Chapter 23

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Skye's POV:

Ward is kissing me again!

I don't know why, but I am not fighting it. I am actually kissing him back.

Once we are done, I look at him. He has a huge smile spread across his face. I think I made him happy!

"Y-You aren't mad at me?" He asks.

"No. I liked it." I say with a smile on my face.

"REALLY?!??" He asks, excitedly.

I don't know why, but this makes me laugh. He just got so excited.

Now that I am laughing, Ward starts laughing to. Soon, Ward is cracking up on the floor. I try to stay in the couch, but I am laughing to hard. I fall directly on to Ward. Although I am on top of him, neither of us can seem to stop laughing.

(5 minutes later)

Both of us have calmed down now.

We sit back on the couch.

Without warning, Ward shifts me so that I am sitting on his lap.

I look at him. He looks so happy.

And, as if it was completely out of my control, I start kissing him.

I pull away after about five seconds, but he pulls me in closer, and starts kissing me again.

Eventually, we both pull away and look at each other.

"I love you, Rookie."

"I you too, Robot."


You have reached the end of this story!!!!!

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