There is a note next to a big white box.

The note says:

I have a surprise for you. Please put this on and go back to your room. I will not be there, but there will be a note on your bed giving you your next clue.

I put down the note and open the box.

I am breathless. Inside the box is a beautiful dark blue dress.


Hello people!

Sorry I haven't been updating the last few days. I have been busy with school.

Comment what you think! 😄

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